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1、,2011-2012学年第一学期初三英语期末复习建议,2011-2012 学年第一学期 初三英语期末复习建议,期末考试功能定位:检测 导向 激励 期末考试范围:新目标九年级Unit 6Unit 10,U6-U10 语法项目,1. 定语从句: ( that who where)理解引导定语从句的构成形式及基本用法。 2. 动词不定式: 作宾语、状语、宾补、定语、主语 3. 被动语态: 结构、形式及基本用法。(掌握:一般现在时、一般过去时)(理解:一般将来时、含情态动词) 4. 过去完成时: 结构、形式及基本用法。 5. 词法:合成,派生,转化-P144,Language Goals,U 6 Ex

2、press preferences (偏爱)how to describe the things you like U 7 Talk about traveling and vacationshow to describe places youd like to visit U 8 Do volunteer work some phrasal verbs U9 Talk about the history of inventionspassive voice U10 Narrate past eventspast perfect tense,Sentence structures,Unit 6

3、 I like music that I can sing along with. I love singers who write their own music. Unit 7 I hope to Id love to Id like to go somewhere relaxing. I like places where the weather is always warm.,Unit 8 He looks sad. Lets cheer him up. We need to come up with some ideas. Unit 9 Who was the telephone i

4、nvented by? When was the telephone invented? What is the telephone used for? Unit 10 By the time I got up, my brother had already gotten in the shower.,复习内容,与话题相关句型Grammar Focus 常用短语和句型 链接中考 与话题相关的作文 结合试题类型的解题方法 专项练习,一、单元复习:1. 重点句型2. 重点短语3. 链接中考,Describe the music / persons you like,Unit 6 Target la

5、nguage,定语从句:关系词(that who) - Rosa likes music that is quiet and gentle. -What kind of music do you like? -I like music that I can sing along with. ( dance to ) -We prefer music that has great lyrics. -What kind of singers do you love? - I love singers who write their own music.,Key phrases,1.sing alo

6、ng with 2. dance to the music 3. on display 4. see sb. do sth. 5. taste sweet 6. take. to. 7. remind sb. of sth. 8. to be honest 9. stay away from 10. be good /bad for,伴随.歌唱 随音乐起舞 展出 看见某人做了某事 尝起来甜美 带.去. 使记起,想起 老实说,说实在的 远离 对有好处/坏处,链接中考,Its good/bad for对有好/害处e.g.多喝水对你的健康有好处。Drinking more water is good

7、 for your health.e.g.经常用MP3听音乐对听力不好。Its bad for your hearing to listen to music with Mp3 more often. one of +最高级+名词复数形式:表示之一e.g. Amy 是现代中国最著名的摄影师之一。Amy is one of the best-known Chinese photographers in the world today.,链接中考,3. someothers一些另一些e.g. 同学们正在上体育课.一些同学在踢足球,一些同 学在跑步。The students were having

8、PE class. Some are playing football, others are running. 4. make sb. do sth./ make sb. adj.让做某事 e.g. 妈妈让我尽快把屋子整理干净。My mother makes me clean the room as soon as possible. e.g. 这些音乐家能让我们开心。They are the musicians who make us happy.,Describe places,Unit 7 Target language,1. Where would you like to go on

9、 vacation?Id like to visit somewhere relaxing. 2. I like places where the people are really friendly. 3. I hope to go to France some dayI hope I /you can. 4. Why not consider visiting Paris. 5. Its convenient to take the underground,Key phrases,1. as soon as possible 2. quite a few 3. provide sb. wi

10、th sth. 4. hope to do 5. somewhere relaxing 6. thousands of 7. consider doing 8. be willing to do 9. dream of doing sth. 10. take it easy.,尽快地 相当多 为某人提供 希望做 放松的某个地方 成千上万 考虑做某事 乐意做 梦想做 放松,不紧张,链接中考,1.What about (doing) sth.?做 事怎么样呢?e.g. 明天是周末,去远足怎么样?It is Sunday tomorrow, how about going hiking . 2. W

11、hy not do? 为什么不呢?e.g.今晚我们何不多吃些炸马铃薯片?Why not eat more fried potato chips tonight?Why dont we do?e.g. 我们为什么不赶快去学校,要迟到了。Its going to be late, why dont we hurry to school?,链接中考,3.Would you like to ? 你愿意做?e.g. 你愿意把你的自行车借给我吗?Would you like to lend me your bike ?e.g. 我想要在字典里查新单词。I would like to look up som

12、e new words in the dictionary. 4. Let sb. do sth.? 让做什么事.e.g. 让我们讨论一下这个问题吧。Lets discuss the question !,Phrasal verbs,Unit 8 Target language,We / You could help coach a soccer team We need to come up with a plan. What do you like ?I like / love doing/ to do Id like to /plan to set up a volunteer proj

13、ect. What kind of volunteer work do you think I could do? Being a volunteer / Volunteering is great. Not only do I , but also I ,清扫/修理 鼓励 分发 捐赠 与相象/与相似 想出 推迟 通过付诸实施 结果发展解决困难 建立/张贴,Key phrases,1. clean up fix up 2. cheer up 3. give out / hand out 4. give away 5. take after sb./be similar to 6. come u

14、p with /think up 7. put off 8. put into good use by 9. work out help out 10. set up put up,链接中考,1. Not onlybut also 不仅而且e.g. 不仅孩子们就连家长们也喜欢看动画片。Not only children but also parents like watching cartoons.2. spendon (in) doing sth. 在方面花费e.g. 他把大部分钱都花在买书上了。He spends most of his money on books. He spends

15、most of his money buying books.,链接中考,3. ask/tell sb. (not) to do sth.请告诉做/不做某事e.g. 老师经常告诉我要更加努力地学习。The teacher often tells me to study harder.e.g. 同学们叫我去打篮球。My classmates asked me to play basketball. 4. thanks for doing sth? 因做而感谢e.g. 谢谢你帮我解决了困难。Thank you for helping me out !,Passive Voice,Unit 9 Target language,A: When was/ were invented? B: It was/They were invented . A: Who was/ were invented by? B: It was/ They were invented by sb. A: What is/ are used for? B: It is/ They are used for ( doing ) sth.,


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