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1、Section A,1. Its +数字+ 单位 + 形容词(long, wide, high, tall, deep). The river is 3 meters d_.单位: _(米); _千米; _ _平方米; _ _平方千米 2.提问 How high ? How long? How deep? 3. by _(do) 通过 4. (1)_人口数量 用big, small 修饰 (2)提问 _the _ _China? (3)The _of China _(be)about 1.4 billion. (4)70% of the _in the city _(be)old people

2、. 5.feel free _(do) 随便,6. _令人惊讶的(修饰物)_修饰人 be amazed at be amazed _(do) 7. _(古代的) emperors an _ (古老的) city 8. be _(do) 表目的 The main reason was _(protect) 9. as _as I _ 据我所知 10. _(人造的) _(物品) 11. _保护 protect sb. from sth./_(do) 12. run _延伸,13. _, _, _, _东西南北 in the _ of China 在中国东部 southeast 东南 southwe

3、st 西南 northeast 东北 northwest 西北 _, _, _, _ 东西南北方的 in the _ part of China 在中国东部 southeastern; southwestern; northeastern; northwestern; 15. Its dangerous _(climb). 16. _clouds 厚的、浓的,17. (1)include 包含;包括(动词) The price(价格) _ breakfast. include + _(do) (2) _(介词,包括在内) Many boys like playing soccer, _me.

4、18. freezing weather _(条件) 19. _ _(吸入) air 20. the first people _(reach) the top 21.succeed 动词,成功 succeed in _(do) _成功的; 成功地_ 22. One of the main_(原因) _(be),23. _ _ _ _difficulties 面对困难 24. _(挑战) (1)名词(可数)a challenge _(do) a challenge of _(do) a challenge _sb (2) 动词 challenge sb. ; challenge to do 2

5、5. give up _(do) 放弃 26. _our dreams 实现梦想 dreams _ _梦想实现 27. achieve - _(成就;名词) 28. the _of _自然的力量 29. force 名,力量; 动词,强迫 force sb. _(do),29. _ _ 尽管(转折) 30. the _ _ 太平洋,Section B,1. _动词,重量是. _名词,重量. Jim is 70 kilos in _. Jim _70 kilos. 2. 倍数(_两倍; _ _三倍) (1) A + be/动词 + 倍数+ as 原级 as B. (2) A + be/动词 倍数

6、 + 比较级 than B. 3. at _出生时; be _ 出生; 4.a baby panda ; an _(成年的)panda 5. live_ _ 活到 6. _调查,研究; _ _研究中心 do _ _ sth 做调查,7. _ _ 为做准备 8. _ 醒着的- _ 睡着的 9. He told me the news with _(名词,激动) 10. _ _ 撞到 _ _ 绊倒 11. be special _sb 12. a _of China 中国的一个象征 13. There be sb. _(do) 有某人在做 14. 300 _ _= _300 大约 15. _two

7、 years 每两年 16. die _死于 _(疾病) 17. cant find enough _(eat),18. _(濒危的) _(野生的) animals 19. _people _school (派某人去某地) _(tell) (目的) 20. the _(重要性)of _(save) 21. Chinese _中国政府 22. try hard _(help) _(save) 23. Scientists are doing _(做研究) _(understand) 24. Rules on whale _(保护). 25. Stop _(put) rubbish _ the sea.,



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