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1、Unit 4,Dont eat in class.Section A (1a1c),Period One,1、学习单词和短语rule, arrive, be on time, hall, hallway, dining hall, listen to, fight, 2、 Target Language日常交际用语: Dont eat in class! Can we wear hats?No,we cant. We dont have to wear a school uniform等。 3、祈使句和情态动词Can和have to的用法和培养学生运用所学句型谈论规则的能力,并培养学生遵守规则

2、的习惯,1,2,3,red,green,yellow,traffic lights,important 重要的,rules,Lead in,No rules, no world! 无以规矩,不成方圆。,keep the rules,=follow,school rules,class rules,family rules,library rules,遵守规则,校规,班规,break the rules,What rules do we have?,party rules,rules everywhere,家规,图书馆规章,We cant ,Warming- up,What rules do y

3、ou know at our school? 你知道你们学校有哪些校纪吗?,8:00 a.m.,arrive late for class= be late for class,Dont arrive late for school= Dont be late for school.,Can we arrive late for class?,No, we cant. We cant arrive late for class.,be on time,hallway,Dont run in the hallways.,run in the hallways,We can run outside

4、.,Where can we run?,We can run in the park.,eat in the classroom,Dont .,Where can we eat?,注意有the,kitchen,dining hall,drink,talk in class,But we can talk in the classroom.,Dont talk in class.,sleep in class,Dont sleep in class.,=We _in class.,cant sleep,注意无the,listen to music,Dont _ in class.,Where c

5、an we listen to music?,at home,in the hallways,注意无the,Can we fight?,fight,Dont fight.,No fighting.,wear a hat,Dont _ in class.,Can we wear a hat in class?,Can we play sports in the classroom?,No, we cant .,But we can play sports outside.,Dont play sports in the classroom.,play sports,What are the ru

6、les?,Dont call nicknames(绰号)!,We cant smoke .,Dont smoke.,Can we at school ?,No , we cant.,smoke,Its bad for your health.,= No smoking.,School Rules,Dont run in the hallways.,Dont arrive late for class.,Dont eat in the classroom.,Dont fight.,Dont listen to music in class.,1,3,4,5,4.Dont listen to mu

7、sic in class. 5.Dont fight.,2,1.Dont arrive late for class. You must be on time. 2.Dont run in the hallways. 3.Dont eat in the classrooms. You must eat in the dining hall.,1a,Which rules are these students breaking? Write the number of the rule next to the student.,2,3,1,Dont arrive late for class.上

8、课不要迟到。,考向一,【重点】,arrive late for与be late for的区别,Dont be late _class! We must be on time. (成都) A. for B. to C. in,典例,A,1,You must be on time.你一定要准时。,考向一,must为情态动词,意为“必须,一定”。情态动词不能单独作谓语动词,必须和动词原形一起构成谓语。 eg: You must read a book before you watch TV.在看电视前你必须读书。,(1)must modal verb 必须,The passengers _ show

9、 their ID cards before getting on the plane.(株洲) Amight Bmust Ccould,典例,B,【点拨】考查情态动词。might可能;must必须;could能,可以。句意:乘客在登机前必须出示他们的身份证。,2,考向二,must用于否定句时,mustnt意为“不允许,禁止”,而不表示“不必”。 eg: You mustnt be late for school.你千万不要上学迟到。,典例,Children _ sit in the front(前面) seat of a car. Its too dangerous(危险). Aneed B

10、neednt Cmust Dmustnt,D,【点拨】 考查情态动词。mustnt 表“禁止”。句意:孩子禁止坐在小汽车的前座上,那太危险了。,考向三,以must开头的一般疑问句,若作否定回答, 可以用neednt或dont have to,不用mustnt。 eg: Must I clean all the rooms?我必须打扫所有的房间吗?No,you neednt/dont have to. 不,你不必。,典例,Must I hand in(上交) my homework now,Mr. Smith? No, you _. (北京) Acant Bshouldnt Cwouldnt D

11、neednt,D,(2)on time意为“准时;按时”,指在规定的时刻发生。eg: We cant finish the work on time without his help.没有他的帮忙,我们不能按时完成工作。,考向,辨析on time与in time,魔法记忆,She didnt catch the bus in time,so she couldnt arrive there on time. 她没有及时赶上公共汽车,因此她不能准时到那里。,典例,The teachers hope all of us can hand _ our homework _ time every da

12、y. (黄石) Aup; in Bout; on Con; in Din; on,D,【点拨】考查介词的用法。hand in 上交;on time 按时;in time 及时。句意:老师希望我们所有人每天都能按时交作业。故选D。,Dont listen to music in class. 不要在课堂上听音乐。,考向一,listen to music意为“听音乐”,其中listen为不及物动词,其后接宾语时,要加介词to。eg: Listen!The girl is singing.听!那个女孩正在唱歌。Listen to the teacher carefully, please.请认真听老

13、师讲课。,3,辨析listen和hear,典例,We all _ the man carefully(仔细), but we cant _what he says. Alisten to; listen to Blisten to; hear Chear; listen to Dhear; hear,B,in class是固定短语,意为“在课上;上课时”, after class意为“在课下;下课后”。,辨析in class和in the class,考向二,拓展,有类似用法的还有: in hospital 住院 in the hospital 在医院里 at table 吃饭 at the

14、table 在桌子旁,Listen. What rules are these students breaking(违反)?Write the numbers after the names,2,3,4,1b,Lets repeat Ms Clark: Hey, Peter. You know the rules. Dont run in thehallways. Peter: Sorry, Ms Clark. Mr. Smith: Amy, dont eat in the classroom. You must eatin the dinning hall. Amy : Oh, sorry,

15、 Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith: Hey, Mike. Dont listen to music in class. Mike! Boy : He cant hear you, Mr. Smith.,Well, we cant run in the hallways.,What are the rules?,Well, we cant eat in the classroom. We must eat in the dinning hall.,Well, We cant fight.,Well, We cant listen to music in class.,Well, we

16、cant arrive late for class. We must be on time.,1.You must not break the (规定). 2.We cant make too much noise in the (大厅走廊). 3.We have to wear (运动鞋) for gym class. 4.He (步行) two kilometers to work every morning. 5.Please listen _ your teacher carefully in class. 6.Dont fight _ your friends. That makes the teacher very unhappy. 7.We cant _ late for class.,


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