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1、Happy Birthday!,Unit 8 When is your birthday?,New years Day Spring Festival Womens Day April fools Day Working Peoples Day Childrens Day Armys Day Teachers Day National Day Hallowmas Christmas,元旦 春节 妇女节 愚人节 劳动节 儿童节 建军节 教师节 国庆节 万圣节 圣诞节,-What day is today? -Its Monday. -Whats the date today? -Its Dece

2、mber 6th. (December the sixth),a calendar,months of the year,Ja,nua,ry,Fe,brua,ry,M,ar,ch,A,pril,May,June,July,Au,gust,Sep,tem,ber,Oc,to,ber,No,vem,ber,De,cem,ber,spring,Summer,Autumn,Winter,J A S O N-D,J-F-M-A-M-J,F, F, February. M, M, March and May. S, S, September. O, O, October. N, N, November.

3、D, D, December. A, A, April and August. J, J, January, June and July.,Lets chant!,Spring Festival (春节)is in _ or _. Tree Planting Day (植树节)is in _. Mothers Day is in _. National Day (国庆节)is in _. Teachers Day is in _.,January February,March,May,October,September,Christmas Day is in _. April Fools Da

4、y (愚人节)is in _. Childrens Day (儿童节) is in _. Students have summer holiday(暑假) in _ and _. Allhallows(万圣节) is in _.,December,April,June,June,July,November,_ is the 1st month of the year. _ is the 2nd month of the year. _is the 5th month of the year. August is the _ month of the year. October is the_

5、month of the year.,January,February,May,eighth,tenth,January is the first month of the year. January is the 1st month of the year.,May is the fifth month of the year. May is the 5th month of the year. _is the eighth/8th month of the year.,August,September is the month of the year.December is the _mo

6、nth of the year.,ninth/9th,twelfth/12th,first-1st second-2nd third-3rd fourth-4th fifth-5th sixth-6th seventh-7th eighth-8th ninth-9th tenth-10th,eleventh-11th twelfth-12th thirteenth-13th fourteenth-14th fifteenth-15th sixteenth-16th seventeenth-17th eighteenth-18th nineteenth-19th twentieth-20th,t

7、wenty-first(21st) twenty-second(22nd) twenty-third(23rd) twenty-fourth(24th) twenty-fifth(25th) twenty-sixth(26th) twenty-seventh(27th) twenty-eighth(28th) twenty-ninth(29th) thirtieth(30th) thirty-first(31st),基数词 序数词 序数词缩写 基数词 序数词 序数词缩写one first 1st sixteen sixteenth 16th two second 2nd seventeen s

8、eventeenth 17th three third 3rd eighteen eighteenth 18th four fourth 4th nineteen nineteenth 19th five fifth 5th twenty twentieth 20th six sixth 6th twenty-one twenty-first 21st seven seventh 7th twenty-two twenty-second 22nd eight eighth 8th twenty-three twenty-third 23rd nine ninth 9th twenty-four

9、 twenty-fourth 24th ten tenth 10th twenty-five twenty-fifth 25th eleven eleventh 11th twelve twelfth 12th thirty thirtieth 30th thirteen thirteenth 13th thirty-one thirty-first 31st fourteen fourteenth 14th forty fortieth 40th fifteen fifteenth 15th fifty fiftieth 50th,基数词变序数词顺口溜,二 三变字体, th从四上起. 怎么加

10、?真好记! 八加h,九减e 用f代ve,ty变为tie,1. September 2. February 3. ninth 4. fourteen 5. one thousand two hundred and ninety-nine,6. twelfth 7. twentieth 8. thirty-second 9. fifth 10. forty,November,22,写作:November 22nd/November 22 读作:November the twenty-second,Read the dates:,January the first,March the eighth,

11、August the second,September the tenth,July the third,February the twelfth,October the twentieth,December the twenty-fifth,-Whats the date? -Its ,8 月,6 月,9月,4 月,10月,1月,2,12,20,9,19,31,When is New years Day?,Its January 1st.,When is Womens Day?,Its March 8th.,When is Labours Day?,Its May 1st.,When is

12、Childrens Day?,Its June 1st.,When is Teachers Day?,Its September 10th.,When is Christmas Day?,Its December 25th.,When is New Years Day(元旦)? Its January 1st. When is Womens Day(妇女节)? It is March 8th. When is April Fools Day(愚人节)? Its April 1st. When is Working Peoples Day(劳动节)? Its May 1st. When is N

13、ational Day(国庆节)? Its October 1st. When is Christmas Day(圣诞节)? Its December 25th.,When is my birthday?,My birthday is March 8th.,When is National Day?,Its October 1st.,Its our countrys birthday.,Its in March.,A: When is your birthday? B: My birthday is March 8th. A: How old are you? B:,When is your birthday?How old are you?,February 1st May 3rd July 22nd August 15th,Name: Sally Age:7 Date Of Birth:March 21st,


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