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1、Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision 有效银行监管的核心原则,2,What are the Core Principles? 什么是核心原则?,The Core Principles are a set of supervisory guidelines or principles aimed at providing a general framework for effective banking supervision. They are intended for G-10 as well as non-G-10 countr

2、ies核心原则是旨在提供有效银行监管总体框架的一套监管指引或原则,该原则主要为十国集团设计,对其他国家也适用 To be used as a reference document by national supervisors and international institutions可供银行监管当局和国际金融机构参考 Contribution of the Basel Committee to the objective of “strengthening supervisory standards in emerging and developing countries”是巴塞尔委员会为

3、实现“强化新兴国家和发展中国家监管标准”目标而设计的,3,What the Core Principles are not 核心原则不是,A remedy for economic mismanagement经济管理不善的补救措施 A guarantee that no bank will fail银行不会倒闭的保证 A rigid set of standards 一套僵化的标准 A “quick fix” 一套能立竿见影的标准,4,The Core Principles cover a broad range of topics 核心原则涉及一系列问题,Preconditions for

4、effective banking supervision有效银行监管的先决条件 Licensing process and approval for changes in structure发照程序和结构变化的审批 Arrangements for ongoing banking supervision对银行实施持续监管的安排 Formal powers of supervisors 监管者享有的法定权力 Cross-border banking 跨境银行业,5,The Core Principles 核心原则,General but comprehensive具有概括性和全面性 On ma

5、ny issues existence of a Basel Committee document对于许多问题,巴塞尔委员会已有文件 On other issues documents containing more detailed guidance are being developed对于其他问题,详细的指引文件正在研究制定,6,The Compendium 纲要,A collection of most of the Basel Committees “live” policy papers收集了绝大部分目前仍然有效的巴塞尔委员会文件 Internet (http:/www.bis.o

6、rg) 网址 Is updated periodically 定期更新,7,Supervisors Can Not Do It Alone! 仅靠监管者并不能做到,Sound and sustainable macro-economic policies良好的可持续的宏观经济政策 A well-developed public infrastructure完善的公共基础设施 Effective market discipline 有效的市场规则 Procedures for efficient resolution of problems in banks有效解决银行问题的程序 Mechani

7、sms for providing an appropriate level of systemic protection(or public safety net)提供良好系统保护的机制(或公共安全网),8,Preconditions for Effective Banking Supervision: 有效银行监管的先决条件,Clear responsibilities and objectives for each agency每个机构都有明确的职责和目标 Operational independence and adequate resources独立运作并有足够的资源 A suita

8、ble legal framework for banking supervision合适的银行监管法律框架 Arrangements for information-sharing among supervisors监管者信息共享的安排,9,Licensing Process 发照程序,The licensing process is critical to ensuring that participants in the banking system have the necessary qualifications. Although the licensing process can

9、not guarantee that a bank will be well run after it opens, it can be an effective method for reducing the number of unstable institutions that enter the banking system. Clear and objective criteria reduce the potential for political interference in the licensing process. 发照程序对确保银行系统的参与者具备必要的条件至关重要。尽

10、管它不能保证银行开业后的良好运作,但却是减少银行系统中不稳定机构的有效手段。清晰和客观的标准有助于降低发放过程中政治干预的可能性。Supervisors should also monitor significant changes in ownership structure as well as significant changes in activities (including acquisitions and investments). 监管者在监督重要的业务变化(包括收购和投资)的同时,还应该监督重大的所有权结构的变动。,10,Items to consider 需要考虑的事项

11、proposed ownership structure 所有权结构 operating plan 经营计划 suitability of directors and senior managers (fit and proper test) 合适的董事及高管人员(资格测试) financial projections, including capital 包括资本金在内的财务预测 for foreign banks, the prior approval of the home country supervisor对外国银行,首先应获得母国监管当局的批准,Licensing Process

12、发照程序,11,Arrangements for Ongoing Banking Supervision (Section IV) 持续监管的安排(第四部分),This section contains 16 of the 25 principles and covers the essence of ongoing supervision. There are three primary components 该部分包括16条原则,论述了持续监管的基本内容。主要有以下三个方面: Prudential regulations and requirements 审慎规定及要求 Methods o

13、f ongoing banking supervision 持续监管的手段 Information requirements 信息要求,12,Prudential Regulations and Requirements 审慎规定及要求,Capital adequacy 资本充足率 Credit risk management 信用风险管理 Market risk management 市场风险管理 “Other” risk management 其他风险管理 Internal controls 内部控制,13,Methods of Ongoing Banking Supervision 持续

14、监管的手段,On-site and off-site supervision 现场和非现场检查 Regular contact with bank management 与银行管理层保持经常性接触 Means of collecting, reviewing and analyzing prudential reports and statistical returns on a solo and consolidated basis 在单个和并表的基础上收集、评估和分析审慎报告和统计报表的手段 Means of independent validation 独立核实的手段 Ability o

15、f supervisors to supervise consolidated entity 监管者有能力对集团进行并表监管,14,Information Requirements 信息要求,Accounting standards 会计准则 Scope and frequency of reporting 报告的范围和频率 Confirmation of the accuracy of information submitted确认上报信息的准确性 Disclosure 信息披露,15,Formal Powers of Supervisors (Section V)监管者的法定权力(第五部分

16、),Banking supervisors must have at their disposal adequate supervisory measures to bring about timely corrective action when banks fail to meet prudential requirements, when there are regulatory violations, or where depositors are threatened in any other way. 银行监管者必须掌握完善的监管手段,以便在银行违背审慎要求、违法违规或者存款人受到威胁时,能够及时采取纠正措施 Various corrective measures (the punishment should fit the crime) 不同的纠正措施(惩罚应与罪行相符) Mild (extra reporting, special audits, etc.)温和处理(特别报告,专项审计等) More punitive (fines, replacement of managers, suspension of dividends)更具惩罚性的处理(罚款、更换管理人员、暂停分红) Revocation of license 吊销执照,



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