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1、增员旅程 (RJ) Day 1,1,Recruiting is a Journey 增员旅程,You need a map 您需要一张地图作指南,增员旅程 (RJ) Day 1,2,Where to Travel to? 您要到哪里旅行?,增员旅程 (RJ) Day 1,3,The Journey Depends on the Travelers Goals 旅程决定于旅行者的目标,Where is the candidates destination准增员对象的目的地是哪里 Help candidate decide on a destination for his life帮助准增员对象确

2、定他的人生目标 Decide if you can assist him决定您是否能帮助他,If so, then your job is to find a map for this journey 如果如此,那么您的工作是为他找到一张旅游地图,增员旅程 (RJ) Day 1,4,Your Agent Profile 业务员创业轮廓,Age年龄 Education教育情况 Natural Market缘故市场 Maturity成熟程度 Etc.等等,增员旅程 (RJ) Day 1,5,Direct Contact Recruiting: Three Steps 直接接触增员法:有三个步骤,1

3、.Start conversation with candidate 与准增员对象开始交谈 2. Continue conversation 继续交谈 3. Goal: get candidate back to your office for deeper talk 目标:把准增员对象带回办公室继续深谈,增员旅程 (RJ) Day 1,6,How do I Begin? 我如何开始交谈?,When your children grow up, do you wish them to work in the same job as you do? 当您的孩子长大后,您希望他们从事和您一样的工作

4、吗?,增员旅程 (RJ) Day 1,7,Alternative Beginnings 其它开场白(续),Do you think you will receive the financial rewards you really want from your present job? 您认为您能够从目前所从事的工作中得到真正期望的报酬吗?,增员旅程 (RJ) Day 1,8,Alternative Beginnings 其它开场白(续),Most people want more than just money from a job: 大多数人想从工作中得到的不仅仅是金钱: Satisfac

5、tion 自我满足 Growth opportunities 个人成长的机会 Belief that their work counts 自信所从事的工作非常重要,Will this job provide you all three in the next few years? 此项工作会在未来几年内向您提供这三项成果吗?,增员旅程 (RJ) Day 1,9,Alternative Beginnings 其它开场白(续),If you met an old friend after many years, who had been very successful, would you be

6、proud to tell him what your job is? 假如许多年后您遇到一位很成功的老友,您会非常骄傲地告诉他您的工作情况吗?,增员旅程 (RJ) Day 1,10,Alternative Beginnings 其它开场白(续),If you had to write an autobiography at age 60, would telling the reader that this was your job accomplishment be satisfying for you? 当您在60岁写自传的时候,您会告诉读者您对这份工作中所取得的成就很满意吗?,增员旅程

7、 (RJ) Day 1,11,Alternative Beginnings 其它开场白(续),Here is part of a sentence, “My greatest accomplishment in my life is ” Would you be pleased to say working at this job? 如果让您说:“我一生中所取得的最大成就是” 您会很高兴地回答所取得的最大成就是从事这项工作吗?,增员旅程 (RJ) Day 1,12,Possible Answers 可能的回答,Yes 是的 No 不是 Why do you ask? 你为什么问这个问题? No

8、ne of your concern 不关你的事 Etc. 等等,增员旅程 (RJ) Day 1,13,Does not matter why he says, 不管他为什么如此说,You say, I understand but heres the reason why I asked you that question 你说:“我理解,但是让我告诉您我为什么要问那个问题的原因”。,增员旅程 (RJ) Day 1,14,When I was young, I had a chance at a career that would: 当我年轻时,我曾面临一个工作机会:,Let me make

9、 a lot of money能让我挣到很多钱 Help people reach their financial goals 能帮助人们达到他们的财务目标 And develop myself at the same time 同时也能发展自己,增员旅程 (RJ) Day 1,15,Now, I am a manager with Ping An Insurance Company of China. I am searching for a qualified man or woman who is interested in a lifetime career opportunity,

10、such as this. 现在,我是中国平安保险公司的一名业务主任。我正在寻找一位合格的男士或女士,一位对终生从事寿险营销这样一个工作机会很感兴趣的人。,增员旅程 (RJ) Day 1,16,Do you have 15 minutes now, or would later on at 3:00oclock this afternoon be better? 您现在能抽出十五分钟的时间让我们谈谈吗,或者再晚些时候,今天下午3点钟更方便?,增员旅程 (RJ) Day 1,17,Your Goal is to Obtain an Appointment 您的目标是要获得一次面谈的机会,To a

11、nswer four basic questions 要回答4个基本问题,增员旅程 (RJ) Day 1,18,What about the Ping An? 平安是什么样的公司?,Strengths 优势 Training 培训 Promotional opportunities 晋升的机会 Achievements 成就,增员旅程 (RJ) Day 1,19,What about the job of agent? 业务员的工作是什么?,Developing clients and friendships 开发客户,建立友谊 Helping people 帮助人们 Producing po

12、ol of investment monies for the good of our country 为我们的国家利益着想,建立一个资金投资渠道 Meeting people 会见客户,增员旅程 (RJ) Day 1,20,What would I have to do? 我应该做些什么?,Follow my directions 遵照我的指导进行工作 Contact interesting people 与有趣的人们建立联系 Attend morning meetings 参加晨会 Prepare through training for success 通过培训,为成功作准备,增员旅程

13、(RJ) Day 1,21,What can you do to help me succeed? 为了帮助我取得成功,您能做些什么?,Show you a role model you can follow 向您展示一个您能效仿的工作模式 Train you in what you need to know and do 对于您需要了解和做的事情进行培训 My success with others like you is best measure of what you might expect 我帮助别人的成功范例或许对您的期望是最好的参照,增员旅程 (RJ) Day 1,22,Use my example of a question to begin : When your children grow up,etc 请采用我的开门话术范例: 当您的孩子长大后,等等 Write your own beginning question. We will give you five minutes 请写下您自己的开门话术, 我们将给您5分钟的时间,


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