泛读全新阅读II U1-2

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1、Extensive ReadingUnits 1&2,Book II,College English Reading Course Book IINov. 2002, Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,Extensive ReadingUnits 1&2,Book II,Unit 1 Text 1: The Pleasure of Learning (15 minutes)I. Questions for discussion 1. How does the writer develop his ideas about the pleasure

2、 of learning and the various aspects of learning? 2. What is the chief danger of learning and how does it affect you? Use your own experiences in college to prove it?,II. General Comprehension of the text How does the writer prove that learning is an inborn and instinctive pleasure of human beings?

3、Why can people experience the pleasure of learning from books? What is the meaning of learning? According to the author, why is learning unlike health and strength? How can we achieve the wholeness of the mind and spirit?,Extensive ReadingUnits 1&2,Book II,Reading Skills: Key ideas in sentences 1. W

4、hat are the functions of the key ideas of a sentence? 2. How can we find the key ideas in sentences?,Extensive ReadingUnits 1&2,Book II,compulsory enslavement square off apprehend impel incurious ephemeral deliberate,trivial appreciate run short of glumly sloth cumulative dissociate,2. Difficult lan

5、guage & content points,1. It is an Ought, even worse, a Must, enforced by regular hours and rigid discipline. (Line 2) In this and the next sentence, “ought” and “must” are capitalized and used to stand for the abstract idea of learning, i.e. something that students should and have to do. 这是一件应该做的事,

6、或者进一步说是必须做的事,是通过固定的时间和严格的纪律来执行的。,2. And the young sneer at the Oughts and resist the Musts with all their energy. (Line 3) If you sneer at someone or something, you express your contempt for them by the expression on your face or by what you say, e.g. There is too great a readiness to sneer at anyth

7、ing he does. 年轻人讥笑那些该做的事情,并且全力以赴抵制那些必须做的事情。,3. It is because they were made dull, by bad teaching, by isolation, by surrender to routine, sometimes, too, by the pressure of hard work and poverty, or by the toxin of riches, with all their ephemeral and trivial delights. (Line 19) You use surrender to

8、 refer to someones attitude or behavior when they lose the will to resist their feelings or the demands of other people. You use routine to describe activities that are done as a normal part of a job or process. 由于差劲的教学、隔离、习惯于常规,有时候也由于工作的辛苦和贫穷的压力,或者由于富裕所带来的短暂和琐碎的快乐的毒害,他们变得枯燥死板。,4. But the mind in mo

9、st of us continues to live, and even grows more lively and active, enjoys itself more, works and plays with more expansion and delight. (Line 91) Pay attention to the series of predicative verbs, all related to the subject of the sentencethe mind. 但我们大多数人的思想却继续存在,甚至变得更加活跃,更加喜欢思维, 涉及范围更广阔,带来更多愉悦。,Ext

10、ensive ReadingUnits 1&2,Book II,Text 2: Coping with Santa Claus (15 minutes) 1. General Comprehension of the text1) Why was it unbearable to lose the belief in Santa Claus?2) What is the theme of the story?,2. Questions for discussion1) What do you know about the legend of Santa Claus? Tell the stor

11、y in your own words.2) Do you think the parents were justified in telling Julie the truth about Santa Claus? If you were in such a situation, what would you do?,Extensive ReadingUnits 1&2,Book II,2. Difficult language points and sentences:,hedgy put sb. on the spot screwed-up version know-it-all mak

12、e a fuss stump reproachfully sleigh trick fold into quarters squiggly,ecstatic shriek bargain for modicum diplomatically a craving for head for tuck opt for deceptive ledge,Extensive ReadingUnits 1&2,Book II,1. We issued a few threats about his list of good children and bad. (Line 24) “His” here ref

13、ers to Santa Claus. If you issue a statement or a warning, you make it known formally or publicly. 我们发出一些警告,说圣诞老人有好孩子和坏孩子的名单。,Extensive ReadingUnits 1&2,Book II,2. I had expected some modicum of disbeliefat least a “Dad, is this for real?” (L44) A modicum of something, especially something that is g

14、ood or desirable, is a reasonable but not large amount of it 我原来料想她会有点不相信,至少会说:“爸爸,这是真的吗?”,Extensive ReadingUnits 1&2,Book II,3. I could see he was trying to think of a way, any way, to explain our behavior so it wouldnt sound quite as deceptive, wrong and stupid as it was. But he was stumped. (L92)

15、 If you are stumped by a question or problem, you cannot think of any solution or answer to it. 我可以看出, 他正努力在想一种办法,任何办法, 用来解释我们的行为,使其听起来不像事实那样具有欺骗性, 那样错误和愚蠢。 但是他却哑口无言。,Extensive ReadingUnits 1&2,Book II,4. One minute of grief at Santas death, and life went on. (L108) “Santas death” refers to Julies l

16、earning about the fact that there is no Santa Claus at all. 对于圣诞老人不存在的事实悲伤了片刻之后,生活又恢复了正常。,Extensive ReadingUnits 1&2,Book II,Text 3: On the Shoulders of a Hero (15 minutes) 1. General Comprehension of the text1) Why was the authors father under intensive care?2) What was the authors first genuine and lasting memory of his father? 3) Why did the father object to the sons decision to become a professional actor? 4) How should we describe the authors father? 5) Why did the author remember the ride on his fathers shoulder on a snowy day so much?,


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