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1、Brief descriptionMonarchs of the Tudor Dynasty,General Introduction to the Tudor Dynasty,Brief Description,Under the Tudors the English was in a transition from feudalism to capitalism .,Major events:,the English Reformation,the Enclosure Movement,the English Renaissance,monarchs,King Henry ,King He

2、nry ,King Edward ,Lady Jane Grey,Queen Mary,Queen Elizabeth,In order to have good relations with foreign countries,he arranged his sons and daughters marriages. Three steps to strengthen his position at home.,King Henry,(Reigned 14851509),He is famous for marrying six wives and killed two of themThe

3、 English ReformationInfluence of the Reformation,King Henry,(Reigned 1509-1547),Ruined monastery,England break away from the Roman Catholic!,Consequence:,King Edward,(Reigned1547-1553),The youngest monarch of the Tudor Dynasty.Passed the law to makechurches more plain , removed the colorful decorati

4、ons and pictures.,Proclaimed queen in 1553, deposed after nine days. Executed in1554.,“Nine Day Queen” ,Lady Jane Grey,Queen Mary, Bloody Mary,(Reigned 1553-1558),Her efforts to restore Catholicism to England made her the most unpopular Queen in British history.,A loveless marriage to the king of Sp

5、ain produced no children,Queen Elizabeth,(Reigned1558-1603),The execution of Mary, queen of Scots, in 1587,Defeate of the Spanish Armada In 1588,alsoknown as Spanish war,Questions,Q2:What is the influence of the English Reformation?,Q3:What are the three major historical events in Tudor Dynasty?,Q1:How long did the Tudor Dynasty last?,118years!,Lead to England breaking away from the Roman Catholic!,They are the Enclosure Movement, the Reformation,and the Renaissance.,


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