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1、1,Phylum Mollusca,BIO 2215 Oklahoma City Community College Dennis Anderson,2,Phylum Mollusca,3,Numbers of species,4,Molluscs,50,000 -100,000 living species 35,000 extinct species Largest = 1000 pounds 80% less than 5 cm Soft body Most have a shell Most marine Snails terrestrial Most habitat,5,Phylum

2、 Mollusca,Ventral Foot Locomotion Mantle Encloses mantle cavity Shell Radula Coelom (eucoelomate) Metanephridia Open circulatory system Closed in cephalopods,6,Economics,Pearls Burrowing shipworms Snails & slugs Garden pests Food Intermediate hosts for parasites,7,Trochophore Larva,Same type as Phyl

3、um Annelida,8,Myxozoa,Arthropoda,Annelida,Mollusca,Lophophores,Hemichordata,Vertebrata,Other pseudocoelomates,Nematoda,Porifera,Ctenophora,Cnidaria,Placozoa,Platyhelminthes,Nemertea,Ciliophora,Sarcomastigophora,Microspora,Apicomplexa,Mesozoa,Echinodermata,Crustacea,Chelicerata,Uniramia,Other Chordat

4、a,9,Generalized Mollusc,10,Body Plan,Mantle cavity,Ctenidium,Pericardial cavity,Metanephridium,Radula,Gonad,Stomach and digestive gland,Foot,11,Dorsal mantle covers the visceral mass.,12,Secretes the shell,13,Ctenidium (Respiration),14,Complete digestive system,15,Paired ventral nerve cords,16,Radul

5、a,17,Copyright The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.,Source: From A Life of Invertebrates, Copyright 1979 W. D. Russell-Hunter.,Radular Structure,18,Coelom - metanephridia,19,Class Polyplacophora Chitons,20,Class Polyplacophora,Eight dorsal plates Reduced h

6、ead Radula reinforced with iron Scrape algae from rocks,21,Class Polyplacophora,Mantle cavity,Mouth,Ctenidium,Foot,Anus,22,Class Polyplacophora,Mouth,Digestive gland,Stomach,Gonad,Pericardial cavity,Nephridium,Anus,23,Class Bivalvia Clams, Oysters, Shipworms,24,Class Bivalvia,Two shells Most are fil

7、ter feeders No head or radula Burrow Sand, wood, rocks,25,26,27,Giant Clam & Burrowing Clam,Siphon,28,Zebra Mussel,Environmental Pest Ballast water of ships from Europe in 1986 Attack be secreting adhesive byssal threads Each other Other mussels Man made objects Pipes, plumbing,29,Zebra Mussel,Live

8、in high densities Feed on phytoplankton Reproduce rapidly,30,Zebra Mussel,Attach to native mussels Killed all native mussels in Lake Erie,31,Distribution of Zebra Mussel,32,Bivalve structures,Incurrent siphon,Ctenidium,Excurrent siphon,Hinge,Foot,Labial palp,33,Clam anatomy,Pericardial cavity,Heart,

9、Gonad,Intestine,Stomach,Incurrent,Excurrent,Intestine,Metanephridium,34,Clam anatomy,Gonad,Intestine,Stomach,Incurrent,Excurrent,Digestive gland,35,Clam anatomy,Pericardial cavity,Heart,Incurrent,Excurrent,Intestine,36,Clam anatomy,Pericardial cavity,Heart,Gonad,Incurrent,Excurrent,Intestine,Metanep

10、hridium,37,Oysters,38,Pearl formation,Developing pearl,Epithelium,Shell,Irritant lodged between shell and mantle Layers of nacre secreted around foreign material,39,Scallops,40,Shipworms,41,Class Gastropoda Snails, Slugs, Conchs, Limpets,42,Class Gastropoda,One shell (if present) Torsion of body,43,

11、44,Snail,Terrestrail Mantle cavity functions as lung,45,Snail,Tentacle (Eye stalks),Tentacle,Pneumostome,Anus,Foot,Mouth,Genital pore,Shell,46,Copyright The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.,Internal Structure of a Generalized Gastropod,47,Nudibranch,No she

12、ll Dorsal projections Gills Nematocyst discharge,48,Abalone,Several holes in top of shell Excrete waste Food for man,49,Slug,No shell Garden pests,50,Limpet,Herbivores Cling to rocks or other surfaces,51,Conch,Large shell Marine Many are predators,52,Class Cephalopoda Squids, Octopuses, Nautiluses,5

13、3,Class Cephalopoda,Shell in squid and octopus absent or vestigial Jet propulsion Ink sac Foot modified into arms and tentacles Marine All predators,54,Squid,Dorsal,Ventral,Posterior surface,Right,Left,55,Squid,Fin,Arm,Funnel (siphon),Eye,Tentacle,Collar,56,Squid,Shell (Pen),Ctenidium,Funnel,Systemi

14、c heart,Branchial heart,57,Squid Male,Testis,Hectocotylous arm,Penis,58,Squid Female,Ovary with eggs,Nidamental glands,Oviducal gland,Oviducal opening,59,Copyright The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.,Cephalopod Eye,60,Octopus,Eight arms with suckers Crawl

15、 or eject water from siphon Change skin color chromatophores Most intelligent invertebrate,61,Nautilus,Up to 94 tentacles No suckers Shell with many chambers Lives in outermost chamber,62,Ammonoids,Extinct Devonian to Cretaceous 400 to 65 MYA Died out with dinosaurs,63,Class Scaphopoda,Tooth shells Shell opens on both ends Burrow into mud No gills Mantle for gas exchange Feed on detritus and protozoa,64,Class Scaphododa,65,The End,


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