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1、Chapter Twelve: Partnering: Managing Interorganizational Relations,being a good partner has become a key corporate asset. I call it a companys collaborative advantage. In the global economy, a well developed ability to create and sustain fruitful collaborations gives companies a significant competit

2、ive leg up. -Rosabeth Moss Kanter,Overview综述,It is rare in todays downsized world to find significant projects that are being completed totally in-house. Outsourcing or contracting significant segments of project work to other companies is commonplace. (387-2-1)当今世界正变得越来越小,很难再找到一个完全依靠自身内部力量完成的重大项目了。

3、将项目的重要部分外包出去或分包给其他公司是十分普遍的事。 Contracting project work has long been the norm in the construction industry. (387-3-1)在建筑业,分包项目工程早已成为惯例。 The trend for the future suggests that more and more projects will involve working with people from different organizations. (387-3-5),This chapter extends the previ

4、ous two chapters discussion of building and managing relations by focusing specifically on issues surrounding working with people from other organizations to complete a project.(387-4-1)本章是对前两章有关建立和管理关系的扩展,集中探讨如何与其他组织的人员合作来完成项目。,12.1: Introduce to Project Partnering 项目合伙简介,The term partnering, as it

5、 relates to projects, emerged during the 1980s in the construction industry. (388 -2-1) 合伙一词和项目联系在一起,始于20世纪80年代的建筑业。,Definition: Partnering is a long-term commitment between two or more organizations for the purpose of achieving specific business objectives by maximizing the effectiveness of each pa

6、rticipants resources. (388-4-1) Project partnering is a method of transforming contractual relationships into a cohesive, cooperative project team with a single set of goals and established procedures for resolving disputes in a timely manner. (388 -5-1),Question: Suspicion and mistrust prevent effe

7、ctive problem solving. Mistakes and problems are often hidden. (389-2-1) This creates costly delays (389-2-4),Major benefits can be enjoyed when partnering arrangements extend across multiple projects and are long term. (389-5-1)当合伙是长期的,并扩展到多个项目时,益处多多。 Reduced administrative costs降低管理成本 More efficie

8、nt utilization of resources 更有效地利用资源 Improved communication促进沟通 Improved innovation促进创新 Improved performance提高业绩,与项目有利害相关的人或组织 项目经理 顾客或用户 项目团队 项目发起人(Sponsor) 其它的利害相关者 项目相干者的目标往往是冲突的。 未辨识的相干者及其目标可能是风险的来源。,项目干系人(Stakeholders),当事人之间的关系,12.2: Three stages,Project Activities-Setting the stage for success

9、ful partnering Project Implementation- Sustaining Collaborative Relationships Project Completion-Celebrating Success,12.2.1: Project Activities 项目前活动,Project Activities-Setting the stage for successful partnering. 项目前活动-为成功的合伙搭建舞台 Activity: Selecting a partner(s) 选择合伙者 Team building: the project man

10、agers 团队组建:项目经理,Team building: the stakeholders Once the principal managers establish a personal commitment to partnering, the next step is to expand this commitment to the other key manager and specialists who will be working together on the project. (391-8-1)主要负责人参与到合伙中以后,下一步就是把这种参与继续扩大,让其他主要经理和专家

11、都参与进来,为该项目共同合作。,Project Partnering Charter项目合伙章程,12.2.2: Project Implementation 项目实施,Project Implementation- Sustaining Collaborative Relationships. 项目实施-维持合作关系 Problem Resolution Escalation is the primary control mechanism for dealing with and resolving problems. The basic principle is that problem

12、s should be resolved at the lowest level within a set time limit (i.e., 24 hours), or they are “escalated” to the next level of management. (395-2-1),Continuous improvement Joint Evaluation All involved parties meet on a regular basis to review and evaluate the partnering process. (395-6-1) Persiste

13、nt Leadership Project managers and their subordinates must “walk the talk” and consistently display a collaborative as opposed to confrontational response to problem solving. (395-8-1)项目经理和他们的下属必须和谐相处,在解决问题时保持合作而不是对抗关系。,Project Partnering Framework项目合伙框架,12.2.3: Project Completion 项目完成,Project Compl

14、etion-Celebrating Success. 项目完成-庆贺成功,合伙评价示例,12.3: Why Project Partnering Efforts Success or Fail 项目合伙成败的原因,Three areas that lead to the breakdown of the partnering arrangement and one area that is frequently overlooked. (396-1-4) The first and most significant problem is with senior management the o

15、wner and contractor. (396-2-1),A second major reason partnering arrangement break down is the failure to adequately deal with cultural differences among the contributing organizations. (398-2-1) A third reason for a partnering relationship to deteriorate is the absence or lack of use of a formal eva

16、luation procedure. (398-3-1) Finally, there is one opportunity majorities of partnering arrangements fail to exploits as fully as they should continuous improvement.(399-1-1),合伙项目的激励机制,12.4: The Art of Negotiating 谈判艺术,Effective negotiation is critical to successful partnering. (P399-3-1) Separate t

17、he People from the Problem Focus on Interests, not Positions Invent Options for Mutual Gain When Possible, Use Objective Criteria Dealing with Unreasonable People,Dealing with Unreasonable People Recommend that you use negotiation jujitsu when dealing with such a person. (403-3-3)推荐使用太极的方法 Those who use negotiation jujitsu rely on two primary weapons.使用太极方法主要依赖两个武器。 They ask questions instead of making statements. (403-4-1)问问题而不是做声明 The second weapon is silence. (403-4-3)沉默 Best alternative to a negotiated agreement (BATNA),



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