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1、I Overview and BackgroundII The International Financial EnvironmentIII Derivative Securities for Hedging Currency RiskIV Managing the Risks of Multinational OperationsV Valuation and the Structure of Multinational OperationsVI International Portfolio Investment and Asset Pricing,Multinational Financ

2、e by Kirt C. Butler,Multinational financial management is financial management conducted in more than one cultural, social, economic, or political environmentWell develop a framework for evaluating the opportunities, costs and risks of operating in the worlds markets for goods, services, and financi

3、al assets and liabilities,Chapter 1 An Introduction to Multinational Finance,Challenges facing the multinational manager,The gentle reader will never, never know what a consummate ass he can become, until he goes abroad.Mark Twain,Viv la difference,Cross-border differences can affect all areas of bu

4、siness, particularly through differences in - Language & culture - Human resource management - Accounting - Marketing - Distribution - Logistics - Financial markets - Corporate governance - Other business conventions(legal, accounting, taxation, regulation, etc.),where the art resides,The notes I ha

5、ndle no better than many pianists, but the pauses between the notes ah, that is where the art resides. Arthur Schnabel,Multinational financial management,Multinational finance is interdisciplinary within the field of financeMultinational financial managers must be familiar withForeign exchange and E

6、urocurrency markets Derivatives securities International financial (debt & equity) markets International markets for real assets International portfolio investment,The approach of the book,Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.Albert Einstein,Value = St ECFt / (1+it)tMulti

7、national investment policy Higher returns from existing investments New investment opportunitiesMultinational financial policy Reduced capital costs through access to international capital markets,The MNCs opportunities,Perfect financial market assumptions,Financial opportunities often involve a vio

8、lation of one of these assumptionsFrictionless markets No government intervention or taxes No transactions, agency, or bankruptcy costsRational investors Equal access to costless information Equal access to market prices,Frictionless markets ensure operational efficiencyRational investors with equal

9、 access to markets and information ensure informational efficiency That is, a market in which prices reflect all relevant informationTogether, these promote allocational efficiency,Market efficiency,Investment opportunities,Financing opportunities,The value of multinationality,The MNCs additional ri

10、sks,Country risk - the risk that the business environment in a host country will unexpectedly changePolitical risk - the risk that the business environment in a host country will change unexpectedly due to political eventsFinancial risk - the risk of unexpected change in the financial or economic en

11、vironment of a host country,Risk versus risk exposure,Risk exists whenever actual outcomes can differ from expectationsA company has a risk exposure when its value can change with unexpected changes in business conditions,Foreign market entry,Export or import entry Agents or distributors (foreign or

12、 domestic) Foreign sales branches or subsidiariesContract-based entry Licensing or franchisingInvestment-based entry Foreign direct investments Mergers and acquisitions Strategic alliances or joint ventures,Export through agents or distributors,Export agents and distributors should haveTechnical kno

13、wledge of the productExperience, expertise, and marketing contacts in the foreign countryExperience and expertise in shipping, documentation, and trade creditReliability and financial stability,Foreign sales branches/subsidiaries (versus agents or distributors),Advantages Higher sales potential Reta

14、ins control over production, marketing, distributionDisadvantages Higher resource commitment Slower entry High country risks and costs,Contract-based entry,Advantages quick and easy low resource commitment low cultural costs and risks avoids import and investment barriersDisadvantages limited fees/r

15、oyalties on license agreements loss of control over production technology potential creation of competitors,Investment-based entry,Advantages Potential for higher sales Potential for lower costs Diversifies manufacturing base and matches foreign currency costs to revenues Avoids import quotas and ta

16、riffsDisadvantages Higher resource commitment Higher exit costs Must overcome cultural differences Must overcome investment barriers,Investment-based entry,International joint ventures,Mergers and acquisitions,FDI: plant expansions,FDI: new investment,Source: Ernst & Young,Investment-based entry,For

17、eign direct investment Relatively slow entry Maintains control over assetsCross-border M&A Relatively rapid entry, but possibly at a high price (acquisition premium)Cross-border joint ventures May avoid investment restrictions Less exposure to country risks Potential loss of control over intellectual property,


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