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1、,High performance Power Transformers,High performance into your benefit 高性能给您带来利益,高性能的电力变压器,The 8 features of STC transformers 西门子变压器的八大特点,静 韧 固 省净 稳 简 寿,Advanced Technology and Robust Design 先进的技术和耐用的设计,TEMPERATURE not important 温度 不重要 FORCES very important 短路力 非常重要 calculation of forces with advan

2、ced finite elements programs from Germany 使用德国高级有限元程序进行短路力计算 all possible situations are considered (Chinese network) 设计时考虑(中国电网) 可能出现的各种情况 design withstands the worst case 设计可经受最坏情况考验,Example of analysed line-to-earth fault cases for a three phase transformer with three windings 三相三线圈变压器接地故障类型分析示例,

3、韧,Short-circuit withstand capability 抗短路能力,Our technology reduces the appearing forces 西门子技术降低短路力,know-how in ELECTRICAL DESIGN to reduce forces to the minimum possible levels 通过电磁计算将短路力减少到可能的最小水平 e.g.by 例如: optimized arrangement of windings优化线圈布置 careful selection of type of windings andtype of con

4、ductors 正确选择线圈形式及导线类型,Foi,HW,Foi,HW = winding length 线圈高度 = axial displacement ( 0.5% of HW) 轴向偏移 Foi = outside impulse force 对外冲击力,Fax1,W 2,W 1,Mechanical strength 机械强度 - hard as a rock - 坚如磐石,Pressing of winding 线圈压紧 pressing plates压板Clamping frame 夹件 withstands extreme loads耐受极大负荷,Example,Advance

5、d manufacturing 先进的生产工艺和制造,Strict manufacturing tolerancies 严格的制造公差 winding height 线圈高度 JB 部颁标准为 +5 - 8 mm STC 西门子为 +0 - 2 mm inner diameter 内径 JB 部颁标准为 +4 - 5 mm STC 西门子为 +2 - 0 mm outer diameter 外径 JB 部颁标准为 +6 - 4 mm STC 西门子为 -2 +0 mmJB 部颁标准为 JB/T56011 State-of-the-art processing, such as 先进的工艺过程,

6、例如 3 times pressing for each winding每一个线圈进行 3 次压紧 tightness control during winding线圈绕制过程紧度控制,Tap winding between main windings 主线圈之间的调压线圈,Between the main windings the ampere-turns are the highest, I.e. the electrical loading is the highest 主线圈间的安匝即磁场强度是最高的 The position for the tap winding in this a

7、rea is not convenient 这一位置对该区域的调压线圈不够方便,State of the Art Inovation 创新的线圈压紧工艺,Self bonding conductors 自粘换位导线的使用 Vapour phase advanced drying 先进的气相干燥 Constant hydraulic pressing 恒压干燥,How the reactor is connected? 电抗器是怎样连接的?,-reactor is in series with the low voltage winding 电抗器与低压线圈串联 advantage: the v

8、oltage stress is minimal (low voltage) 优点:场强最低 (低压) There are no registered failures of the reactor up to now 到目前为止尚未发现因内置电抗器导致的变压器故障,Short-circuit proof Operation 变压器运行中的抗短路能力,Increased natural Impedance by Increased Duct LV - MV 通过增加低压 - 中压主油道增加固有阻抗,Increased total Impedance by Built-in Current Li

9、miting Reactor 通过内置限流电抗器增加总阻抗,HV - MV: 14% (ref. 150 MVA) MV - LV: 7. 9% (ref. 150 MVA),Everybody knows it 众所周知,Fault Currents / Forces LV High低压故障电流 / 短路力高Duct LV - MV unstable 低压 - 中压油隙不稳定Large Tx: Low EfficiencyTx大:效能低,HV - MV: 14% (ref. 150 MVA) MV - LV: 11.20% (ref. 150 MVA),Compact Core & Coil

10、 Assembly紧凑套装Good Mechanical Stability良好的机械稳定性Controlled Fault Currents LV受控的低压故障电流Compact Tx: Better EfficiencyTx紧凑:效能高Maintenance Free Reactor 免维护电抗器,Components of the reactor 电抗器的构成,1-yoke (silicon steel sheets) 轭 (硅钢片) 2-steel pressing plate 钢压板 3-insulating layer 绝缘层 4-insulating plate between

11、yoke and winding 轭与线圈间的绝缘板 5-chamfered edges 边缘倒角 6-steel plate 钢板 7-enforcement 加强筋 8-pressing bolt 压紧螺栓,Typical arrangements of the reactor 电抗器的典型布置,7 -lifting lug 吊鼻8 -U-shaped supporting piece U形支架9 -screw connection 螺纹连接 10-fixing lug 固定板 11-insulating screwed connection 绝缘螺纹连接 12-insulating sp

12、acer 绝缘垫块 13-earthing piece 接地件 14-fixing lug 固定板 15-insulating screwed connection 绝缘螺纹连接 16-tank wall 箱壁 17-tank cover 箱盖,Designing the reactor 电抗器设计,-same software -same technology as Siemens Germany与德国西门子 相同的软件 相同的技术,Prepared for final assembly 总装配的准备,Built-in Reactor: maintenance free 内置电抗器:免维护,

13、Control of short circuit forces短路力的控制High Reliability高可靠性Compact size of windings and higher Efficiency紧密的线圈布置和高效能,Foshan EPIB 150MVA 220 8x1.25% / 121 /11 kV YNyn0d11 STC serial no. 500901 (2001) 佛山 EPIB 150MVA 220 8x1.25% / 121 /11 kV YNyn0d11 STC 序号 500901 (2001年),Step-lap core 步进搭接铁芯,optimized d

14、esign and manufacturing of the core优化的铁芯设计和制造过程 e.g. step lap 例如步进搭接 gap control 间隙控制 magnetic flux density optimization磁通密度优化,省,Low losses 低损耗,Transposed Conductor换位导线,Used mainly in the low voltage windings (also as resin bonded conductor)主要用于低压线圈 (也做为自粘导线),LV1,Fine 细调线圈,Coarse 粗调线圈,HV2,MV1,Windin

15、g Arrangement 线圈布置,LV1,MV2,HV1,Convenient placement of conductors 导线的简便布置,Avoiding hotspots in the winding 避免线圈中的热点,Sufficient cooling ducts in the windings 线圈中足够的冷却油隙,Cooling OD (oil directed) OD 冷却 (油导向循环),The calculation of the cooling shows good correspondence with the measuring results冷却的计算值显示其

16、与测量结果完全相符,Controlling the stray field 杂散磁场的控制,On the tank walls we always use a shielding 在箱壁上我们一直使用屏蔽,Value for money 物有所值,s Transformers are more efficient 西门子变压器效率更高 optimized efficiency by:效能的优化通过: Reduced no-load losses降低空载损耗 Reduced load losses 降低负载损耗 Current limiting reactor (maintenance free)限流电抗器 (免维护),



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