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1、New Concept English Book One Lesson 77 & 78 贾艳春 Jenny,1,Teaching objectives (教学目标),2,复习一般过去时,Cant you?,contents,Teaching procedure (教学过程),3,复习,课文讲解,课堂练习,步骤,他一小时前看一张照片. He looked at a photograph an hour ago. 他一个月前在办公室工作. He worked in an office a month ago. 他两天前与她打招呼. He greeted her two days ago.,复习一般

2、过去时,4,他们一周前看电视了. They watched TV a week ago. 他四个月前油漆了书架. He painted the bookcase four months ago. 他两分钟前洗了手. He washed his hands two minutes ago.,复习一般过去时,5,Listen to the tape and answer the question: What time of the day is it? 077&078Terrible Toothache.mp3,课文讲解,6,Appointment Urgent Till dentist,New

3、words,7,1. I want to see the dentist, please. Do you want apples? I want some lamb. Want to do 想做某事 我想买一辆车. I want to buy a car. I want to go to the USA.,课文讲解,8,2. appointment n. 约会,预约 文化背景:西方国家一般看病都不是去大医院而去私人医院,医生很忙需要接待很多病人,只能安排好时间,按预约时刻去看病,其他时间一般没办法看病。,课文讲解,9, appointment n. 约会,预约 have an appointm

4、ent 有一个约会 Do you have an appointment? 你有约吗? make an appointment with sb 和某人有约 I want to make an appointment with Tom. 我和汤姆有个约会。,课文讲解,10,3.,课文讲解,11, urgent :dnt,an urgent phone call 一个紧急的电话 an urgent meeting 一个紧急的会议 Its very urgent. 我很着急。,adj.紧急的,急迫的,4. Im afraid that he cant, Mr. Croft. 恐怕他办不到呀,Crof

5、t 先生Im afraid that+句子表示否定,不是真的害怕,而是语气婉转。,课文讲解,12,I am afraid that I cant come tonight.恐怕今天晚上我不能来了Im afraid that it is going to rain tomorrow. 我担心明天会下雨。Dont be afraid that people will laugh at you. 不要害怕人们会嘲笑你。,课文讲解,13,5. till tl prep. 直到.为止Can you wait till this afternoon? 你能等到今天下午吗? They danced till

6、 midnight. 他们跳舞一直跳到半夜。 The shop is open from eight till five oclock. 商店的营业时间是从上午八点到下午五点。,课文讲解,14,6. Cant you wait till this afternoon?您就不能等到今天下午吗?情态助动词的否定疑问句形式,表示a. 说话者惊讶的情绪;b. 责难的口吻;c. 或表示建议, 请求等.,课文讲解,15,Arent you a student? 你难道不是一名学生吗? Isnt it hot here? 这里难道不热吗? Cant you wait a minute? 你就不能再等等吗?

7、Dont you want to stay with us? 你不想和我们在一起吗?,课文讲解,16,否定疑问句的回答: Dont you speak English? 你不说英语吗? Yes, I do. 不, 我说英语.No, I dont. 是的,我不说英语.注意:回答中的yes, no与我们平时的用法正好相反.,课文讲解,17,I _see the dentist, please. 我想见牙医.Do you _?您约了吗?Is it _? 很急吗?,课文回顾,18,want to,have an appointment,urgent,Can you come at _? 你能在4月24

8、日周一上午10点来吗? _ that the dentist cant see you now. 恐怕牙医现在不能见你. _till this afternoon?您就不能等到今天下午吗?,课文回顾,19,10 a.m. on Monday, April 24th,Im afraid,Cant you wait,She _( go) to town every day. She _ (go)to town yesterday.She _ (buy) a new car every year.She _ (buy) a new car last year.,复习规则动词与不规则动词的过去时和一般

9、现在时,20,goes,went,buys,bought,He often _ (lose) his pen. He _( lose) his pen this morning.She always _ (listen) to the news.She _ (listen) to the news yesterday.,复习规则动词与不规则动词的过去时和一般现在时,21,loses,lost,listens,listened,复习in,on,at的用法:【in】是“大姐”,因为后面所接的都是较长时间(月、年、季节等)。【on】是 “二姐”,后面所接的时间多与日期有关(星期几、日期等)。【at】

10、是“小妹”,因为接在后面的时间最短(具体时刻或某短暂时间)。,一般过去时复习:,22,23,When did you see him?I saw him at half past seven.,七点半,24,When did she go to London? She went to London on Wednesday.,24,BIG BEN大笨钟/大本钟周三,25,When did he paint the house? He painted the house in 1987.,25,油漆房间 1987年,26,When did he buy the car? He bought it

11、 in May.,26,在五月份,27,When did she meet him? She met him on November 5th.,27,11 月5日,28,When did they arrive? They arrived at a quarter to one.,28,12点45分,29,When did he lose his money? He lost it on Saturday.,29,周六,30,When did you call the doctor? I called the doctor in January.,30,一月份,31,When did you speak to her? I spoke to her on July 1st.,31,7月1日,复习 review,32,daily expression,there be,they are,复习过去式,Cant you?,33,Thank You!,


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