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1、DOC格式论文,方便您的复制修改删减浅析爱默生的论自助人生自主的源泉(作者:_ 单位: _邮编: _)AbstractEmerson, Ralph Waldo is an outstanding American writer in the nineteenth century. His work Self-Reliance is an important and influential work which encourages a man to be confident and independent. Through the analysis and research of Emerso

2、n and his works, the thesis explores four main ideas in the work, including “The Confidence” , “The Independence” , “The Personality” , “Showing no Sympathy to the Poor”, of which “The Confidence” is the core point in this thesis. Based on the research of the four ideas, the thesis discusses the enl

3、ightenments on todays society, including the enlightenments on the confident and optimistic attitudes towards life, the promotion of females self-reliance, the influence on individuals success and a countrys prosperity.DOC格式论文,方便您的复制修改删减Key WordsSelf-reliance; Emerson; enlightenment摘要拉尔夫华尔多爱默生是美国十九世

4、纪著名的作家, 论自助是其极具影响力的一部作品,也是一部激励人们自信、独立的作品。论文从分析、研究爱默生及其作品出发,探索了作品中的四种主要思想,包括“自信” 、 “独立” 、 “个性” 、 “拒绝对穷人的同情” ,其中,“自信”是论文的核心。在研究作品主要思想的基础上,论文探讨了作品的主要思想对当今社会的启迪和影响,包括对乐观自信生活态度的启迪、对女性自助思想的促进、对个人成功的影响及对国家繁荣与富强的影响。关键词爱默生; 自助 ; 启迪IntroductionEmerson, Ralph Waldo was one of the most outstanding American writ

5、ers in the19th century; he experienced much in his whole life. His Self-Reliance is an influential work which deeply attracts many readers. “Believe in Oneself” is the main idea expressed and analyzed in the work. In DOC格式论文,方便您的复制修改删减Self-Reliance, there exist four kinds of important thoughts. The

6、first kind of thought is “The Confidence”. Emerson advocated that a man must show his opinion confidently and bravely in spite of different ideas. “The Independence” is the second kind of important thought which is expressed in Self-Reliance. A man should keep himself firmly but not be easily influe

7、nced by environment. The third kind of thought is to keep personality, which is closely related to the confidence and the independence. From Emersons opinion, a man must keep his personality and conform to his own principles. “Showing no Sympathy to the Poor” is the fourth kind of thought in the wor

8、k. It shows that why the poor are poor is mainly due to their backward thinking. Showing help to this kind of people means doing harm to them. All these ideas in Emersons Self-reliance have enlightenments on todays society. They help people take confident and optimistic attitudes towards life. These

9、 important thoughts enlighten the female to be confident and strive for their social status. Besides, they are crucial for individuals success. Each man who possesses the thoughts is easy to make progress and achieve success. Moreover, a countrys prosperity is established on the DOC格式论文,方便您的复制修改删减ba

10、sis of confidence and independence.I. A Brief Introduction to Emerson and His Self-RelianceA. Emerson, Ralph WaldoEmerson was one of the most outstanding American writers in the 19th century. He was born in a clergymans family in Boston in 1803 and raised by his mother and aunt. America was lively b

11、ut disordered when he was born. Some people were aware of the appearance of new power, but nobody could express it clearly. He entered Harvard University when he was 14 years old. During this period of time, he read a large numbers of books about Britain romanticism and enriched his thoughts. Three

12、years later, he graduated and became a teacher for two years. In 1826, he entered seminary of Harvard and formally appointed as priest in 1829. However, he resigned 3 years later for two reasons, that is, he was unsatisfied with the dogma and his wife died of illness. Then he traveled around Europe

13、and got to know some famous writers. He was deeply influenced by romanticism and gradually formed his own transcendentalism. He returned to his country in 1834 and DOC格式论文,方便您的复制修改删减then settled with his second wife in Concord. In the time following, he published Nature that includes almost all his

14、important ideas. From that time on, he made addresses everywhere publicly and gradually became a celebrated scholar in America. Emerson always held a small party with his friends and made discussion about theology, philosophy and sociology. Such kind of party was called transcendentalism club at tha

15、t time. Naturally, Emerson became the leader of transcendentalism and was responsible for brining transcendentalism to England.Emerson collected all his speech materials and made a book called Essays, including Self-reliance, Love, and Friendship and so on. Emersons Essays speaks highly of the man w

16、ho should trust their own suggestion. He advocated that a man should develop the national pride and opposed following the others saying. Almost all his speeches made a deep influence on Americas national civilization. In 1837, he published a famous speech which declared that the American literature was separated from Britain literature. He was also the spokesman of transcendentalism. Emerson abandoned the thought which takes go



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