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1、Module 5 Unit 1,He is playing the suona,but the phone rings.,1 I can read and understand the text. 2 I can use “be+v-ing“ to describe(描述) the pictures.,Learning aims:,Guide 1:,Please listen to the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation(发音) and intonation(语调).,Please read the text by yourself wi

2、thin 3 minutes.大声朗读课文。 (若有疑难,请 举手示意。),Guide 2:,Read after the tape!跟录音,读课文。 (尤其注意刚才你所不认识的单词或句子。),Please read in pairs. 两人一组互读课文。 (3分钟后,比一比谁能准确、流利地朗读课文),Lets have a match!,a. Please listen carefully.,b. Please find out(找出) the mistakes (错误).,Guide 3:,Please read the text again and find out the senten

3、ces with “be+v-ing“. Then try to read these sentences.4 minutes later, lets see who is the best one!(再读课文,找出含有“be+v-ing“的句子并读一读。4分钟后,比一比谁说得最好!),1 Daming is having a birthday party. 2 He is playing the suona,but the phone rings. 3 Daming is playing the suona again,but the bell rings. 4 Daming is play

4、ing the suona for the third time,but the dog starts to bark very loudly.,Daming _ _, but the phone _.,rings,Daming _again, but the bell _.,Daming _ _,but the dog _very loudly.,is playing the suona,rings,is playing the suona for the third time,starts to bark,Guide 4:,Please try to descibe these pictures with your partners. 3 minutes later, lets see who is the best one!(同桌互相讨论下列图片。3分钟后,比一比谁说得最好!),Module 5 Unit 1,He is playing the suona,but the phone rings.,


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