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1、,Module 4 Great inventionsUnit 2 Books could be produced more quickly and cheaply.,学习目标: 1. 完成阅读任务,掌握scanning skni (n. 扫描;搜索,观测;扫掠)的技巧。 2. 掌握课文内容,了解造纸和印刷的过程。 3. 掌握原因和结果的表达方式。,What are the four great inventions of ancient China?,Compass kmps n. 指南针,罗盘;圆规,gunpowder n,paud n. 火药;有烟火药,papermaking,printi

2、ng,.,Inventions makes our life better,Things were written on bamboo(竹子) and silk.(丝绸) Bamboo was cheap , but it was too heavy. Silk was light,( 轻) but it was too expensive.,Then people invented paper. It is made from( 由制成) wood(木头) and bamboo( 竹子). And it is cheap, light, easy to keep.,Whats the adv

3、antages ofand,We have used books made of paper for ages.( 很多年) Can books be replaced by computers?,Task 1: Match the main idea of each paragraph,A. the world before books B. The invention of printing C. Life on paper and in print D. Technology and books E. Can books be replaced by computers? 阅读小tips

4、: 在快速阅读的时候,如果你想得到每段的大意,你可以只看每段开头的第一句和最后一句。一般文章的中心段落在第一段或者最后一段,而每段的中心句在第一句或者最后一句。C A B D E,Task 2: Read and answer the questions: 1. When was paper first created? Paper was first created 2000 years ago.2.Were books produced by hand or by machine first? Books were produced by hand first.3. What was th

5、e paper held against? The paper were held against a wooden block with ink.4. When was printing developed? It was developed at the beginning of the 11th century.,5. What can be kept on CD-ROMs? Information can be kept on CD-ROMs.6. What can be received online? Information can be received online.7. Ho

6、w were ideas spread in the past? The ideas spread slowly.8.How were ideas spread today? The ideas spread quickly.,Task 2: read the new wordsproduce v. 生产 invention n. 发明 look through 浏览 create v. 创造 cotton n. 棉花 wood n. 木头 at a time 一次 by hand 手工 ink n.墨水,block n. 板子,街区 at the beginning of 在的开始 know

7、ledge n. 知识 spread v. 传播 introduction n.介绍 rather than 而不是 CD-ROM 光盘 one day 将来某天,Task 3: Read the passage,Every morning my father buys a newspaper on his way to ( )work. Every day I open my books in class and start my lessons. Every evening my mother looks through( ) magazines at home. And Every ni

8、ght, I look at the posters with photos of David Beckham and Yao Ming on my bedroom wall before I go to sleep. Can we imagine life without( ) paper or print?,c. Life on paper and in print,在去的路上,浏览,没有,Paper was first created( ) about 2,000 years ago, and has been made from( )silk, cotton, bamboo, and

9、since the 19th century, from wood. People learned to write words on paper to make a book. But in those days, books could only be produced( ) one at a time( ) by hand.( ) As a result,( ) they were expensive and rare. And because there werent many books, few( ) people learned to read.,a. The world bef

10、ore books,被创造,被制成,被生产,一次,手工,结果,几乎没有,Then printing was invented( ) in China. The first printed books were made by putting ink on a wooden block and holding the paper against it. When printing was developed( ) greatly at the beginning of( ) the 11th century, books could be produced more quickly and ch

11、eaply. As a result, more people learned to read. After that, knowledge and ideas spread quickly, in a way that can be compared with( ) the introduction of the Internet in the 20th century.,b. The invention of printing,被发明,被发展,在的开始,被比较,But will books be needed in the future? ( )Today information can

12、be received online, downloaded from( ) the Internet rather than( ) found in books, and information can be kept( ) on CD-ROMs or machines such as( ) MP3 players. These machines are smaller and lighter than books so that( )they can be carried very easily.,d. Technology and books,在将来,从下载,而不是,被保存,例如,目的是

13、,Computers are already used( ) in classrooms, and newspapers and magazines can already be read online. So will books be replaced by computers one day?( ) No, I dont think the Yao Ming poster on my bedroom wall will ever be replaced by( ) computer two meters high!,e. Can books be replaced by computer

14、s?,被使用,将来某天,被取代,1. be made of -be made from- be made in- be made bybe made into -,由材料制成(看得出材料),由材料制成(看不出材料),出产于(某地),由制成(生产者),制成.(产品),Exercise: 1. Where is this camera _? Japan. 2. The table is _wood, while paper is _wood. 3. The metal can be _ a knife. 4. This kind of car is _ many workers in the fa

15、ctory.,made in,made of,made from,made by,made into,language points,2. He has a few friends. He never feels lonely.他有一些朋友。他从来都不寂寞。Few people learned to read.几乎没人会读书。He is poor, he has little money. 他很穷,他几乎没有钱。He is thirsty. Give him a little water.他口渴了,给他点水。知识归纳:few +可数名词 几乎没有little +不可数名词 几乎没有a few + 可数名词, 一些a little + 不可数名词, 一些,


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