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1、PRONOUN代词,POINTS OF KNOWLEDGE,一,代词及其先行项的“数”的一致1,先行项为某些并列结构时代词的选择 当先行项为某些并列结构时,一般根据该并列结构的单复数意义来决定代词以及相应限定词的单复数形式。例如: My friend and roommate has agreed to lend me his car. My friend and my roommate have agreed to lend me their cars. 2,先行项为某些集体名词时代词的选择 当先行项为某些集体名词时,随后的代词以及相应的限定词依该集体名词用于何种意义而定。例如: The t

2、eam has won its first game. The team are now on the floor taking their practice shots at the basket.,3,先行项为“复数名词或代词+each”时代词的选择 当先行项为复数名词或代词做句子并带有each作同谓语时,如果each出现在动词之前,随后的人称代词或相应的限定词作复数:如果each位于动词之后,随后的人称代词或相应的限定词用单数。例如: They each had their problems. They had each his own problem.,二,代词及其先行项的“性”的一致

3、 1,人们常称呼自己喜爱的汽车为she或her; A:How is your new car? B:Terrific. She is going like a bomb. 2.汽车的女主人也可能称汽车he或him The car needs some petrol, Let is fill him up at the next filling station. 3,当先行词为国家名称时,如果仅视为地理名称,代词或相应的限定词用中性,但若视为政治实体或者说话人带有感情色彩,代词或相应的限定词用阴性。例如: China is in East Asia. It is one of the large

4、st countries in the world.,三,代词的格 1,当句子主语为”every/nobody+but/except+人称代词“的结构时,这种人称代词按照传统语法该用宾语,因为but/except是介词。但在实际使用中,只要人称代词出现在主语位置,常用主格。例如; Nobody but she can solve our problems . 2,但若以上主语与被分隔使用”but/except+人称代词”这一介词词组出现在结尾时,则人称代词用宾格: Nobody can solve our problems but her. 3.如果“everybody/nobody+but/

5、except+人称代词”结构用作句子宾语,则人称代词只能用宾格。例如: I interviewed everybody but him. 四,反身代词 1,在由“fancy,see+反身代词“构成的SVOC结构中,其宾语补语往往表示一种“想象的”或”仿佛看到的”情景。例如: I cannot see myself allowing people to cheat me.,反身代词做主语补语属于强调型用法,这种用法通常表示身体状况或作并列补语的一部分。例如: Ah,that is it.You are yourself again.(恢复正常了) 提醒:”no one but+人称代词“作主语通

6、常用主格。例如: Nobody but I noticed the change. 2,如果”but+人称代词”这一结构与nobody/no one分离而出现在句尾,即在宾语的区域,则用宾格。例如: Nobody said anything about it but me/myself.,SUPPLEMENT,NO.1 Personal Pronoun(人称代词) 1.人称代词有时可以用作n.,可有-s复数形式;I“自我,极端自私的人”;He/She “男性/女性”“雄性/雌性”eg: Is the new baby a he or she? 2.如果人称代词并列,应注意其排列顺序:(1)第二

7、人称+第一人称 eg: you and us(2)第三人称+第一人称 eg: Henry and me(3)第二人称+第三人称 eg: you and they(4)第二人称+第三人称+第一人称 eg: you,Jim and I(5)第一人称+不定代词 eg: I and anyone else will enjoy the music.(6)第一人称+带后置定语的并列成分 eg:I and the old man living next door.(7)第一人称+第二或第三人称(在承担责任,承认错误,检讨工作时)eg: I and she are to blame.(8)父母、妻子、丈夫+

8、第一人称+子女eg: My husband and I and our twin sons,Tom and Scot,will be going.,3. at ones best 不同于at best 英语中有些词组,仅因为adj.物主代词一字之差,意义往往大不相同: 【at ones best (出色,处于最佳状态.表)& at best (至多,充其量.状)】 【for ones good (为了某人的益处)& for good(永远地)】 【put ones heart to(专注于)&put heart into sb.(鼓舞某人)】 【for ones life(拼命地)&for l

9、ife(终生)】 【lose ones heart to(爱上)&lose heart(灰心)】 【ahead of ones time(思想等超越时代)&ahead of time(提前)】 【go to ones rest(=die)&go to rest(=go to bed)】,NO.2 it 的用法 1.指代失误、动物、婴儿或未知的人; 2.用于独立句中,it 还常同 be动词和 with连用,构成独立的句子,为习惯用法; eg: It is all gone with her.她一切都完了It is well with him.他一切都很好 3. have it that 的用法h

10、ave it that 意为“说” eg: Legend has it that there is a dragon in the lake.据传说,湖里有条龙。 4. Who is it 与 Who is that 的不同 Who is it 泛,knockWho is that明确,library,NO.3 Possesive Pronoun (物主代词) 1.若两个不同性别的 adj. 物主代词共同修饰一个n.,男性代词须在女性代词之后;eg: Which do you prefer, his or her paper? 2. n.性物主代词与of 连用,可构成双重所有格 其结构为:a/

11、an/no/each/which+n.+of+n.性物主代词 (注意喔!n.前不可用冠词 the)eg: This is no fault of hers.A friend of mine came to see me yesterday. 3.Touch sb. on the head 还是touch sb. on ones head 在下面这种结构中,表示身体部位的n.前用the,而不是用adj. 物主代词;【 vt.+object / link-verb+predicative / passive voice】+prep.+the+n.(身体部位) eg: The stone hit t

12、he child in the left eye.石子正打中孩子的左眼。He was wounded not in the arm but in the leg.,4.非物主意义的Possesive Pronoun my 用于感叹句时,表示“欢迎、惊奇、痛苦”等义,没有“我的”这种意思; eg: Oh, my boy! 好家伙!My God!天啊! (2)His,Your,Her 可同 Excellency(阁下)、Majesty(陛下)、Honour 等连用,表示尊敬,无物主意义; eg: Your Majesty.陛下! (直接称呼用YOUR),NO.4 Demonstrative Pro

13、noun(指示代词) this 和 that 表示某些事物或不知名的某人;eg:Some worried about this ,some worried about that.He hasnt said that anything against Mr This or Mrs That. 2.this ,these 和those 同very 连用表示强调 ;这种用法的this 等同于adj.;eg;We must leave this very minute.That very accident cost her life. 3.this 和that 可同much 连用; eg: I onl

14、y know this much. 4. This 和 that 可用做adv.,相当于so; eg:He isnt that slly.,NO.5 Indefinite Pronoun(不定代词) all 1.all用于三者或三者以上,接n.或者n.;the只能跟在all后面; 2.可与n.连用,表示“任何”;eg: He went there in all weathers.(=in any weather) 3.”for all / with all+抽象n.”表示“尽管”;eg;With all his wealth, he isnt happy. 4.all but=almost 意

15、为“几乎”; 5.all构成的惯用语:all in “疲倦”; in all“总共”; all at once“突然(同时)”;all the same to“同一样”all alone“独自地”; all gone“无留下”; once and for all“只此一次”;for good and all“永远”; and all“连一起”,Your ProblemsWe Solve,1,什么是分裂句? 2,正式用语与非正式用语的区别? 3,通性名词与中性名词的区别? 4,who与whom如何区分用法? 5,如何翻译Mrs Smith will go and see Nancy hersel

16、f.与He spoke to the president himself.如何避免歧义现象? 6,限定词与代词的关系?,分裂句是以it为引导词的强调句型。 它的结构形式是:it + be的一定形式+中心成分+that-/who-分句。 eg:It was Jane that / who called this morning. 正是简今天上午来电话了。 分裂句是由普通陈述句转换而来的。通过这种结构可以强调除谓语动词以外的大多数句子成分。 根据上下文和语义意图,说话人可以通过分裂句分别强调主语、间接宾语、直接宾语、状语、使之成为信息中心。 分裂句的谓语动词be还可以采取复杂形式。 eg: It

17、may have been at Christmas that John gave Mary a handbag. 约翰可能是在圣诞节送给玛丽一个手提包的。 分裂句可以强调多种多样的状语成分,例如强调时间状语、地点状语、方式状语等。例如:It was when she was about to go to bed that the telephone rang. 正是在她要去睡觉的时候,电话铃响了。 也可以强调由because 引导的原因状语分句。 eg: It was because he was badly ill that he delayed the正是由于他病得很厉害,他才 延误工作的。 ,


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