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1、Unit 2 Deep Concern,深深地忧虑 - 代沟 武警工程大学外语第二教研室田 添,Outline,Warm-up by listening music (音乐导入)Pre-reading questions(思考性问题)Background (背景知识)Analyze the text- Part 4(课文精讲第四部分)-meaning of the text (内容句意)-new words& expressions (生词短语)-your questions (随堂问题) Group discussion (分组讨论) Summary (总结) Assignment (作业)

2、,Warm-up,-Please listen to the two different types of music.,-Tips: the old generation traditional / classical music,the young generation rock / popular music,Pre-reading questions,How do you understand generation gap ?What creates the gap? 2. Why do you think parents have the deep concern on the yo

3、ung generation?,Tips: -a lack of understanding between the older & younger people-different time, value, habit, behavior,Tips: -love deeply; care about our growth,Background 背景,“代沟是指子女在走向社会的过程中,背弃父母原有的观点,有了新的见解而造成的思想观念、行为习惯的差异。” (http:/ 1960s, social change economical, political, cultural young peop

4、le, rebels drugs, heavy metal music deep concern,Text Analysis 课文分析,Part one: Para 1-4 -the conflict between Sandy & her father over the favorite music Part two: Para 5 -how Sandy took a shower Part three: Para 6-20 -the conflict between Sandy & her mother over her dresses, makeup & other things Par

5、t four: Para 21-28 -how Sandys parents concerned on her growth and discussed about the solutions,Text Analysis-Part 4 第四部分精讲,“Would you like some coffee, Steve?” asked Jane. “No, thanks, honey. My stomach feels upset like its full of knots. Its probably that awful music that wakes me up every mornin

6、g. I dont think Im old-fashioned, but hearing those tuneless, offensive lyrics repeatedly makes my blood boil.”,Text Analysis-Part 4 第四部分精讲(cont),“You know, honey, different music appeals to different generations, ”reasoned Jane. “Remember some of the music we listened to?” Steve smiled. “ Youre rig

7、ht. Maybe eating breakfast will help me get rid of the knots in my stomach.”,Group Discussion ( 分组讨论),Have you or your friends ever had the experience in struggling with the problems of generation gap? If so, how do you bridge the gap?,Summary (总结),-Background -Text analysis useful words& expression

8、s -Group discussion suggested solutions:,First, it is better to keep our minds open to our parents. Second, it is wise of us to treat our parents the way we want them to treat us. Third, do something social with our parents.,Assignment(作业),Review the new words & expressions Finish the exercises P.35

9、-36. Write a short paragraph on how to fulfill the generation gap between the young and the old generation.,Unit 2 Deep Concern,武警工程大学外语第二教研室 田 添,Thanks for your attention !,make ones blood boil,-make someone angry E.g. 他尖刻的话没有令我生气。His sharp remarks did not make my blood boil.,get rid of,-free sb. from sth. unwanted E.g.这些药可以帮你摆脱感冒的困扰。These pills will help you get rid of the cold.,


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