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1、Unit 24 Lesson 95,The ninety-fifth lesson,What was/were he/she/they doing at 4:00 oclock yesterday?,Ask and answer:,having a PE class,sweeping the floor,working in the chemistry lab,What was/were doing at 10:30 last Friday?,Ask and answer:It was a fine Sunday morning, the man upstairs was not workin

2、g. He was looking out of his window. What did he see? What were the children and other people doing?He saw a lot of people in the park. Some boys were,look out of his window,drink some water,play games,boat,buy some fruit,sell some fruit,read newspapers,play football,fish,Mrs Black,Mr Green,Mr Brown

3、,a policeman,Listen to the tape carefully and answer the questions:,Who dont you believe? Why? Whose car do you think hit the old man? Why do you think so?,Listening,driving home from a meeting.,working at her company.,at home watching TV with his wife.,Listen to the tape carefully, and write down t

4、he three peoples answers on the form below.,A policeman,A thief,Last Sunday an unlucky thing happened to the man upstairs. A thief(小偷) came into his room and stole(偷) something from him. But luckily, a policeman caught the thief yesterday. Now the policeman is asking many questions about what he was

5、 doing last Sunday. What do you think the thief will answer?,Interview,For example: The policeman: What were you doing at 7:30 last Sunday? The thief: I was playing cards with my brother.,Suppose(假设) you are the policeman and the thief, ask and answer many questions like that.,No pains no gains(不劳无获

6、),Now the policeman is writing a report about what the thief said:The thief said he had a busy day last Sunday. At 8:00 he was ,A report,Homework:,1 Finish the report , or you may write your busy day last Sunday.,2 Exercises in the workbook.,Goodbye,Thank you,; http:/ 东京娱乐 gwh96iyc行到狭窄去处,尖底搭了河床,招遣几十



9、愿意用功的,但说也怪,一看白纸上黑墨写的那些正儿八经字眼,他头就大,然后字就在他眼前跳起舞来,他不得不给自己找点别的消遣。第五十四章 水上失银斗巧智(6)宝音悠悠想起,她在柳少姨娘橱里看见的钟馗像。当时她被抬着从过道里走,纱帐外一眼看见那像晃过去了。要换另一个人,准不在意,但宝音前生就死在这金像手里,一眼扫过,如遭雷殛,当时就要跳起来,好容易忍住了,遣乐韵打听,那像已经不见了,而嘉颜在离去之前,在那儿呆过一会儿。柳少姨娘也晓得嘉颜在这里呆了一会儿、做了什么,在她走后,便在橱里摸了一遍,全无头绪,搔搔脑门儿,只得罢了。宝音想,放金像的人,应该不是想叫宝音看见的,而是想叫嘉颜看见的。那人知道嘉颜会陪着表 过来,就把像放在嘉颜的必经之路上。金像,明珠已交给明柯,明柯觉得烫手么,要陷害柳少姨娘?他自己放过去是不方便,一定找人帮手,谁能比明灵更合适!她聪明得已足以作个小间谍,却并没有睿智到能够辨明是非。话说回来,天下又有几个人能自诩明辨是非?金像现身、明柯赌钱时失了钱、二太太最近举止,


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