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1、Period Five Communication Workshop,8_ vt. to advise or suggest as a correct or suitable course of action 9_ n. the subject matter of a conversation or discussion 10_ adj. behaving like a child not suited to an adult 答案 1.merchant 2.drawback 3.evident 4.plot 5catalogue 6.strike 7.treat 8.recommend 9.

2、theme 10.childish,.短语天地 1_ 等一下,别挂断 2_ 各种各样的零碎东西 3_ 来回的 4_ 主动提出做某事 5be transformed into_ 6be based on_ 7get lost_ 8at times_,答案 1.hang on a second 2.bits and pieces 3.back and forth 4.offer to do sth 5.变成了 6.以为依据 7迷路 8.不时的,.课文缩写 “Beauty and the Beast” was 1._ by Jean Cocteau.It is 2._ on the 3._ of t

3、he fairy tale by Madame Le Prince de Beaumont.4._ is the Beast and 5._ is Beauty. Beauty is a daughter of a 6._.One day her father 7._ in a castle,8._ owner is an 9._.Beauty 10._ 11._ her father as a 12._ in the castle.In the end she discovers that in fact the Beast is not a 13._ and 14._ creature b

4、ut a 15._ prince.,The film deals with the 16._ of 17._ in a very 18._ and 19._ manner.Although it has its 20._,the 21._ use of light makes it seem like a 22._.The film conveys a 23._ that you shouldnt 24._ a book by 25._.,答案 1.directed 2.based 3.version 4.Jean Marais 5Josette Day 6.French merchant 7

5、.gets trapped 8.whose 9.abnormal creature 10.offers to 11.replace 12.prisoner 13.disgusting 14.cruel 15.handsome 16.theme 17.appearances 18.interesting 19.clever 20.drawbacks 21.striking 22.moving painting 23.message 24.judge 25.its cover,The condition is usually treated with drugs and a strict diet

6、.这种病通常用药物和严格控制饮食进行治疗。 Im going to treat myself to a new pair of shoes. 我打算给自己买双新鞋。,treatment n对待方式;疗法,治疗 The treatment of the prisoners of war was very harsh. 战俘受到粗暴对待。 A new treatment for cancer has been found. 癌症的新疗法已经找到。,【比较网站】 treat/cure/heal (1)treat为治疗的普通用语,意义广泛。 (2)cure多用于疾病方面。 (3)heal多用于创伤或外

7、伤方面。,【翻译句子】 (1)十几岁的青少年讨厌被人当作小孩子看待。 _ (2)我给自己买了一条新连衣裙。 _ (3)咱们出去吃饭吧这次我请客。 _ 答案 (1)Teenagers hate being treated like children. (2)I treated myself to a new dress. (3)Lets go out for dinnermy treat this time.,trap sb into doing sth 诱骗某人做某事 She had been trapped into saying something she did not mean. 她被

8、迫说了违心的话。剑桥高阶 【完成句子】 (1)They _(被困在)the burning building. (2)He felt he _(自己是中了圈套接受)the terms of the contract. 答案 (1)were trapped in (2)had been trapped into accepting,【比较网站】,用manner,means,method和way填空 (1)Can you work out the problem with this _? (2)Please find alternative _ of transport. (3)I think w

9、e should decorate it in a simple _. (4)Im not happy with this _ of working. 答案 (1)method (2)means (3)manner (4)way,【翻译句子】 (5)她回答时显出一副公事公办的样子。 _ (6)嘴里塞满食物跟人讲话是不礼貌的。 _ 答案 (5)She answered in a business like manner. (6)Its bad manners to talk with your mouth full.,A great man shows his greatness _ the w

10、ay he treats little men. (2008福建) Aunder Bwith Con Dby 答案 D by the way表示“通过的方式”,符合句意。,I recommend writing your feelings down on paper. 我建议你把自己的感受写下来。 The doctor recommended (that) I take more exercise. 医生建议我多做运动。 【拓展】 recommendation n建议,意见 make a recommendation 提出建议 on sbs recommendation 根据的建议,【完成句子

11、】 (1)She _(被推荐到这个岗位) by a colleague. (2)He _(建议看) this book. 【单项填空】 (3)Its strongly recommended that the machine _ every year. Abe checked Bare checked Cwill be checked Dmust be checked 答案 (1)was recommended to the post (2)recommended reading (3)A,1be based on以为基础 The film is based on a novel by Sin

12、clair Lewis. 该影片是根据辛克莱刘易斯的小说改编的。 【拓展】 base n基础,底座(可数),基地,根据地(可数) be based at/in.把总部/基地等设在 basic adj.基本的,根本性的 basically adv.基本上(说来),从根本上 basis n根据,基础(复数bases) baseless adj.毫无根据的,用base,basic,basis,basically或baseless选词填空 (1)This book is _on a true story. (2)There we established our first revolutionary

13、_. (3)The story is founded on a _rumour. (4)Hes _a nice person. (5)Reading is the _tool of learning in higher education. (6)There was no _for this belief. 答案 (1)based (2)bases (3)baseless (4)basically (5)basic (6)basis,【拓展】 offer sb sthoffer sth to sb 向某人提供某物 offer sb money for sth 出价买 offer sb sth

14、for money 出价卖 an offer of/to do sth 提议做 They offered him a very good job but he turned it down. 他们给他提供了一份很好的工作,但他拒绝了。 Theyve offered us 75,000 for the house. 他们已向我们出价7.5万英镑买这幢房子。 Thank you for your kind offer to help. 谢谢你愿意帮忙的好意。,【单项填空】 If you like,I can do some shopping for you. Thats a very kind _. Aoffer Bservice Cpoint Dsuggestion 答案 A,1(课文重现)The owner of the castle is an abnormal creature,halfman,halfbeast,who tells the merchanteither one of his daughters replaces him as a prisoner in the castle,or he will die.城堡的主人是一个异常的动物,半人半兽,它告诉商人或者他的一个女儿来城堡代他作为囚犯,或者他死。,



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