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1、1. brush: a short fight or quarrel; an argument or disagreement 小冲突;小接触,III. Language Points,It is his third brush with the law in less than a year. 不到一年的时间里这是他与 警察的第三次小冲突。,2. take sb. to court: take legal action against sb. 对某人提出诉讼,I told him that I would take him to court if he did not repay the m

2、oney in a week. 我告诉他如果他在一个星期 内不还钱的话,我将对他提 出诉讼。,3. at the time: when the thing we are talking about happened; at a certain moment or period in the past 在那时;在那段时间,I agreed at the time but later changed my mind. 我当时同意了,但后来又变 了主意。,at one time: at some period in the past; formerly 一度;从前 At one time I use

3、d to go skiing every winter. 我有一度每到冬季就去滑雪。,at a time: in sequence; separately 依次;逐一;每次 Dont try to do everything at once; take it a bit at a time. 不要什么事情都一块儿干,要 一次做一点儿。,Take the pills two at a time. 每次服两粒。,4. it makes a good story now: -it provides material for a good story now. 现在倒成了一篇很好的故事。,Here t

4、he verb “ to make ” means “ to have the qualities needed for (sth. good) ”. 具有(尤指好的)质量,能够 成为,This coat will make a good present for my mother. 这件大衣将是给我母亲的一件 理想礼物。,Iced tea makes an excellent drink in summer. 冰茶是夏季里绝美的饮品。,5. What makes it rather disturbing was the arbitrary circumstances both of my a

5、rrest and my subsequent fate in court. 这次经历令人可恼之处在于 围绕着我的被捕以及随后庭 上审讯而出现的种种武断专 横的情况。,The author was arrested simply because the policemen thought he intended to steal milk bottles and later in court he was released from the charge just because he had the “right” accent, respectable middle-class paren

6、ts, reliable witnesses and so on. That is to say, he was arrested arbitrarily and released arbitrarily. And it is this arbitrariness of both his arrest and his release that the author thinks rather disturbing.,6. a couple of: a small number of; a few, usually two 几个的,数个人的;两个的,I saw a couple of men g

7、et out. 我看见有两个人出去了。 Ill stay for a couple more hours. 我再多待两个小时。,7. and was not due to go to university until the following October: In Britain the university terms are: October-December; January-March; April-June. 上大学要等到10月。 due:,(1)expected or scheduled to arrive or be ready; supposed (to) 预期,预定,应到

8、的 The next train to London is due here at 4 Oclock. 下一列去往伦敦的火车预定 4点钟到这里。,(2)to be paid or returned 到期的 The books are due today but I want to renew some of them. 这些书今天到期,但我想续 借其中几本。,8. save up: (1) keep (money) for future use; not spend 储存(钱);储蓄,积攒,Im saving up for a new car / to buy a new car. 我正在为买

9、台新车攒钱。 You should save some money up, instead of spending it all. 你应该存一些钱,别全部花掉。,9. take ones time: use as much time as one needs; not hurry 需要用多少时间就用多少;不 着急,There is no need to rush back- just take your time. 没必要匆匆赶回来-可别着急。,10.It must have been this obvious aimlessness that led to my downfall. -Im

10、sure my arrest was the result of my wandering in the streets without any definite purpose. 现在看来,一定是这种明显的毫无目的的游逛,使我倒了霉。,11. .this time in uniform: the second policeman was wearing uniform while the first was obviously in plain clothes 这次是位身着警服的,12. I was left in no doubt: I became completely certain

11、of the seriousness of the matter; I realized that it was no joke and they meant business. 这一下使我确信无疑了。,13. But what for: But for what reason are you arresting me? 为什么要抓我?,14. with intent to commit an arrestable offence: with intent to commit an offence which is serious enough for one to be arrested.

12、企图作案,15. perfectly straight face: a face showing no emotion or humor; a very serious-looking face. 板着面孔,16. turn out: be found or discovered (to be); prove to be 原来是,结果是;证明是,She turned out to be a friend of my sister. 她原来是我妹妹的朋友。 Dont worry, Im sure it will all turn out fine. 别担心,我肯定结果一切都会挺 好。,17. i

13、n the most casual and conversational tone I could manage: trying to sound as unconcerned and informal as I could. 于是我尽量用漫不经心的极其 随便的腔调。,18. familiar with this sort of situation: familiar with the situation in which one is confronted with the police 熟悉这种情形,19. it confirmed them in their belief that I

14、was a thoroughly disreputable character: it reinforced their belief that I was a very disreputable person. 他们更加确信我是一个地地 道道的坏蛋。,20. Aha, I could see them thinking, unemployed.-Judging by the look on their faces, the author realized that the policemen must be reasoning like this: Aha, youre unemployed

15、. Thats why you are stealing. The word aha is used here to express the satisfaction and joy of the policemen in finding out the “reason” for the young mans supposed theft. “啊”,我可以想见他们在想,“果然是个失业的家伙。”,21. I wanted to conduct my own defence in court: I wanted to defend myself in court instead of hiring

16、 a lawyer 我想在法庭上作自我辩护。,22. call on: formally ask someone to do sth. 呼吁、要求;邀请 The UN has called on both sides to observe the ceasefire. 联合国呼吁双方遵守停火协 议。,23. My trial didnt get that far. -My trial ended before it reached the stage when witnesses would be called on to give evidence. 我的“审判”没有进行到那一 步。,24. stand a chance: have a chance He stands a (good/fair) chance of passing the examination. 他考试及格(大/很)有希望。,25. getting costs awarded against the police: getting the magistrates to make the decision that the expenses of the case should be paid by the police. 法庭责成警方承担了诉讼费用。,



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