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1、义务教育课程标准 实验教科书英语七年级 下册,以发展学生为本 推进新课改 切实减轻学生负担 提高教学质量,一、课程基本理念,教材的编写意图和使用建议,关注学生的情感,提高他们的人文素养,引导他们树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观,提高跨文化理解和跨文化交际的能力,优化学生的英语学习方法,使他们通过观察、体验、探究等主动学习的方法,形成有效的学习策略,提高自主学习的能力,力求培养学生的语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等素养的基础上,发展学生的综合语言运用能力,二、教材的编写意图,课 标 要 求,语言技能,说,写,读,听,语言知识,语音,词汇,语法,单词,固定短语,情态动词can(U

2、1),形容词的比较等级(U2U9),一般过去时(U4-U5),交友意识U1,畅想未来U7,综合语言运用能力,学习策略,阅读,认知,调控,交际,资源,课标内容,文化意识,语言技能,语言知识,情感态度,交友态度方式差异,自然灾害中互助与自我保护,语言交流 U3-U4,名人品质与成就,旅游资源与文化,英美语言差异,对人物评价U2,U9,现在进行时(U6),be going to(U7),反义疑问句问句(U10),可数与不可数名词 及祈使句(U3),Could 句型(U8),礼貌用语U8,七年级英语下册,Unit 1,Unit 10,be born,Isnt it,School trip,party,

3、运用一般过去时 询问出生时间 及谈论著名人物,情态动词can及 cant的用,Unit 9,best radio station,For vacation,运用一般过去时 谈论过去的事情,用形容词和副词 的比较级和最高级 谈论电影和服装店,反义疑问句的 构成及运用,用现在进行时 谈论未来计划 及how long句型,Unit 4,Unit 5,Unit 8,Unit 2,Unit 3,Unit 7,Unit 6,To be a player,Couldyou please,more outgoing,How many /much,用形容词比较级 谈论和比较人 的特征,可数与不可数名词 及祈使句

4、,用一般将来时 谈论将来的打算,Could 表礼貌的请求 及like与hate的用法,词汇,whole,American,chemistry,Tomorrow/ weekday,句型,Can you come to my party?,training,Unit 1,语法,情态动词can及 cant的用法,who,concert,another,lesson,free,Sure, Id love to.,Im sorry too. I have to goto the doctor.,Sorry,I cant. I have a piano lesson.,Mary can /cant com

5、e to my party.,短语,come over,the day after tomorrow,too much,have to,match,词汇,however,as,make,mean,friendship,句型,Im more outgoing than my sister.,infomation,Unit2,语法,用形容词比较级 谈论和比较人 的特征,interest,physics,note,necessary,serious,He has shorter hair than Tom.,短语,most of,in common,more than,be good at,care

6、,laugh,Tina is taller than Tara.,My friend is the same as me.,Liu Ying is not as good at sports as her sister.,词汇,into,up,check,cut,butter,句型,How do you make a banana milk shake?,duck,Unit 3,语法,可数与不可数名词 及祈使句,bread,sandwich,cup,instruction,salt,First,peel the bananas and cut them up.,Turn on the blen

7、der.,Then,put the bananas into the blender.,How much milk do you need?,短语,milk shake,turn on,cut up,mix up,How many bananas do you need?,词汇,famous,wet,win,hang,end,句型,Were there any sharks? Yes, there were./No, there werent.,future,Unit 4,语法,运用一般过去时 谈论过去的事情,umbrella,rain,visitor,prize,gift,Did you g

8、o to the zoo? Yes, I did。/ No, I didnt.,短语,hang out,sleep late,watch a show,yard sale,What did you do onyour school trip?,have fun,day off,词汇,national,alive,kind,tour,call,句型,When was she born? She was born in 1993.,skate,Unit 5,语法,一般过去时特殊疑 问句的用法,number,university,Asia,song,person,Did you go to the

9、zoo? Yes, I did。/ No, I didnt.,短语,tooto,because of,take part in,major in,could,table tennis,become,ice cream,词汇,cloudy,rain,windy,sunny,cold,句型,surprised,Unit 66,语法,用现在进行时 谈论未来计划 及how long句型,cook,relaxed,-Hows the weather? -Its sunny.,短语,on vacation,have a good time,take a photo,How long,beach,snow,

10、weather,-what are you/ they doing? - Im/They are studying,词汇,foreign,fit,build,travel,save,句型,-What are you going to bewhen you grow up? -Im going to be a Computer programmer.,hold,Unit 7,语法,用一般将来时 谈论将来的打算,move,act,grow,dream,pilot,短语,grow up,all over,at the same time,-How are you going to do that?

11、-Im going to study computer science.,keep fit,teach,rich,词汇,take out,work on,disagree,borrow,sweep,句型,-Could you please take out the trash? -Sure.,hate,Unit 8,语法,Could 表礼貌的请求 及like与hate的用法,mine,care,meeting,dish,短语,make ones bed,living room,do chores,-Could I borrow your car? -Sorry, but I need it.

12、I have to go to a meeting.,take care of,invite,feed,do the dishes,do the laundry,词汇,as for,in winter,loud,near,act,句型,-What do you think is the most important whenyou go to the cinema?,comfortable,Unit 9,语法,形容词和副词的 比较级和最高级用法,success,meal,cinema,radio,短语,decide on,-What do you think is the most impor

13、tant when you go to the clothing stores ?,easy,together,close to,close,enough,still,lovely,I think the cheapest clothing Is the most important.,I think comfortable seats and big screens are the most important.,词汇,look through,slow,cost,句型,Hes really good, isnt he?,cross,Unit10,语法,反义疑问句的 构成及运用,traffic,baby,note,noon,短语,come along,be careful,low,alone,at least,Thank you for your attention!,


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