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1、A Lets talk,PEP小学英语五年级下册,Unit5 Whose dog is it?,新丰县黄磜中心小学 罗玉玲,Lets enjoy some pictures.,Is it _,?,Whose is it ?,Guess (猜一猜),s,Is it _,?,Whose picture is it ?,Guess and say (猜一猜,说一说),Johns,The picture of _ is Liao Linweis.,“Picture of”表示: “的图片”,The picture of _ is Liao Zhihuais.,apple,orange,Guess an

2、d say (猜一猜,说一说),Listen and tick. Which is Johns picture?,Lets try!,There is a school art show at Chen Jies school.,?,?,Listen and tick. Which is Johns picture?,Lets try!,?,?,The school art show is great.,Yes.,I like this picture.,The trees are beautiful.,Whose picture is it?,Its Johns.,What about th

3、e one over there?,I like the blue colour.,Thats mine.,(在那里,远处),Lets talk,Johns,Mikes,Its his.,Whose is it ?,Yes, they are.,Are these all ours?,Its hers.,A.,B.,C.,D.,E.,要求:1.同桌尝试读2.同桌讨论,选句填空,Pair-work(同桌互动),Its his.,Whose is it ?,Yes, they are.,Are these all ours?,Its hers.,A.,B.,C.,D.,E.,Listen and

4、choose(听录音,核对答案),2. Whose the picture of Beijing is it?,1.Whose the yellow picture is it?,3.Whose the picture of Shanghai is it?,Watch and answer(看视频,回答问题),2. Whose the picture of Beijing is it?,1.Whose the yellow picture is it?,3.Whose the picture of Shanghai is it?,Watch and answer(看视频,回答问题),Its C

5、hen Jies.,Its Zhang Pengs.,Its Yifans.,The yellow picture is mine.,mine =,my picture,New words(新单词),ours =,Are these all ours ?,Yes, they are.,our pictures,New words(新单词),Follow the tape(跟读,注意升降调和连读),Read alone(自由读课文1分钟,注意升降调和连读),Ask and find out(同桌对话,找到物品主人),Whose?,theirs,Ask and find out(同桌对话,找到物品

6、主人),After the art class,some students left something(落下一些东西) in the art room,too.,Lets find out the owners.(让我们一起寻找失主),Lost and found(失物招领),小组活动:3人来到失物招领处,询问红领巾志愿者,: Whose ruler is this? Is it Zhang Pengs/Amys/yours?,: Yes,theyre .No, they arent. Theyre ,Excuse me. One iss. One iss. Here you are. Th

7、ank you!,: Whose storybooks are these? Are they ?,: Yes, its his/hers/mine. No,it isnt. Its ,Lost and found(失物招领),Eg: The pen is Mikes. Its his.,Make a report: 汇报,The_ is _s. Its _ The_s are _s. Theyre _,Please put away your things. (请保管好自己的物品) Dont be careless! (别再粗心啦!),再见,小马虎!,Homework,1、读A.lets talk 3次并背诵课文。2、继续创编对话,



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