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1、UNIT 15,What do people eat?,Step1 warming-up: Listening,What is Chinese / English / American popular take-away food?,Chinese: rice in the boxes,English: fish and chips,American: fried chicken, pizza and hamburgers,Listen to the tape and answer the two questions: Whats the most popular take-away food

2、 in the USA?_A. Fish and chips B. Chinese take-away food C. Hamnurgers 2. Whats inside the hamurger usually?_A. Chopped beef B. Pork C. Fried chicken,C,A,Step2 Pre-task,1. The usage of so and neither,Many people like hamburgers in the USA.,So do the other people in other counties.,So do we.,Eg: 1. Y

3、ou are from Hangzhou. So am I.2. I dont like swimming. Neither does he.3. He cant ride a bike. Neither can she.4. She got there late. So did her mother.,Do you think its good to eat them?,Yes, I think so. / No, I dont think so.,Yes, I agree with them. / No, I dont really agree with them.,Do you agre

4、e with them?,表示“同意”与 “不同意”,Exercises,In Canada people eat bread with butter on it. _ _ the people in the USA. I go to school by bus. _ _ he. He isnt a student. _ _ I. She lived there last year. _ _ he. Many old people dont like pop music. _ _ they.,So,do,So,does,Neither,am,So,did,Neither,do,2. The u

5、sage of either and neither,表示“两个中任意一个”,表示“两个中任意一个都不”,Either or 不是就是 neither nor 既不是也不是,Eg: 1. Either of them agrees with Tom.2. The sentence can be either true or false.3. Either mum or I cook supper.Either I or mum cooks supper.4. Neither of them agrees with Tom.5. I neither watch TV nor listen to

6、the radio.6. Neither my parents nor I am at work now.Neither I nor my parents are at work now.,注:1.当either or 和neithernor 连接两个主语时,谓语动词与后者一致。2.当either 和neither 作主语时,谓语用单数。3. 注意与both (“两个都”, 复数)的区别。,Exercises,You can either come with me or _(walk) home.Neither Li Lei nor Wang Hai _(be) there.Neither o

7、f them _ (like) this film.Both of them _ (like) this film.Either they or their grandpa _ (like) watching football games.,walk,is / was,likes,like,likes,Step3 While-task: Reading and discussion,Read the two passages, and then discuss the questions.,1.Do you help your parents with the housework?What d

8、o you usually do at home? 2. Do you think its good to do some housework? 3. Do you agree with Indira?Why or why not?,byebye,Homework,1person(名词)-personal(形容词) 2interest(名词)-interesting令人感到有趣、interested对什么感到有趣be interested in sth.=show interest in sth. 如: He is interested in the novel.= He shows inte

9、rest in the novel. 3spend 时间/金钱on sth=spend时间/金钱in doing sth.,我花了一个半月时间建造这座房子。I spent one and a half months building the House. 5unusual表示不寻常, Hes always doing unusual things. 6in the end=at last 7develop开发 他们计划开发这个地区。 They plan to develop this part.,develop发展 这座城市正发展成为一个美丽的城市。 This town is developi

10、ng into a beautil city. 7improve作改进、提高讲=make better get better 如: 我们公司的业务起色很快。 Our companys business is improving very uickly.,8hundreds of thousands of millions of billions of 但如果前面有一个具体的数字,则这些数词就不能加s、of 如:只能说两百万 人 two million people 9lielay-lying 躺 10,1由谁写得 Be written by 2用新的方法解决商务问题 Solve busines

11、s problem in new ways 3最畅销的书之一 one of the best-sellers 4在纽约时报的名单上 On the New York Times list,5它似乎是一本有趣的书。 It seems to be an interesting book. It seems that its an interesting book. 6我本来以为他不会写书的。 I didnt know he could write books. 7以什么命名。 Be named after 8在将来 in the future,9操作电脑 player with computers.

12、 10花费许多时间做不寻常的事 Spend lots of time doing unusual things. 修建那座大桥花了他们两年多时间 It took them over two years to build the bridge. They spent over two years building the bridge.,11制作电脑软件work out a software program 12卖某物换了多少钱sell sth for +数字 13在某人第几年级in ones 序数词+grade 14一个叫做微软的公司a company called/named microso

13、ft,15为个人电脑开发软件develop software for personal computer 16使人们更容易地操作电脑。make it easier for people to use computers 17父亲节Fathers Day 18计划做某事plan to do sth.,19我不肯定该为他买什么。 Im not sure what to buy for him. Im not sure what I will buy for him. 20数百万millions of 21捐献 give away,22她几乎和那个妇女一样高。 Shes almost as tall

14、 as the woman. 23躺在地板上lie on the floor 24 但是曾经有一个玩笑开到他身上。 But once a joke was played on him. But once someone played a joke on him.,1When he was 13 years old, Bill started to Play with computer. _ _ _of 13,Bill started_with computer. 2I spent half an hour doing my homework Yesterday. It_ _half an ho

15、ur_ _my Homework.,3Lucy is working hard. Lily is working hard, too. Lucy is working hard. And_ _ _. 4They seeem to have trouble. _ _ _they have trouble. 5We must ask the man not to drink too much. We must_the man from_too much.,6The disease kills_(million)of people every year. 7When is_(mother) Day?

16、 8In his_(three)year,he began a company. 9To our surprise we saw a man_(lie)under the seat. 10Do you plan_him a present? A.buy B.buying C.to buy D.bought.,11Can you let me have a look at your present? Could you_your birthday present_me? 12His mother isnt as old as she looks. His mother looks_ _than her_. 13It takes me much time to learn English. _ _a lot of time_English. 14They cant decide what they will do next. They cant decide_ _ _me.,



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