高中英语新课标外研版必修4教案 period5 cultural corner;task;module file(module2 traffic jam)

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高中英语新课标外研版必修4教案 period5 cultural corner;task;module file(module2 traffic jam) _第1页
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高中英语新课标外研版必修4教案 period5 cultural corner;task;module file(module2 traffic jam) _第2页
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高中英语新课标外研版必修4教案 period5 cultural corner;task;module file(module2 traffic jam) _第3页
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高中英语新课标外研版必修4教案 period5 cultural corner;task;module file(module2 traffic jam) _第4页
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高中英语新课标外研版必修4教案 period5 cultural corner;task;module file(module2 traffic jam) _第5页
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《高中英语新课标外研版必修4教案 period5 cultural corner;task;module file(module2 traffic jam) 》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语新课标外研版必修4教案 period5 cultural corner;task;module file(module2 traffic jam) (10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Period 5 Cultural Corner;Task;Module File The General Idea of This Period The passage in Cultural Corner introduces to us the Congestion Charge the London government adopted in order to lessen the stress of traffic problems.To start with,the teacher may ask the students some questions.With the quest

2、ions in mind,the students may read the passage quickly.In answering them,the teacher may divide the students into a few groups.The Teaching Procedures can be planned according to the level of the students and the time permitted.If the students are good enough and the teaching time is abundant,activi

3、ties can be carried out fully in class.Otherwise,some Teaching Procedures may be omitted or done after class.And the task of this module is to complete a poster giving advice to visitor to a city or a town.The teacher may encourage the students to ask and answer questions using the questions listed

4、in the text book or even come up with their questions themselves.They had better try to set as many questions as they can and provide solutions.The solutions may be written down in the form of key words for the writing of the poster.Remind the students to use proper modifiers to make the poster more

5、 attractive.The better ones may demonstrate their works to the whole class. The Module File is a summary as well as a self-assessment of this module.It may help the students to know whether they have mastered the main points or not.If time permits,the teacher may have a revision of this module by an

6、alyzing this part and consolidate it with some exercises. Teaching Important Points Make the students learn about the congestion charge in London. Teaching Difficult Points How to use imperatives to make suggestions. Teaching Methods Skimming and explanation Teaching Aids Multimedia,a blackboard in

7、other cities,the drivers pay a small charge to park (significantly less,however,than in city centre car parks or at parking metres in the streets) and use the ticket to travel on public transport.For the scheme to work,it is important that the bus service between the car parks and the city centre is

8、 very frequent and fast. Step 3 Task T:The task in this module is to complete a poster giving advice to visitors to your city/hometown.You may work in pairs and give advice or information to visitors to your hometown by answering the questions in the poster. (Write the following on the blackboard.)

9、Q 此外还可以作不及物动词,表示”受痛苦, 受损害”。常用于 suffer from 结构。 suffering n.疼痛;折磨;痛苦;苦恼 sufferer n.患病者;受难者 例如: Death finally brought an end to her suffering? 死亡终于结束了她的痛苦。 2.connect vt.与相连 Will you connect this wire to the television? 你把这根电线和电视机连上好吗? This flight connects with New York one. 这班飞机在纽约可接上另一班机。 connect(常与

10、to,with 连用)连接;结合;联结 be connected with 连接(火车、汽车、飞机等联运),换车;衔接;有联系,有关。如: Connect me with A.R.Company please. 请给我接 A.R 公司。 He was suspected to be connected with the crime. 他被怀疑与犯罪事件有关。 3.reduce vt.减少;缩小 Theyve reduced the prices in the shop,so its a good time to buy. 商店已经降低了商品的价格,看来现在是买东西的好时候。 This expe

11、rienced editor is said to be able to reduce the misprints to almost nil. 据说这位经验丰富的老编辑能把印刷错误几乎减少到零。 reduce 经常与介词 to 和 by 连用,to 此时翻译为”到”,表示发生变化后的结果;by 翻译为” 了”,表示减少或降低的”幅度或程度”。 与这种用法相同的还有动词 increase,rise,go up,go down,bring up,bring down 等。例如: The price of the clothes has increased by 10 percent. 衣服的价钱

12、增加了 10%。 At last they had to bring the price down to 87 yuan. 最后他们不得不把价钱降低到 87 元。 高考真题及讲解 1.(2004 全国高考,21)Its getting late.Im afraid I must be going now. OK._. A.Take it easy B.Go slowlyC.Stay longerD.See you 答案答案:D 解析解析:See you.”再见”。是告别时的用语。 2.(NMET 2004 全国高考,23)Could I ask you a rather personal qu

13、estion? _. A.Yes,dont worryB.Of course,go ahead C.Yes,help yourselfD.Of course,why not 答案答案:B 解析解析:go ahead 用于祈使句表示同意对方所请求的事,意思是”进行,开始,往下说”。3.(2004 湖南高考,35)Now,where is my purse? _!Well be late for the picnic. A.Take your timeB.Dont worry C.Come onD.Take it easy 答案答案:C 解析解析:根据所提供的情景”Well be late for

14、 the picnic.”可判断出要填 Come on!(快来!) 。4.(2005 北京春季高考,33) Lose one hour in the morning _you will be looking for it the rest of the day. A.butB.and C.orD.so 答案答案:B 解析解析:Lose one hour in the morning 是祈使句,要用 and 连接后面的句子,表示”如果 就”。 5.(2004 湖南高考,34)Theyve _us 150 000 for the house.Shall we take it? A.provided

15、B.supplied C.shownD.offered 答案答案:D 解析解析:offer 主动提供。句意为:他们出价 150 000 英镑要买我们的房子。 6.(2003 上海春季,29)If you want helpmoney or anything,let me know,_you? A.dontB.will C.shallD.do 答案答案:B 解析解析:let me know 是祈使句,反意疑问句要用 will you。 7.(2006 全国高考) Your story is perfect;Ive never heard _before. A.the better oneB.th

16、e best one C.a better oneD.a good one 答案答案:C 解析解析:句意为”你的故事好极了,我从来没有听过(比这)更好的(故事)了”。后一分 句中省略了 than this story,所以用比较级指不确定的一个,应用不定冠词,故选 C 项。 8.(2006 全国高考)Did you take enough money with you? No,I needed _I thought I would. A.not so much as B.as much as C.much more than D.much less than 答案答案:C 解析解析:much more than I thought I would 表示”需要比我认为要用的要多得多”。根据 no 可判断出说话人没有带足够的钱。not


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