高中英语 unit 5 rhythm随堂演练4 北师大版必修2

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1、【名师一号名师一号】2014-2015】2014-2015 学年高中英语学年高中英语 UnitUnit 5 5 RhythmRhythm 随堂演随堂演练练 4 4 北师大版必修北师大版必修 2 2.选词填空1quit, give upDont _ hope; keep on trying.I have had enough, so I _.答案 give up quit2in some ways, in no way, in the way_ I can see what you mean, even though I dont agree with you.I couldnt get thr

2、ough the door because there was a big box _._ will I believe there exist ghosts (鬼)答案 In some ways in the way In no way3because, because ofHe had to leave his job _ his old age.He left the company _ he was too old to work.答案 because of because4at times, at a time, at all times, at no time, at the sa

3、me time, at one time_ should you stop studying.Someone must be on duty _.They met frequently _.Everyone may make mistakes _.Dont all speak _.I can only carry two _.答案 At no time at all times at one time at times at the same time at a time.单句语法填空(不多于 3 个单词)1_ the time you come back, Ill have finished

4、 reading the article.答案与解析 By by the time 后加从句,表示到某一时刻。2A neighbour came to ask the band to quit _(make) noises when they practised at 11:00 pm.答案与解析 making 句意:当他们(乐队)晚上 11 点了还在练习时,一个邻居来要求乐队停止制造噪音。quit doing sth.“放弃做某事” 。3Nowadays _ the help of advanced machines people are producing more and more da

5、ily necessities which used to be made _ hand.答案与解析 with; by with the help of“在的帮助下” ;be made by hand“手工制作” 。4I _(not) realize how much time I had wasted _ I began to work.答案与解析 didnt; until 句意:我开始工作时才意识到自己浪费了很多时间。not . until“直到才” 。.单项填空1There will be a _ competition and many young girls are eager fo

6、r it.A. talent B. talentedC. tolerance D. gifted答案与解析 A B、D 两项虽然为形容词,但都用来修饰人而非物。2There are some buildings _, so we cant see the mountain well.A. in one way B. in no wayC. in the way D. in this way答案与解析 C 句意:因为有些楼房挡住视线,所以我们不能很清楚地看到山。in one way“在某种程度上” ;in no way“决不” ;in the way“挡道;碍事” ; in this way“这

7、样;以这种方式” ,故选 C 项。3In only 20 years, the country has _ into an advanced industrial power.A. translated B. degradedC. declined D. transformed答案与解析 D 句意:这个国家仅用了 20 年的时间就发展成为一个发达的工业化国家。transform“从外观、形式以及性质上发生了根本性的变化” ;translate“翻译” ;degrade“降级;变坏;堕落” ;decline“(健康、标准、质量、影响等)下降或变坏” 。4 Look, she is crying. She is getting so sad just _ what you said just now.A. because B. because ofC. for D. with答案与解析 B because 和 because of 都可用来表示原因。前者通常用于引导原因状语从句,而后者后接名词或代词,但也可接名词性从句。本题空格后面的 what you said just now 就是一个名词性从句,故用 because of。


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