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1、ModuleModule 9 9 PeoplePeople andand placesplaces UnitUnit 2 2 .根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。 1China and Japan are A_ countries. 2Sheep like eating g_. 3There is about three k_ of orange. 4Giraffes eat grass and l_. .从方框中选择合适的单词并用其正确形式填空。 grass Africa Europe bamboo monkey 1Dont step(踩踏)on the _ in the park. 2Ther

2、e are many _ in the zoo. 3His grandfather likes sitting in a _ chair. 4Libya(利比亚) is a(n) _ country. 5German and France are _ countries. .单句改错。 1They come from,different country. A B C 2Is the penguin(企鹅)come_from Asia? A B C 3These elephants likes eating fruit. A B C 4The_monkey is my_best favourit

3、e_animal. A B C 5It lives in China and it eats leafs. A B C .阅读理解。 A park is near my home.We like to go to this park.Some people go to the park every day.Look!That is Mr King.He is sitting on a chair and watching the children.Some children are playing a game.Some boys are playing football.Lucy and L

4、ily are standing under a tree.They are talking.Some birds are in the tree.There is a small river in the park.We can see some boats on the water.Some children are sitting in the boats with their fathers and mothers.Listen!A girl is singing a song.This is really a nice park.I come here every day. 1Do

5、they like the park? ANo,they do.BYes,they are.CYes,they do. DNo,they dont. 2Some _are in the park. Abirds and cats Bbirds and boatsCballs and kites Dhouses and buses 3Lucy is talking with _. AMr King Bthe boysCLily Dthe birds 4I can see _ in the boats. Achildren BmothersCfathers Dchildren with their

6、 parents 参考答案参考答案 .1.Asian 2. grass 3. kilos 4. leaves . 1. grass 2. monkeys 3. bamboo 4. African 5. European . 1. C countrycountries 2. A IsDoes/B come fromfrom 3. B likeslike 4. B my bestmy 5. C leafsleaves . 1.解析:由第二句:我们喜欢去公园可知应为肯定回答,回答时使用的助动词要和 问句一致。答案:C 2.解析:对这类题可用排除法来判断正确答案。答案:B 3.解析:由第九、十句可判断答案。答案:C 4.解析:由倒数第五句话判断。答案:D


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