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1、ModuleModule 1010 SpringSpring FestivalFestival UnitUnit 3 3 LanguageLanguage inin useuse.用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。1Its 830 am in the morning._ Jim _ (have)a Chinese class?2Who usually _ (do)the shopping in your family?3My grandma _ (watch)TV every day.But she _ (not watch)now.4_ Betty _ (write)to you very o

2、ften?No.But I think she is going to write to me soon.5The children _ (play)games now.根据汉语提示完成句子每空一词。1她是一个留着长发的高高的女孩。She is a tall girl _ _ _.2春节是中国最重要的节日。Spring Festival is _ _ _ _ in China.3李娜对网球感兴趣。Li Na _ _ _ tennis.4她的叔叔每年给她一个红包。Her uncle _ a red packet _ her every year.单项选择。1Where is Peter?He _

3、 volleyball with his friends in the school gym.Aplays BplayedCplay Dis playing2My sister is a nurse.She _ early every morning.Aget up Bis getting upCgets up Dgot up3Is your brother taking photos?No,_.Amy brother isnt Bhe isChe isnt Dhes4Could you please give_me_the_ball?(找出与画线部分同义的选项)Agive the ball

4、to me Bgive the ball for meCcatch the ball Dpass me to the ball5The film is _,so all the people are _ in it.Ainteresting;interesting Binterested;interestedCinteresting;interested Dinterested;interesting .从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话。W:Hi!What are you doing these days?M:_1_W:Spring Festival?I dont know anything a

5、bout it.M:Let me tell you._2_ Its just like your Christmas.W:Oh,I see.How long does the holiday last?M:_3_W:What do you usually do at the holiday?M:Lots of things,such as eating,drinking,playing cards,visiting relatives and friends and so on.W:How exciting!_4_M:Yes,we eat dumplings.W:_5_M:Dont menti

6、on it.ADo you eat anything special for the holiday?BThank you for telling me so much about Spring Festival.CWhat kind of food are you eating?DAbout two weeks.EIts the most important holiday in China.FWhen is Spring Festival?GIm doing something for Spring Festival.参考答案参考答案.1. Is;having 2. does 3. watches;isnt watching 4. Does;write 5. are playing.1. with long hair 2. the most important festival 3. is interested in 4. gives;to.D C C A C.1.G 2.E 3.D 4.A 5.B


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