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1、ModuleModule 6 6 A A triptrip toto thethe zoozoo UnitUnit 1 1.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1What about e_ icecream?2Lions are d_ animals.3I like m_ best of all the animals,because they are clever.4Lions eat o_ animals.5Z_ are black and white.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1The lion _(not like) eating grass(草)2There are five _ (

2、monkey) in this zoo.3What other _(animal) can you see?4The tiger is a _(danger) animal.5_ the panda _(sleep) in the tree?No,it doesnt.单项选择。1Does a tiger eat meat?_.ANo,it does BYes,it doesntCYes,it does DYes,it eat2Who likes playing the piano in your class?Li Lei_.Ais BdoCdoes Dlike3_ lions eat meat

3、?AAre BIs CDo DDoes4There are about 10 _ in the zoo.Aanimal Belephant Cmonkeys Dbear5My brother with his friends often_football after school.Aplay BplaysCdont play Dis playing.从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话A:Whats your favourite animal?B:_1_A:Why do you like them?B:_2_ And they often help us in the water.A:_3_B:I

4、like pandas,too.A:_4_ But do you know where pandas are from?B:_5_ I think.ABecause they are very friendly.BMe,too.CZebras.DWhat else do you like?EChina.1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._参考答案参考答案 . 1. eating 2. dangerous 3. monkeys 4. other 5. Zebras. 1. doesnt like 2. monkeys 3. animals 4. dangerous 5. Does;sleep.C C C C B.15 CADBE


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