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1、ModuleModule 3 3 MyMy schoolschool UnitUnit 1 1 ThereThere areare thirtythirty studentsstudents inin mymy classclass.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1You can see a map on the w_.2Can you see lots of f_ in my room?3Lucy is drawing some p_.4Thirty and fifty is e_.5His room is r_ big.单句改错。1There are a book and two pens

2、 on_the_desk. A B C2That are 24_boys and_22_girls_in_the_classroom. A B C3There arent some desks in the room.A B C4There are ninty students in_the_school. A B C5I have two computer. A B C.单项选择。1Whats in the room?There _ four chairs and a table in it.Ais BareChave Dhas2I dont have a bike.I have to bo

3、rrow(借)_ from my friend.Ait BoneCsome Dany3Is there a soccer in the classroom?_.AYes,it isBNo,there isntCYes,they are DNo,there arent4Are there _ on Bettys desk?Aa computerBa dictionaryCany picturesDsome pencils5Whose watch is this?I think its _.AJohn BJohnsCJohns DJohns.从左栏选出能解释右栏单词的句子。1.You study

4、there every day.Aclassroom2.Teachers go there after class.Bblackboard3.Teachers write something on it.Cmap of the world4.You use it to download music.Dcomputer5.You can see it in the geography(地理) class.Eoffice参考答案参考答案 .1wall 2furniture 3pictures4eighty5really.1.A areis 2.A ThatThere 3.B someany(或者 A arentare) 4.B nintyninety 5.C computercomputers(或者 B twoone).B B B C C.15 AEBDC


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