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1、Unit 9 Do you want to go to a movie?教学内容:1. 与电影类别相关的词汇(action movie, thriller, comedy);与表达观点、感受相关的形容词(fun, great, scary,);2. 动词 want, 连词 and, but 的用法;3. Do you want to go to a movie? I want to see an action movie. Does he want to go to a movies? What kind of movies do you like? I think教学目标:1. 学会谈论自己

2、的爱好; 2. 学会询问他人的爱好; 3. 能够表达自己爱好某一类电影的理由;4. 能根据自己的爱好制定行动计划。课时分配: 课时范 围主 要 教 学 内 容1Section A 1a-1c有关电影类别的单词;重点句型 Do you want to go to a movie? I want to see a/ an2: Section A 2a-4有关电影类别的单词的算数形式的表达与运用;重点句型 What kind of movies do you like?; 连词 and/ but 的运用;第三人称单词在目标语中的使用。3Section A复习与巩固目标词汇和目标句型。4Section

3、 B 1-2d与话题相关的形容词的学习与运用;表达自己爱好某一电影的理由;表达对京剧的看法;仿写短文。5SectionB3a-4,Self check 4识别运用形容词;阅读理解短文;评述电影与演员;学习看图表达,尝试写作。教学步骤:Period IStep One Lead-in 1. Show a basketball to the students and say Look, what do I have? Do you like basketball? 2. Ask Do you want to play basketball? Write the question on the bl

4、ackboard. 3. Repeat the same steps with a story book. Step Two Practice 1. Make the conversation below with a student as a model.T: hi, Jack. Do you want to play soccer?S: Yes. I do. / No, I dont.T: OK. Lets go. / Lets watch TV.2. Show more objects or pictures and ask the students to make conversati

5、ons in pairs as the model.在导入阶段,利用学生熟悉的句式、单词与物品引出 want to do 结构,能帮助学生在较短时间内基本掌握 want to do 的正确用法,同时也为下阶段的学习做好了铺垫。Step Three Match 1. Show a movie ticket and ask Do you want to go to a movie? And then teach the word movie. 2. Show the movie poster of Shaolin Soccer and ask Whats the name of the movie

6、? Then tell the students Shaolin Soccer is a comedy and ask Do you want to see a comedy? 3. Show the other posters to teach the new words action movie, documentary, thriller, cartoon, science fiction and romance in the same way. 4.Tell the students there are four movie posters in A-1a. Ask them to w

7、atch the pictures carefully and match the kinds of movies with them. 5. Ask the students Do you want to see this comedy / thriller / action movie / documentary? Why or why not? when they give out the answers. 当一张电影票展示在学生眼前时, “电影”这一信息就被轻而易举地传达给了学生,我们也就能自然而然地把学生引入了一个有关电影的语言环境。在单词教学中添加 cartoon, science

8、 fiction 和 romance 很有必要,缺失了这三类电影,学生就无法真实与完整地表达自已对电影的看法。依据学生能力,我们也可在其后的教学中逐步添加新单词的教学。 寻找电影海报如有困难,可使用报纸、杂志上的剧照。 Step Four Listening 1. Get the students to look at the picture in 1a and ask What do the boy and the girl talk about? 2. Students listen to their conversation and circle the kinds of movies

9、in activity 1a. 3. Check the answers. 4. Students read the conversation after the tape. And then ask some pairs to act it out.教师设问 What do the boy and the girl talk about?能帮助学生在听前了解对话的主题,并能使其在听的过程中更有效地锁定目标信息。学生仿读听力材料的过程也是学生熟悉语言结构与对话的过程,这就为下一步的语言活动做好了热身。Step Four Chain conversation 1. Read through th

10、e conversation in activity 1c. 2. Each group makes a chain conversation, using the conversation in activity 1c as a model. The students have to choose different kinds of movies to answer the questions. The group that uses the least time is the winner.Step Five Pairwork 1. Students work in pairs to m

11、ake conversations as the model below, supposing they are the boy and the girl in the picture. Encourage the students to show different opinions. A: Do you want to see a / an? B: Yes, I do./ No, I dont. I want to see A: Why do you want to see a / an ? B: Because I think love is great. It can make me

12、happy / brave. I like Jack Chan. Hes a great actor. I like his movies. I can learn a lot from the movie. I like heros. I like funny / terrible / love stories. 2. Get some pairs show their conversations in class. 3. Tell the students it is on weekend now. They want to have a good holiday with their f

13、riends. Students are asked to make a conversation on holiday with the words want, dont, movie, lets, like, because in pairs. 4. Get some pairs show their conversations in class.第一个对话活动中,给出对话的大体格式,既是保证学生在对话过程中高频度地使用目标语,又是从学生的实际学习能力出发,恰当地设置活动难度,使学生能在语言学习中获得成功感,提高学习的激情。在我们对话中增加了 Why do you want to see

14、a / an ? Because这一问答,其目的在于培养与训练学生的自主语言表达能力,鼓励学生创造性地使用语言。然而,在语言的初学阶段,学生虽然掌握了一定的词汇与句式,但他们的组词成句能力还是薄弱的,需要我们提供一定的导引。所以,我们给出了许多的例句,让学生参考、仿照,以此帮助学生提高其语言综合运用能力。第二个对话活动只提供给学生几个关键词,目的在于,让学生完全自主地运用目标语,并结合旧学的语言结构展开语言活动,强调对学生语用能力的培养。Period IIStep One Lead-in 1. Ask What day is it today / tomorrow? And say Satur

15、day is coming. What do you want to do on Saturday? Collect the answers. 2. Tell the students I want to see movies at home on Saturday. Look, these are my favourite movies. And then show the VCDs. Hold one of them and ask What kind of movies is it? Repeat with the others. 3. Show some movie posters a

16、nd ask What kind of movies are they? The students classify them and then check the answers. Call the students attention to the plural forms of the kinds of movies.导入时不可能每次都逢 Saturday is coming,我们还可以用 Which day do you like best in a week? / What day is your favorite in a week?等引出话题。学生按类别为影片归类时,我们事先将影片标上字母序号,就可以避免中文出现在英语课堂之上了。在这一活动过程中,我们要即时地板书目标句式与单词复数形式。Step Two Listening 1. Ask some students What kind of movies do you like? 2. Tell the st


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