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1、Unit 7 Its late.第二课时第二课时教学内容:教学内容:A. Look, read and write. D. 教学目标:教学目标:1复习数词以及时间的问答,让学生进一步巩固时间的问答方式,Whats the time? Its 2 让学生能学会怎样询问在某时间做了某事的句型及其回答, What time do you ? I at 3让学生在学习活动中培养和保持学习英语的兴趣,让他们学会合作,体验成功。教学重点:教学重点:能熟练掌握数词以及对时间的问答。教学难点:教学难点:能熟练运用对时间的问答以及询问在某时间做了某事的句型及其回答等句型。课前准备:课前准备:1课件制作 教学过程

2、:教学过程:Step 1. Warming up.1. To extend greetings to the students.T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Miss Zhu.T: How are you?Ss: Fine, thank you, and you?T: Im fine, too, sit down, please. 2. T: Boys and girls, today, there are so many teachers in our class, are you happy? Ss: Yes.T: Le

3、ts sing a song, OK?Ss: OK.Ss stand up and sing the song “Go to school” together. 课件:歌曲课件:歌曲“Go to school”。 3. Play a game. T: Ok, boys and girls, lets play a game. Ok? Ss: Ok. T: Say the next number , for example, I say one, you say two, I say five, you say six, do you understand?Ss: Yes. Play the g

4、ame. T: This time, lets say the number before, for example, I say two, you say one, I say six, you say five, ok? Ss: Ok. Play the game. Step 2. Presentation. 课件:出现一个闹钟。课件:出现一个闹钟。 4. T: Please look. Whats this? Ss: Its a clock. T: Whats the time? 课件:闹钟的时间改变课件:闹钟的时间改变,闹钟的旁边是句型:闹钟的旁边是句型: Whats the time

5、? Its Ss: Its Let the Ss say “Whats the time? after the teacher. Then let them say this sentence one by one. 课件课件: 不同时间的闹钟不同时间的闹钟. T: Good, there are so many clocks, you can use these two sentences ask and answer with your partner. Now please work in pairs. Ss ask and answer in pairs. Ask some pairs

6、 to practice. 5. After the last pair acting. S1: Whats the time? S2: Its 6:50. 6. T: Oh, I see. I usually have breakfast at 6:50.Have breakfast, do you know? (教师做吃饭的动作。) Say after me, have breakfast(出示单词卡). Say this phrase one by one. 7. T: What time do you have breakfast? S1: 引导学生说 At 或 I have brea

7、kfast at S2: At/ I have breakfast at(出示单词卡:Iat) 课件课件: go to school, have lunch, go home操练操练 Iat 8.T: What time do you (让学生初步认识后出示句型: What time do you) Learn this sentence pattern: What time do you?(出示单词卡) Say one by one. Then practise in pairs. Ask and answer. What time do you? Iat 课件课件: go to bed,

8、go to school, have lunch Ask some students to the front and practice this sentence pattern. After the last pair acting, the teacher asks them? 9. T: What time do you go home? S1: I go home at S2: At 在学生回答的时间中找出比较晚的引出本课课题: Its late. 课件课件: Timetable. 10. T: Ok, look at the screen, this is my timetable

9、, you can fill your timetable. Then tell your classmates.Ss: Fill the timetable. Ask one student stand up, and others ask “What time do you” S123: Iat 课件课件: lucky star 11. Lucky star. T: Ok, have a rest, lets play a game, lucky star, you can choose the number, then finish the exercise, and look, you

10、 can get how many stars, if you have the most stars, you are the winner. Ss: Play the game. Step 3. Practice. 1. Listen to the tape. T: What time does Mike go to school? Lets listen to the tape.Listen to the tape one time. T: Try to answer these questions: What time does Mike go to school? What time

11、 does Mike come home? Now, please listen again and repeat after the tape. Step 4. Production. 课件课件: My day. T: Look at the screen, this is my day, can you write down your day? Ss: Yes. T: Ok, now, please take out one paper and write down your day. Ss: Write. After the students finished, ask some students read their days. Step 5. Homework. 1. Read and recite the dialogue. 2. Make up a new dialogue. Step 6. Design. Unit 7 Its late Whats the time? Its What time do you ? I at


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