【精品练习】人教版高中英语必修一 unit 2 测试1

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1、必修一必修一 Unit 2English around the world单元测试单元测试 1笔试部分:笔试部分:I. 单项选择单项选择 21. How was your weekend? Great! We _ a picnic by the lake. A. have B. are having C. had D. will have 22. He looked at the envelope and _ Jennys handwriting immediately. A. understood B. knew C. recognized D. recovered 23. A large

2、number of students in our school _ from the countryside; the number _ growing these years. A. is; has been B. are; has been 来源:Zxxk.Com C. is; have beenD. are; have been 24. Washington D.C., the capital of the United States, is one of _ cities in the world. A. the biggest B. bigger C. much bigger D.

3、 big 25. One of her American friends asked her, “Would you please _ to my apartment for a visit?” A. come upB. keep up C. put up D. catch up 26. Excuse me? _ It is over there, near the bus stop. A. How do you like the cinema? B. May I ask you the way? C. Where is the Bank of China? D. How far is the

4、 market from here? 27. The _ from England to India used to take more than six months as there were storms and huge waves at times. A. travel B. journey C. tripD. voyage 28. Mum, _ I play computer games? Yes, you can. But you have to finish your homework first. A. must B. may C. will D. need 29. Engl

5、ish has become the most wildly spoken language in the world _ its special role as an international language. A. because B. From C. with D. because of 来源:Zxxk.Com 30. Chinese is also spoken in many other countries in Asia, _ Singapore and Malaysia. A. for example B. such as C. instead of D. according

6、 to 31. American English has so many _ because the American people have come from all over the world.A. grammar B. vocabulary C. pronunciations D. dialects 32. I dont know _ tomorrow. Can you tell me? A. when we started B. when did we start C. when we will start D. when will we start 33. Kitty and L

7、ucy are both from England, so they are _ English speakers. A. native B. internationalC. foreignD. same来源:学科网 34. John has hurt his leg. Really? _? A. Who did that B. How did that happen C. Whats wrong with him D. Why was he so careless 35. Americans and Canadians can understand each other _ they don

8、t speak the same kind of English. A. now that B. even if C. as if D. only if 第第 2 节节 完形填空完形填空 (共共 20 小题小题; 每小题每小题 1.5 分分, 满分满分 30 分分) “Dad, Im sure I can do it well this time. I promise,” I said to myself and went up to the stage and began my play . Finally I 36 from my piano and took a bow to the p

9、eople in the hall. There was a 37 and then loud applause (掌声) burst out. I knew I 38 it. Tears filled my eyes. Then I 39 three years ago right here when it was my turn to play. I 40 the hall and saw my dad. He sat at the end of a 41 with a serious face. Suddenly I became 42 . I had practiced my piec

10、e for months, 43 then it seemed there was something wrong with my fingers. I forced out some 44 tune and left the stage in tears. I 45 .On the way home my father didnt say even a word. He just 46 the car in silence. I didnt say anything either. What could I say, really, after what Id done? I knew ho

11、w 47 Dad worked to earn enough money 48 my piano. That time he was 49 to come to a competition(比赛), but I let him down.I didnt remember how we got home. Dad never said a word the entire way home, and he never 50 one of my competitions again. I never got over the hurt of having 51 the person I most w

12、anted to make proud. Id 52 more than my competition that afternoon. I felt as if Id lost the key to my fathers heart, and he died before I could 53 it again.“God, why didnt you give me a 54 to make it up to him?” Id often asked. I won first prize in the contest now. How I wish my father could share

13、the 55 moment with me! 36. A. dropped B. rose C. turned D. slid 37. A. silence B. noiseC. laughter D. shout 38. A. got B. missedC. made D. caught 39. A. thought B. realized C. understood D. remembered40. A. looked up B. looked around C. looked out D. looked over 41. A. seat B. row C. group D. team 4

14、2. A. nervous B. excited C. sick D. tired 43. A. and B. though C. but D. so 44. A. soft B. moving C. nice D. terrible 45. A. succeeded B. won C. failed D. disappeared 46. A. drove B. started C. washed D. repaired 47. A. quickly B. hard C. Warmly D. happily 48. A. on B. in C. for D. with 49. A. sad B. happy C. able D. unable 50. A. attended B. noticed C. heard D. cared 51. A. pleasedB. surprised C. disappointedD. satisfied 52. A. felt B. lost C. made D. learned 53. A. open B. close C. forget D. find 54. A. piano


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