2016春外研版(一起)三下module 7 unit 2《how many apples are there in the box》word练习题

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2016春外研版(一起)三下module 7 unit 2《how many apples are there in the box》word练习题_第1页
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《2016春外研版(一起)三下module 7 unit 2《how many apples are there in the box》word练习题》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2016春外研版(一起)三下module 7 unit 2《how many apples are there in the box》word练习题(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、外研版(一起)三年级英语下册外研版(一起)三年级英语下册 Module 7 Unit 2 练习题练习题 小学资源网 http:/ 【模拟试题模拟试题】 I. 看图,读单词,如单词与图意相符写看图,读单词,如单词与图意相符写“Y” ,不符写,不符写“N”:(:(20%) II. 根据图片补全句子、并作回答:(根据图片补全句子、并作回答:(20%) III. 在下图中填上所缺字母,使横行、竖行均能构成本期单词,并能填入下列句中:在下图中填上所缺字母,使横行、竖行均能构成本期单词,并能填入下列句中: (20%) 1. I have an old c_. I want(想要) to buy a new

2、 h_. 2. I have a white s_. I want to buy a red s_. 3. You like your c_and j_. Please put them on. 4. You dont like your s_and s_. Please take them off. 【试题答案试题答案】 I. 看图,读单词,如单词与图意相符写“Y” ,不符写“N”:(20%) N N N Y Y II. 根据图片补全句子、并作回答:(20%) Sing can Swim cant play football can Draw can III. 在下图中填上所缺字母,使横行、

3、竖行均能构成本期单词,并能填入下列 句中:(20%) 横行: socks, jeans, coat,shirt 竖行: shoes, hat, scarf, cap 1. I have an old cap. I want(想要) to buy a new hat. 2. I have a white shirt / scarf. I want to buy a red scarf / shirt. 3. You like your coat and jeans. Please put them on. 4. You dont like your shoes / socks and socks / shoes. Please take them off. 小学资源网 http:/


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