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1、Module 7 Computers 精讲导学 巧练激活,【导语】在做事的时候要讲究方法和技巧, 方法总比问题多, 有了方法和技巧, 做起事情来往往事半功倍, 把不可能变为可能。,Not Only On Strength, But Also On WaysOnce a farmer was cutting wood in the forest, when a big bear came. It said, “Hey, lets test our strength, OK? ”The farmer said OK. Axe(斧头)in his hands, the farmer drove a

2、piece of stump(树桩)into a rift(裂缝). Then he said, “Can you force the stump apart? ”The bear put its claws(爪子)into the rift, but got squeezed in the rift. It couldnt move. It replied at once, “No, I dare not test our strength. ”With his axe, the farmer hit away the piece of stump quickly. The farmer s

3、miled and said, “Please remember, Mr. Bear! Depend not only on strength, but also on ways. ”,【词海拾贝】 strength力量 force促使 apart分离的 squeeze挤 depend on依靠 not only. . . but also. . . 不但而且,不仅靠力气, 还要靠方法从前有个农夫在树林里砍树, 这时一头熊来到跟前。熊说: “嗨, 咱们比试一下力气, 好吗? ”农夫答应了。手里拿着斧头, 农夫把一段树桩砍出一条裂缝。然后他说, “你能把树桩劈开吗? ”熊把爪子放在裂缝里, 但却

4、被夹住了。它动弹不了。它马上答复说: “不, 我不敢比试力气了。”农夫用斧头把树桩劈开了。农夫笑着说, “请记住, 熊先生。不要只依靠力气, 还要靠方法。”,【我的感悟】 When do any things, we should depend not only on strength, but also on ways. (做任何事情, 我们不能只靠力气, 还应该讲究方法。),Module 7 Computers Unit 1,. 单词拼写 1. keyboard(n. ) _ 2. save(v. ) _ 3. 学习(v. ) _ 4. 使用(v. ) _ 5. 打印(v. ) _ 答案:

5、 1. 键盘 2. 保存; 储存 3. learn 4. use 5. print,6. final(adj. ) _(adv. )最后 7. mouse(n. ) _(pl. )老鼠; 鼠标 答案: 6. finally 7. mice,. 短语连线 1. turn on A. 为命名 2. connect. . . to. . . B. 打开 3. save the document C. 点击 4. click on. . . D. 把连接到上 5. write a name for. . . E. 保存文件 答案: 15. BDECA,. 句型填词 1. 我怎样在电脑上写作业? _ _

6、I write my homework _ the computer? 2. 接下来我做什么? _ do I do_? 答案: 1. How do; on 2. What; next,3. 我怎样保存文件? _ do I _ the document? 4. 我在哪里写名字? _ do I _ the name? 答案: 3. How; save 4. Where; write,1. First, connect the screen to the computer. Next, connect the keyboard and the mouse to the computer. Final

7、ly, turn on the computer. _ _ 答案: first(首先), next(接下来), finally(最后),2. How do I write my homework on the computer? Where do I click on“new document”? What do I do next? _ _ 答案: 这些都是特殊疑问句, 都由特殊疑问词+一般疑问句构成。,1. connect v. 连接 【语境领悟】 * First, connect the screen to the computer. 首先, 把屏幕连接到电脑上。 * A road co

8、nnects two cities. 一条路连接两座城市。,【自主归纳】,【学以致用】 把你的电脑连接到因特网上。 _ your computer _ the Internet. 答案: Connect; to,2. learn v. 学; 学习 【语境领悟】 *Can I learn? 我可以学习吗? * I want to learn to print a document. 我想要学习打印文件。,【自主归纳】 (1)learn作动词, 意为“学会”, 后面可跟名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语。例如: They learn science at school. 他们在学校学习科学。 (2)常见

9、用法learn to do sth. 意为“学习做某事”。例如: He is learning to play the piano. 他正在学习弹钢琴。,【学以致用】 My little brother wants to learn _ (play) football. 答案: to play,3. turn on打开 【语境领悟】 *Finally, turn on the computer. 最后, 打开电脑。 * I want to use the computer. Can you turn it on? 我想用电脑, 你能把它打开吗? *He turns off the comput

10、er. 他关上电脑。,【自主归纳】turn on的用法 (1)turn on意为“打开”, 一般指把没有通电的电器调到通电的状态, 如打开电灯、电视等。其反义词组为turn off, 意为“关闭开关, 切断电源等”。 (2)若宾语是名词, 则放在turn on/off后面或中间; 若宾语是代词, 必须放在turn on/off中间。,【妙辨异同】各种“开/关”的不同,【图解助记】,【学以致用】 (2013淮安中考)Its getting dark. Please _ the light. A. turn on B. turn off C. turn down,. 用所给词的适当形式填空 1.

11、_(one), he opens a new document. 2. Peter_(turn)off the TV and leaves home. 3. _(final), the girl finishes her homework and goes home. 4. My aunt always_(use)the computer to draw some pictures. 5. Where do you_(save)your homework? On the computer. 答案: 1. First 2. turns 3. Finally 4. uses 5. save,. 完

12、成句子 1. 请打开电视。到了看足球比赛的时间了。 Please _ _ the TV. Its time to watch a football game. 2. 首先写上名字。下一步是什么? First, write a name for it. _ _? 3. 你可以把手机连接到电脑上。 You can _ the mobile phone _ the computer. 答案: 1. turn on 2. Whats next 3. connect; to,4. 看! 在汤姆左边的男孩是吉米。 Look! The boy _ _ _ _ Tom is Jimmy. 5. 我能看看你的新

13、手机吗? 当然可以了。 May I have a look at your new mobile phone? _ _. 答案: 4. on the left of 5. Of course,Module 7 Computers Unit 2,. 单词拼写 1. share(v. ) _ 2. check(v. ) _ 3. 计划(n. 查看 3. plan 4. search 5. send,6. film(n. ) _(同义词) 7. trip(n. ) _(同义词) 答案: 6. movie 7. travel,. 短语连线 1. check emails A. 与交谈 2. use a computer B. 看电影 3. play games C. 使用电脑 4. watch movies D. 查收邮件 5. talk to E. 玩游戏 答案: 15. DCEBA,


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