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1、英语作文见面问候英语作文见面问候篇一:英语写作篇一:英语写作_书信类作文常用句型书信类作文常用句型英语写作英语写作 书信类作文常用句型书信类作文常用句型 一、写作格式一、写作格式1、称呼、称呼(1)机构机构A、不认识负责人、不认识负责人Dear Sir or Madam, Dear Sir / Madam, To whom it may concern,B、认识负责人、认识负责人Dear Mr./Ms. President/Professor/Manager/Editor (Michael) Wang,(2)个人个人A、关系不亲密、关系不亲密Dear Mr./Ms. President/Pro

2、fessor/Manager/Editor Wang,B、关系亲密、关系亲密Dear Michael,2、正文、正文3、落款、落款(1)祝福语祝福语Best wishes! / The best regards!(2)签名签名Yours sincerely,Li Ming二、必用信息二、必用信息常用的开头语有:常用的开头语有:I have received your letter of July Ist. 7 月月 1 日来信已经收悉。日来信已经收悉。 I have the pleasure to tell you that ?.很高兴告诉你很高兴告诉你?。I am very much del

3、ighted to receive your letter. 非常高兴收到非常高兴收到你的来信。你的来信。 It is my honor to inform you that ?很荣幸告诉你很荣幸告诉你?。常用的结束套话有:常用的结束套话有:I am looking forward to hearing from you 盼早日回信。盼早日回信。Wish best regards. 祝好。祝好。Thank you for your help 感谢你的帮助!感谢你的帮助!Wish my best wishes for your success. 祝你成功。祝你成功。Wish you a happ

4、y holiday. 祝假日愉快!祝假日愉快!Hoping to hear from you soon. 希望能尽快收到你的回信。希望能尽快收到你的回信。1、自我介绍、自我介绍(1)工作工作I am a staff member from your company/corporation.(2)学生学生I am a freshman/sophomore/junior/senior/undergraduate/graduate from the Department of Chinese Language and Literature of Beijing University.2、写作目的、写

5、作目的I am writing the letter in purpose of ordering some books/resigning from my current post/position.3、尾段写法、尾段写法A 表示感谢表示感谢(1) My appreciation to you for your generous help is beyond words.(2) Words fail me when I want to express my sincere gratitude to you.(3) I take this opportunity to show my hear

6、tfelt appreciation for the kind assistance you rendered me.B 期待回信期待回信(1) I am looking forward to your reply/hearing from you soon.(2) I look forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience.(3) Your prompt attention to my inquiry would be highly appreciated.4、常用书信的客套语、常用书信的客套语一一.问候问候I haven

7、t heard from you for ages. How are you doing?I havent seen you for such a long time. How are you getting along with your work?二二.祝贺祝贺I want to congratulate you with all my heart.I warmly congratulate you on what youve achieved.三三.致谢致谢I am most grateful to you for your help.I want to thank you hearti

8、ly for what you have done.四四.询问询问I wonder if you could tell me what to do.Id be most grateful if I could have your full support. Please could you let me know something about it.五五.邀请邀请Is there any chance of your coming to have dinner with us at our home? We are wondering if you could come to have di

9、nner with us at our home.六六.接受邀请接受邀请Im delighted to accept your invitation.Thanks for your invitation. Im certainly looking forward to joining you.七七.拒绝邀请拒绝邀请Im sincerely sorry that we cant join your dinner party. I regret to say “no” to your invitation.Thank you for your invitation but unfortunatel

10、y?八八.抱歉抱歉I do apologize for having kept you waiting.Im awfully sorry for giving you so much trouble.九九.同情同情Im more than sorry to hear of your illness.I cant tell you how sad I felt when I heard of?十十.安慰It was a great shock to hear?I just cant tell you how saddened I am? Im most grieved to learn of?篇

11、二:英语作文常用句式句型篇二:英语作文常用句式句型高考英语作文常用句式句型高考英语作文常用句式句型一开头用语:一开头用语:良好的开端等于成功的一半在写作文时,通常以最简单也良好的开端等于成功的一半在写作文时,通常以最简单也最常用的方式最常用的方式-开门见山法。也就是说开门见山法。也就是说, 直截了当地提出你对这直截了当地提出你对这个问题的看法或要求,点出文章的中心思想。个问题的看法或要求,点出文章的中心思想。议论论文:议论论文:A. Just as every coin has two sides, cars have both advantages and disadvantages 正如每

12、个硬币都有两面,汽车既有优点也正如每个硬币都有两面,汽车既有优点也有缺点有缺点B. Compared to/ In comparison with letters, e-mails are more convenient. 与信件相比,电子邮件更方便。与信件相比,电子邮件更方便。C. When it comes to computers, some people think they have brought us a lot of convenience. However,.说到电脑,有些人认为他们给我们带来了很多方便。然而说到电脑,有些人认为他们给我们带来了很多方便。然而D. Opinio

13、ns are divided on the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city and in the countryside.在城市和乡村生活的利弊上有了分歧。在城市和乡村生活的利弊上有了分歧。E. As is known to all/ As we all know, computers have played an important role/part in our daily life.众所周知,电脑在我们的日常生活中扮演了重要的角色众所周知,电脑在我们的日常生活中扮演了重要的角色/角色。角色。F. Why do you

14、 go to university? Different people have different points of view.你为什么要上大学?不同的人有不同的观点。你为什么要上大学?不同的人有不同的观点。2. 书信:书信:A. I am writing to you to apply for admission to your university as a visiting scholar. 我写信给你是要申请你的大学作为访问学者。我写信给你是要申请你的大学作为访问学者。B. I read an advertisement in todays China Daily and I ap

15、ply for the job. C. Thank you for your letter of May 5.我在今天的中国日报上看到一则广告,我申请这项工作我在今天的中国日报上看到一则广告,我申请这项工作谢谢谢你谢你 5 月月 5 日的来信。日的来信。D. How happy I am to receive your letter of January 9.收到你收到你 1 月月 9 日的来信,我有多高兴日的来信,我有多高兴E. How nice to hear from you again.再次收到你的来信真高兴。再次收到你的来信真高兴。3. 口头通知或介绍情况:口头通知或介绍情况:A.

16、Ladies and gentlemen, May I have your attention, please. I have an announcement to make.女士们,先生们,请注意,请。我有一个公告。女士们,先生们,请注意,请。我有一个公告。B. Attention, please. I have something important to tell you.请注意。我有重要的事要告诉你。请注意。我有重要的事要告诉你。C. Mr. Green, Welcome to our school. To begin with, let me introduce Mr. Wang to you.格林先生,欢迎来到我们的学校。首先,让我向你介绍一下格林先生,欢迎来到我们的学校。首先,让我向你介绍一下王先生。王先生。4. 演讲稿:演讲稿:A. Ladies and gentlemen, I feel very much honored to h


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