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1、Module 2,Unit 3 Travelling in Garden City,Changes,学校:贵师实小 教师:王皓 班级:六(4),S1: What place will you go? S2: I will go to S1: How will you go? S2: I will go by,Ask and answer,airport,In the USA, we must make an appointment for the taxi.,At the bus stop, we can play computer games in England.,At the under

2、ground station, you can go shopping in Poland.,We can go by motorcycle, but its too dangerous.,/,car park,crossing,traffic lights,/,traffic jams,/,Perhaps there will be few traffic jams.,Perhaps there will be fewer traffic jams.,Perhaps there will be more bridges in 10 years time.,/,Chant,Traffic ja

3、m, traffic jam, traffic jam likes a bottle of jam. We need fewer traffic jams.,PIGGY BANK,GOLD MINE,C,What will travelling in Garden City be like in 10 years time?,Perhaps most of the people will travel by under-ground.,Perhaps there will be fewer traffic jams.,Perhaps there will be more underground

4、 stations.,5-4,PIGGY BANK,GOLD MINE,C,1,2,3,Perhaps more people will travel by _.,Perhaps more people will _.,Perhaps fewer people will _.,underground,travel,travel by,by taxi,motorcycle,4,5,5-5,PIGGY BANK,GOLD MINE,C,1,2,3,Perhaps _ _.,Perhaps_ _.,Perhaps _ _.,some of the people will travel by bicy

5、cle,none of the people will travel by ship,all of the people will travel by plane,4,5,5-2,PIGGY BANK,GOLD MINE,C,1,2,3,Perhaps there will be more_.,Perhaps there will be more _.,bridges,car parks,4,5,Perhaps there will be fewer _.,traffic jams.,What will travelling in Guiyang be like in 10 years tim

6、e?,PIGGY BANK,GOLD MINE,C,Think about what travelling in Guiyang will be like in 10 years time. Look at the tables, and then discuss them with your classmates.,2-1,1,2,PIGGY BANK,GOLD MINE,C,2-2,More/fewer,traffic lights railways roads,car parks bridges crossings,1,2,What will travelling in . be lik

7、e in 10 years time?,PIGGY BANK,GOLD MINE,Perhaps there will be more/fewer Perhaps all/most/ some/none of the people will travel by Perhaps more/fewer people will , Workbook 6B, pages 27.课后练习27页 Make a list of the traffic problems in Guiyang. Then think of how we can deal with these problems. Write down your suggestions.小组合作,写一份有关贵阳交通问题的清单,设想我们应该怎样处理这些问题,并写下自己的建议。,



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