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1、w外文资料:外文资料: INDUSTRIAL ROBOTSMechatronicsThe success of industries in manufacturing and selling goods in a world market increasingly depends upon an ability to integrate electronics and computing technologies into a wide range of primarily mechanical products and processes. The performance of many c

2、urrent products-cars, washing machines, robots or machine tools-and their manufacture depend on the capacity of industry to exploit developments in technology and to introduce them at the design stag into both products and manufacturing processes. The results so that the whole industrial system to p

3、roduce a cheaper and easier than in the past, more reliable, more powerful manufacturing technology, this intense competition, leading to the original electronic engineering and mechanical engineering have been gradually difference among the various disciplines with engineering design replaced with

4、the mutual penetration, resulting in a mechanical and electrical integration, or mechatronics. In this competitive environment, the success of products and technologies are those that effectively combine the electronic and mechanical products, but not the main reason is the absence of a successful a

5、pplication of electronic technology. General product innovation in machine-building industry, often starting from the mechanical hardware design, but in order to achieve vision, from the initial stages of the design process must take full account of electronic technology, control engineering and com

6、puter technology. Research from the machinery and electronics to engineering design, the key is through the mechanics and electronics hidden boundaries, put them together, it is understood today the key to this transformation took place. To be successful, early in the design of the study need to est

7、ablish the concept of mechatronics, when the specific program has not yet formed, so there is choice. In this way, design engineers, especially mechanical design engineers will be able to make a decision too quickly to avoid falling into the stereotypes and reduce productivity. wFully study the mark

8、et trend, we will find electromechanical integration with a design, will lead to a revival of the field, such as high-speed textile machines, measurement and measurement systems, and automatic test equipment, integrated circuits Xiang kind of special equipment. In many cases sub ah, the emerging fie

9、ld of production and recovery are often formed by the embedded microprocessor electronics and basic mechanical system caused by the integrated and enhanced processing capacity. Flexibility of the manufacturing process the request resulted in the production of flexible operating system concepts in th

10、is system, many components such as computer numerical control machine tools, robots and automatic guided vehicles, etc. associated with joint production, exchange of information between them through Local Area Network. The products so far, most do not realize the design of electromechanical integrat

11、ion of diversity for the engineering sudden opportunity. The final product sold to customers is the essence of our revenue sources, which may begin the application is the date the new mechatronic products and provide enhanced functionality important difference between traditional products. The follo

12、wing examples may illustrate that the traditional products: Automatic transmission control engine and automatic control of the development of engines and transmissions tend to reduce the radiation, save fuel and time by preventing excessive speed and the use of the fuel flow can be adjusted to avoid

13、 false-driven gear and so on. Power-driven tools of modern power-driven tools, such as drill bits you can provide a variety of functions, including speed and torque control, reverse action and acceleration control. The new examples of mechatronic products are as follows: Standard components assemble

14、d a traditional industrial robot because of structural problems often many restrictions. Using a number of structural parts and drive, coupled with the central processor can be made by the standard components to assemble the robot system, so users can assemble to meet their own needs various robots.

15、 Video and CD player, video and CD player laser head is equipped with sophisticated, you can read the digital information on the disk. With wmicroprocessor control system can provide multi-track selection, scan preview and many other features. The above examples show that the purpose of the use of m

16、achinery is the continuous improvement of electronic consumer goods, not to keep consumer prices lower. Machinery and electronics products provide solutions to specific problems of the ideal way to use a low-cost element or standards. The personal computer controller and programmable logic controller Early machine tools and robots in the controllers function is to store and perform some simple procedures for the implementation of the tool or de



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