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1、Unit 3 A healthy diet,Try to say: 1 你能用英语说出这些食物吗? 2 尝试用a few/a little,some,a lot of组成词组。,Talk about food.,Make your food pyramid(食物金字塔),学习目标: 1 说出食物的不同种类。 2 根据你的饮食习惯,用a little/a few, some,a lot of谈论食物金字塔 3 可以陈述 :I like/I haveMy favourite food is 也可以问答:Whats your favourite food?What do you have for l

2、unch and dinner?,Story Time,A healthy diet,What have you known?你已经知道了什么?,Before reading,What do you want to know?你想知道什么?,Step 1. read and understand,Try to retell the text.,Learning tips:(这些句子可帮助你组织语言) Yang ling/Mike has_for breakfast/lunch/dinner. He/she likes_. He/she doesnt like_. He /she only ea

3、ts/drinks_.,Lets debate(辩论),Which food is healthier(更健康)?,Chinese food,Western food,Tips: 陈述观点的句子I think/In my opinion, 反驳对方的句子I dont think so/I cant agree with you.,1 确定辩题Western food /Chinese food. 2 你能给出一个理由,组织语言并写出来吗,以便上课的时候组长记录整理论据吗?,注意提建议的句型结构!,In two years ,In a healthy diet ,there is_fruit a

4、nd v_.There is also _rice and bread .You can have _meat and fish in your meals .You can have _milk every day .S_ food is nice ,but it is not good for your teeth.Eat only_sweet food every day.,a few,a little,some,a lot of,A healthy diet,A healthy diet.,A happy life(生活).,A bright future(未来).,Homework,Introduce the Food Pyramid to your family.(向你的家人介绍食物金字塔) 2. Write 1-2 suggestions on healthy diet for your friends. (请给你的好友写1-2条健康饮食的建议) 3 Surf the internet: and finish homework.,


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