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1、+,Module 6 Unit 1,Well see lots of very big stones.,沙尖子学校 赵雪丽,stones,England,circle,mystery,学习目标,1,2,3,学生需要学会place, in a circle, on top of等重点单词和词组,并会应用。,学生能够理解课文,分角色朗读课文,根据图 示复述课文。,学生能够正确的运用will表达旅行计划。,Listen and answer:,When are Lingling and Amy going to see the Stonehenge?,On Saturday.,1. What is

2、Stonghenge?,2. How old is Stonghenge?,Its a very old place.,Its about five thousand years old.,Read the first paragraph, then answer:,Huanren,beautiful,place,one thousand,two thousand,three thousand,four thousand,.,one hour,two hours,three hours,four hours,独具慧眼:我发现了.,.,1. What will they see there?,T

3、heyll see lots of very big stones.,2. What are the stones like?,Read the second paragraph and answer:,What are the stones like?,They are in a circle.,Some stones are on top of the others.,bird girl dirty first,They are in a _.,circle,thirsty,circle,They stand in a .,circle,Some stones are on top of

4、the others.,The star is the tree.,on top of,How will they get there?,By car.,How long will it take?,It will take three hours.,Read the last two paragraphs, then answer:,1. Stonehenge is in China.( ) 2. Stonehenge isnt an old place.( ) 3. The Stones are in a circle.( ) 4. Some stones are on top of th

5、e others.( ) 5. Someone knows why people build it. ( ),T,T,F,F,F,我是小法官(T/F),Exercise: Retell the text.,On _ Amy and Lingling are going to see_. Its a very _ place. Its about _years old. They will see lots of very big _. They are in a _. Some stones are on _ of the others. Its very _ . They will get

6、there by_. It will take _ hours.,巨石阵位于英格兰威尔特郡 索尔兹伯里平原,建于公元前 2300年左右,距今至少已有几 千年的历史,是英国著名的史 前建筑遗迹,1986年被列入世 界文化遗产名录。但考古界对 其建造目的和方法至今仍不清 楚。现在的巨石阵是英国的一 处著名的旅游景点。,文化加油站,A: Where will you go? B: A: When will you go there? B: A: What will you see there? B: A: How will you get there? B: A: How long will it take? B:,I will go to ,I will go there ,I will see there.,I will get there by ,It will take ,口语show,I will go to ,Its in ,I will see there.,I will get there by ,It will take ,writing,Homework,Thank you!,


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