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1、人教版精通英语四年级下册 Unit 6 Would you like to take a trip? Lesson 31抚顺市清原县南山城九年一贯制学校 小学部 于海艳,This is my son. He likes the animals. So we usually go to the zoo and the farm on weekends.,zoo,farm,er,Now Childrens Day is coming. We will take a trip. Can you guess :“ Where shall we go?” This time we want to go

2、to Sanya. Because my son would like to see the sea and we want to go swimming.,Where is it?,Beijing,Where shall you go? I want to . I will . I would like .,Childrens Day is coming!,School is out in two days., 选择, 与课文相符画 T, 不相符画 F,1、School is out in a week. ( )2、School will have a trip. ( )3、They wan

3、t to go to the zoo and the theme park. ( ),F,T,F, 根据课文回答问题。,1、Would the children like to take a trip?2、Where shall they go?,1、 zoo too 2、 farm car, 补全句子,读一读。, 比一比,读一读。,A: Where shall we go?B: We want to go to . /I d like to . /I will .,各国儿童节时间,日本,一年三次儿童节。3月3日女孩节 、5月5日男孩节(鲤鱼节)、11月15日(七五三节)韩国的儿童节,开始于1923年,是从“男孩节”演变过来的,定在每年的5月5日。美国,6月1日,纽约世界日报大陆新闻的头版头条就是六一儿童节的新闻,可是在美国,没有儿童节。,Home work: 必做1、四会单词4+2;三会单词2+1 2、完成课后练习。 选做1、:与你的朋友用英文简单地讨论一下你们的“六一”旅行。 5 2、把课文读给最欣赏你的朋友听。 3,Goodbye!,


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