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1、翻译症的克服方略,How to overcome translationese?,Warm-up exercise,See P99.,1. 句子结构的调整,英语通过介词(by, of, on),连词等衔接手段把各个分句按照一定的逻辑连接起来,构成一个紧密结合的句子。汉语:零散的短句,每个句子承载的信息量单一,通过语序来体现逻辑关系。英译汉:对语言单位进行疏散,按照汉语的语序习惯,调换位置,并适当加词。(Deconstruct),Memories of the past filled her mind to the exclusion of all else.She study world hi

2、story at the university, to the exclusion of all other subjects.,她在大学里专攻世界历史,其他课未修。,她满脑子全是对过去的回忆,其它事情都不想了。,汉译英:选择主语,谓语,并把各个分句按照其内在的逻辑关系,处理成定语、状语、补语,从句等(介词短语,分词,独立主格,从句)。(assemble)P100102,改变词性,英语中的名词,介词,副词等具有动词含义,翻译成汉语时译成动词。,The sight of her tears softened his heart.A new dignity crept into his step.

3、P104,Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?,难道生命就那么宝贵,和平那么美好, 竟值得不惜以镣铐加身、屈身为奴来换取吗?,P104,Poverty kept him from school, and he felt regret for life. (抽象名词),只要想起母亲,他就有了坚持下去的力量。,Only the thought of his mother gave him the strength to go on doing it.,Th

4、e application of electronic computers makes for a tremendous rise in labor productivity.,使用电脑后,劳动生产率突飞猛进。,具有动词意义的副词,介词He needs more time off duty for relaxation and rest. Going to work today, mum? No. It s my day off today. P105 例8,To be above reproach To work against time Against a rainy day Below

5、contempt Below the mark Between two fires Get far off the point A cop off duty Off the beaten track In ones true colors,Talk over tea To my liking Without ceremony With his approval Cops under arms,定语和同位语拆分出来,These new neighbors, to whom I was introduced last week, have come back from abroad.,这些新邻居是

6、从国外回来的, 上周经朋友介绍我才认识他们的。,某些形容词、副词需要拆译,顺译导致搭配不当,或显得冗长P109,On one of those sober and rather melancholy days, in the latter part of Autumn, when the shadows of morning and evening almost mingle together, and throw a gloom over the decline of the year, I passed several hours in rambling about Westminster

7、 Abbey.,时值晚秋,天色肃穆。晨晖似与暮霭交融, 灰蒙蒙的天空,令人忧郁。我漫步在西敏寺, 消磨了几个钟头。,分清信息的主次,P117,The desire to prove ones social status by collecting brand name “luxury” products more than ever resembles irrational obsession, as more and more people head to the malls armed with easy-to-get credit cards. “Peacocking” your image with expensive but generally unneeded products helps stimulate the economy, but is your bank account ready for the pressure?,越来越多的人揣着轻松申请得来的信用卡涌向商场,他们通过搜罗品牌奢侈品来证明个人社会地位的欲望,已经丧失理智,近乎狂热了。用昂贵而往往不需要的产品来炫耀个人形象,的确有助于刺激经济,但你的经济实力是否足于应对价格的压力呢?,


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