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1、Developing Your Strategy for Passing the CPP and CPPM Examinations 如何提高CPP/CPPM的考试策略,以顺利通过考试,LeRoy H. Graw EdD, DBA, CPP, CPPM, C.P.M., CPCM, CISCM,2,Learning Objectives - After completion of this lecture, you should be able to do the following: 学习目标-通过本次讲座,学员将获得以下技能:,Develop your study strategy in

2、preparing for the Certified Purchasing Professional (CPP) and Certified Professional Purchasing Manger (CPPM) Examinations.提高CPP/CPPM的备考技巧 Develop study skills and test taking skills.提高学习技巧和考试技巧 Know and use appropriate study aids.了解并正确使用相应学习参考,3,Study Strategy Choices,Take the examination cold冷却对待

3、Cram填鸭式 Systematic系统法,4,Taking the Exam “Cold”冷却法,Those who take the CPP/CPPM Examinations cold usually follow one of two approaches那些对CPP/CPPM考试冷却对待的学员通常会采用以下两种方式 First, some have taken the practice examination and scored well. These individuals feel that their knowledge base and test taking skills

4、 are adequate.第一种通常会做做模拟题并且得分不低.这些人会感觉自己的知识基础和考试技巧都足以通过考试. Second, some take the exam without preparation. This second approach is used to (hopefully) reduce the total amount of study time. A surprising minority of those taking the exam cold pass the examination.第二种人会不作任何准备就去参加考试.这种方法可能会节省整体学习时间, 但对

5、考试持此种态度的人一般较少通过考试。,5,“Cramming”填鸭式,The second approach, cramming, may be intentional or unintentional.第二种方法, 填鸭式学习,有时是有意识进行的,有时是无意的 The individual may delay studying by design or because of events beyond his/her control.学员可能会根据自己的学习计划,也可能是因为其无法控制的因素而将学习推后 Study is compressed into a few days.此时学习被压缩在

6、有限的几天里 While cramming works for some, it is not as successful as systematic preparation.但比起系统法学习来,填鸭式学习不是一个成功的学习方法,6,“Systematic Preparation”系统准备,A systematic approach may or may not include attendance at a CPP/CPPM Examination Review Course.系统准备可以参加CPP/CPPM复习考试课程的学习,也可以不参加。 ACI does these preparati

7、on courses onsite as well as online. ACI提供面授及在线的复习课程。 This approach always includes a disciplined program of study, self-evaluation, and restudy over a period of months.这种方法通常包括系统的学习安排、自我评估和一段时间后的复习。 Although a systematic program maximizes the individuals chance of passing the exam, taking the exam

8、cold and cramming can work. 系统方法可以最大限度的提高考试通过率,但冷却对待和填鸭式准备也不是完全没有效果。,7,“Systematic Preparation”系统准备,A systematic approach to preparing for the CPP and CPPM Examinations can be thought of as five steps. They are:考试的系统准备方法可归结为以下五个步骤: Take the Practice Examinations模拟考试 Evaluate Your Knowledge Base评估知识基

9、础 Focus Your Study Efforts重点突击 Retake the Practice Examinations再次模拟 Repeat Steps 2 Through 4.重复第二、三步,8,Words of Advice建议,Several students in Examination review courses have expressed confusion between what the Examination study materials say and the on-the-job practices.几个参加复习考试课程的学生曾经对学习材料和实践经验之间的悬

10、殊产生过不解。 My advice is “When studying for the examination follow suit with what the textbooks and study materials say.“我的建议是“在准备考试的时候,要按照教材和学习资料说的来”。,9,Study Skills学习技巧,Study Skills. The objectives of study are to develop an overview of the material to be learned, capture that material in your short-t

11、erm memory, and then move it to your long-term memory. These basics are referred to as S-Q-R-R-R. The following summarize these five points:学习的目标就是对学习资料建立一个全局观念,在短期记忆中捕捉信息,进而将其转移到长期记忆中来。这个基础被称作S-Q-R-R-R模式,以下是对这五点的概括: S: SURVEY or scan the material to get an overview or “map“ of the material to be st

12、udied.纵览学习资料,获得整体观念 Q: QUESTION what are the main concepts? In the case of the CPP Examination, your study of the tasks provide a great deal of insight into the importance of the various concepts.问问自己主要概念有什么?在CPP的考试准备过程中,你将对很多重要概念有深入了解的机会。 R:READ and re-read is not the most efficient method of study

13、 for most students. Developing outlines, highlighting key concepts, underlining important points, and making notes in page margins all help you to focus on the main concepts and begin to move these concepts into long term memory.对很多学员来说,阅读和重复阅读并不是最有效的方法,勾勒轮廓、突出重要概念,划出重点、在页边空白笔录等等都是帮助你突出重要概念并将其转入长期记忆

14、的重要手段。 R:RECITE and/or write down the information, depending on your learning style. This helps you to better move information into long-term memory and then retrieve that information from long-term memory.根据自己的学习风格背诵或者写下信息,这将利于长期记忆和从记忆库中提取信息。 R:REVIEW the material. This phase of your study helps yo

15、u practice and develop your skills at retrieving information from long-term memory.复习资料。这个阶段的学习可以帮助你练习和发展从长期记忆中提取信息的能力。,10,Test-Taking Skills考试技巧,Test taking skills focus on the basics of taking multiple-choice examinations. 考试技巧关键在于如何做好选择题。 IF YOU ARE WELL STUDIED you will have the knowledge base t

16、o pass the CPP and CPPM Examinations that you have studied. Remember, you do not need to get all questions right. You only have to achieve 60% correct.如果你学习努力,准备充分,就可以很容易通过考试,你不需要把所有问题都答对,正确率在60就可以通过考试。 The majority of questions in the CPP and CPPM Examinations will be “cake” questions that you will

17、 be able to answer IF YOU ARE WELL STUDIED. A typical four item multiple choice question will have one correct answer, one distractor (to catch those not well studied or who misread the question), and two incorrect answers. IF YOU ARE WELL STUDIED you will usually find that your first inclination is your best inclination. Be careful about letting your self doubts talk you out of the correct answer. CPP和CPPM考试多数都是“蛋糕”问题,四个选项中包括一个准确答案,一个迷惑选项(那些尽管对考试进行过充分准备但没有认真审题的学员最容易上当),以及两个错误选项。如果准备充分的话,你往往发现你的第一直觉通常就是最佳答案,注意不要因为考虑过甚而丢失正确选项。,


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