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1、I. 根据括号内的提示翻译下列句子。 1. 刘墉是我最喜欢的作家。(favorite)2. 詹姆斯很烦躁,因为他把车票丢了。(upset),Liu Yong is my favorite writer.,James was very upset, because he had lost his ticket.,3. 我在等公交车时看见对面驶过了三辆公共汽车。(while doing)4. 她没理他,继续干她的活。(ignore),While waiting for the bus, I saw three buses go by in the opposite direction.,She i

2、gnored him and went on with her work.,1)_ some milk and sugar _ coffee before drinking it.,2) When we _ all the costs, we realized we had spent too much. 3) His whole school education _ no more than ten years.,Practice 1,Add,to,added up,added up to,4) His returning home safe and sound her pleasure.,

3、added to,1、one evening when it was so warm, I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven in_order_to have a good look at the moon by myself. (P2) 在某个温馨之夜,为了能一个人好好地看看月亮,我故意不睡直到十一点半。,in order to 所表达的是目的状语,表示“为了”之意。其否定式是in order not to do sth.,既可放在句首,又可放在句中。,In order to catch up with his classmate

4、as soon as possible, he works even harder. 为了能尽快地赶上同学,他学习更加刻苦了。He set out early in the morning in order not to miss the early bus. 为了不错过早班车,他一大早就动身了,in order to do sth./ so as to do sth. /to do sth. / soas toin order to do sth. 既可位于句首,也可位于句中;so as to do sth.不能放在句首;to do sth.不用于否定概念。In order to / To

5、keep up with his classmates, he studies hard. He studies hard in order not to / so as not to fall behind. soas to只表示结果,表示“到某种程度以至于”,否定形式为soas not to。so后面接形容词或副词。,辨析,即学即练翻译句子。 (1)为了看清楚,我戴上了眼镜。_ (2)为了不丢掉工作,她向老板说了谎。_ 答案:(1)In order to see it clearly, I put on my glasses. I put on my glasses in order to

6、 see it clearly. I put on my glasses so as to see it clearly.I put on my glasses to see it clearly.To see it clearly I put on my glasses. (2)In order not to lose the job, she lied to the boss.,你知道当in order to do sth./ so as to do sth. /to do sth.结构同时出现在选项中,选哪个最保险吗?在书面表达中,表示目的我们用哪个最不出错误呢?,in order to

7、 do sth.是表示目的的万能句式,它既能放到句首,又能放在句尾,还能构成否定式,所以使用它是最没问题的。,(1) in order that 与so that 引导的是目的状语从句,在现代英语中,in order that 与so that没有太大的区别,但so that还可以引导结果状语从句。He spoke at the top of his voice at the meeting in order that/so that everyone present could hear him. (目的状语从句)他在会上声嘶力竭地喊着以便所有在场的人都能听到。He spoke at the

8、 top of his voice at the meeting, so that everyone present heard him. (结果状语从句)他在会上声嘶力竭地喊着结果所有在场的人都听到了。,链接,in order to (do)为了(可位于句首)in order that(从句)为了(可位于句首)so as to (do)为了(不能位于句首)so that(从句)为了,结果(不能位于句首),根据括号中的汉语提示完成下列句子 (1) We must make the polluted water clean in order that it doesnt make the riv

9、er polluted (为了不使河流受到污染) (2) We work hard in order to pass the entrance exam/in order that we can pass the entrance exam (为了能通过入学考试),(2) in order that与in order to do sth.的关系当主从复合句中的前后主语一致时,我们才可以使用in order to do sth.句式,如题(2);否则必须使用主从复合句,如题(1)。,(1)他很早到学校为的是在上课前清洁教室。 He came to school early 。clean the

10、classroom before class. (2)为了天黑前到达,我们早早地动了身。arrive before dark,we started early. (3)为了不增肥他在节食。 He is on a diet gain pounds. (4)他学习非常努力,因此,这次比赛他得了第一名。 He studied very hard,_ he came first in the contest.,in order to/so as to/in order that hecould/so that he could,In order to/In order that we could,in

11、 order not to/so as not to,so that,根据汉语意思完成句子, _achieve his goal,he started to work very hard. She repeated the instructions slowly _ _ we could understand. My father works hard _ _ support us.,运用:用上述短语完成下列句子。,he may; in order to/so as to,In order that he could/In order to,in order,that/so that,in o

12、rder that/so that, He left quietly _ wake us. Nothing more was heard from him _we began to wonder if he was dead.,so that,so as not to/in order not to,小结:in order to 为了 (1)in order to 引导的目的状语,可置于句首或句末, 可换成 to (do sth.)。 so as to 引导的目的状语,其位置一般在句末。 (2)否定结构:in order not to do 和 so as not to do。 (3)前后两部

13、分主语一致时,才能用 in order to 或 so as to 来引导,否则,改用 so that 或 in order that 来引导。,2、While_walking_the_dog,_you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car. (P1)遛狗时,你太粗心,狗扣松了而被车撞了。,1. 句中While walking the dog, =While you were walking the dog, While doing意为“在期间,在做的时候”。,Key sentence patterns,While walkin

14、g the dog While you were walking the dog,这是状语从句的省略。 在when, while, if, as if, though, as, where, unless等连词(词组)引导的状语从句中,如果谓语动词有be,而主语又跟主句的主语相同或为it时,则从句的主语和be常常省略。,归纳:此句型的使用条件: (1)在_状语从句中; (2)如果从句的主语与主句的主语_,而且从句中的谓语含有_动词的某种形式; (3)从句中的主语和be可以省略,并且要_,不能只省略其一。1)When I was traveling in Beijing, I happened

15、to meet a former classmate. _in Beijing, I happened to meet a former classmate. 2) When you are asked to answer questions, you should stand up. _, you should stand up.,时间,相同,有be,同时省略,When traveling,When asked to answer questions,Practice 7,When (I was) in Japan, I took many beautiful pictures. 在日本时,我拍了许多漂亮的照片。 While (I was) waiting, I read newspapers. 我边等待,边看报纸。 He looks as if (he were) drunk.他看上去像喝醉了。,


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