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1、The King of Stonehenge,By Liz Wu June 18, 2005,Qin terracotta warriors and horses,Chinas first emperor,Qin Shi Huangdi,What kinds of objects were kings and emperors in China buried with?,weapons tools clothing money articles for daily life jade articles silk jewellery pottery china servants warriors

2、 wives of emperors animals etc.,Which objects were found in the grave of the king of Stonehenge?,objects,a bone pin,two gold earrings,a cushion stone,two copper knives,tools,arrows,a bow,two pots,Listening,Tick the sentences that are TRUE and correct the FALSE ones.,Each of the stones for Stonehenge

3、 weighs approximately 20 tons.,2. The copper knives in the grave came from Spain and western France.,4. The things buried with the man show that he spent his youth in Central Europe.,3. Archeologists are sure that the man was a member of a powerful class.,F,T,F,tend to believe,F,The tests on his tee

4、th,the biggest,8. The skills to make copper and bronze objects are believed to spread to Britain through trade and cultural links.,7. People made stone tools in the Stone Age, copper tools in the Bronze Age and iron tools in the Iron Age.,6. The two gold earrings are the oldest ever found in the wor

5、ld.,5. It is certain that the King of Stonehenge had had a hand in the construction of Stonehenge.,F,is possible,F,in Britain,T,T,the discovery of the grave of the King of Stonehenge,the importance of the discovery and the reasons,the possible relation between the man and the construction of Stonehe

6、nge,the importance of the man in the early history of Britain,Para 1-3:,Para 4-5:,Para 6:,Para 7:,Find out which paragraph(s) it describes.,the discovery of the grave of the King of Stonehenge,the importance of the discovery and the reasons,the possible relation between the man and the construction

7、of Stonehenge,the importance of the man in the early history of Britain,Para 1-3:,Para 4-5:,Para 6:,Para 7:,Role-play:,One month after the discovery of the grave, English archeologists held a press conference (新闻发布会). Journalists from all over the world attended it. Suppose you are one of the journa

8、lists and one of the archeologists. Make an interview on the discovery in pairs.,(At least four questions are required.),Questions you may refer to:,Where did you find the grave ? Who did you find in the grave, a man or a woman? Was he buried with something? What was it? How long is the history of t

9、he grave? What is the importance of this discovery? What can you learn from this man? How will you do with this man? ,广式点心的主要特点是用料精博,品种繁多,款式新颖,口味清新多样,制作精细,咸甜兼备,能适应四季节令和各方人士的需要。各款点心都讲究色泽和谐,造型各异,相映成趣,令人百食不厌。1 广式点心 http:/ 广式点心 zth39awb 广式点心具有广博的包容性。品种异常繁多,丰富性居全国之首。除了采用各种烹饪手段外,馅料的选择也非常广泛,甜咸、荤素、各种食材均有。同时

10、也糅和了西点的一些技巧和特色,在原料上也会选择某些西点原料,如巧克力、奶油等。口感总体较为清爽。 边小间里,帘子垂着,遮隔了她们,宝音眼里看着帐簿、手里算着数目、耳里刮到一句两句,也未往心里去,嘉颜却把帘子掀起来,看着宝音道:“我来与你一起算罢!”手则对对燕儿摇摇,宝音心知嘉颜是怕在她面前落下徇私舞弊的话柄,暗忖:这倒成了我碍在当中作梗,耽误人家小丫头片子,何苦来?便笑道:“什么事?”嘉颜看着她,柔声道:“不如我来算这讨厌的簿子,你去瞧瞧什么事?”这是嘉颜要撇清自己。宝音心下明白,不与她作难,就搁了簿子,招呼燕儿道:“我去瞅瞅。”便去了厨下,问了前后,也非什么天大的事,那糕点再炊炊还能食用,无

11、非形状坏了,不如充作发放乞者食用的恩典,作了苏府的功德。莺儿多罚值几夜的勤守,也便是了。宝音顺路再查了些管事大娘的值守,都还妥当,窗上门上插贴所需诸般物色也都顺妥,一路回来,却听说表 病又重了.是丫头们在嘀咕,十句话里只有两句是叹息表 病情的,八句,却是在赞刘大夫。宝音记得常年给表 看病的是位于大夫,怎么又换成姓刘呢?心里诧异,便叫过丫头们来问,却原来那于大夫偌大年纪,前几天不知怎么了,说悟道就悟道、说云游就云游去,走得那个爽快,把锦城真抛下不管了,幸好还留下一个弟子,名叫刘晨寂,说是关门弟子,旁人难免嘀咕:“这还真够关起门来的怎么从前都未听说过?”又兼年轻,且貌美,再难服众,当不得于大夫走前

12、极力保举他,有些小病小灾的人家,想着再差的医生来也不会治成什么大病,让他试试,倒是稳当,又太守家有个老姨娘,沉疴多年,一直没冶好,横竖横了,且转给刘晨寂试试,三剂药下去便见起色,这才算露了一手。谢府外院有两个家人媳妇,肠胃不爽利,又闻刘大夫年少美貌,借故叫进来诊诊,真个药到病除。正巧表 的药渣也拿出来丢,刘大夫见了,奇道:“莫非是个老太太痰迷么?若非此症,再不对的。然而若此症,药的份量又不该如此用,这却怪了。”旁人见他说得有纹有路,回道,不是老太太,倒是你家师父一直看的韩 ,常年体弱卧床,倒是有个多咳多痰的症状。刘晨寂又将药渣验验,叹道:师父确是该云游去了。家人媳妇见他说得作怪,又因他貌美,本就爱跟他说话,凑趣问道:这是怎么说的?刘晨寂本不欲多说,实在家人媳妇问得诚,他才道:“论理弟子不该多嘴,但师父上了年纪,太慈悲,药方就与从前不同些了。”人家诧道:“医者父母心,慈悲不是好吗?”刘晨寂答道:“固然说父母心,然而病灶在人身上,如魔如怪,是要全力杀伐才可除去的,若太慈了,临机手软,病灶除不净,反而坏事,故说不施霹雳手段、怎是菩萨心肠,又有道是医者不自医、易子才得教,这便是关心则乱,爱之反害之的道理。”人家,


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