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1、Lesson one,A private conversation私人谈话,介绍 introduction,自我介绍 Self-introduction课程介绍 An introduction of the course,简单句五种基本句型,是. am is are 我是一名教师。I am a teacher. 你真幸福You are happy 我的家在南昌。My home is in Nanchang. .句型一 :主+系动词+表语她很生气。 She gets angry.,1. 我说话。I talk. (eat, talk, sing ,dance ,laugh ) 2. 她走了。He

2、left. 3 . 我在吃饭。I am eating.句型二: 主+不及物动词扩充:她在开心地笑。She is happily laughing.She is laughing happily.注:副词通常放在动词后,我 你 喜欢。 (排序造句)I love you. You love me.句型三:主+及物动词+宾语动词运用:告诉(tell), 认识(know) 想(Kiss),你 ,我,钱。you give me money. 传 pass, 买 buy, 借 borrow句型四:主+及物动词+双宾语说你所想:我教你英语。I teach you English.,1 她弄得我笑。(说spe

3、ak,哭cry,离开leave)She makes me laugh。 2 她弄得我很开心.(生气angry,难过sad)She makes me happy.句型五:主+及物动词+复合宾语宾语+补语 想想说说:发现(find) ,保持(keep),试试身手啦!,1 帽子 我 买I bought a hat 2 跑回 小孩 家The children ran back home 3 出租车司机 生气的 我 叫喊The taxi driver shouted at me angrily.,4 受不了 你 我 再I cant bear you 5 汽车 突然 刚刚 停下来The car stopp

4、ed suddenly just now. 6 一所新学校 建起 他们 去年 在农村They built a new school in the village last year.,课文翻译 Text translation,1 私人谈话 private conversation 例:她打探别人的私生活。She asks other s private life. 2 上星期我去看戏。last week, I went to see a play ,or I went to the theatre.去看病 go to the doctorssee a doctor .,3 我的座位很好.My

5、 seat is good. (r w) I had a good seat.4 戏很有意思The play is very interested. (r w)The play is very interesting . 5. 但我却无法欣赏。but I cant enjoyed itthe play.,6 一青年男子和一青年女子坐在我的身后,大声地说话 A young man and a young woman sat behind me .They talked loudly. 7 我非常生气。I got very angry. 8 我听不见演员在说什么。hear sb 听见某人说话I c

6、ouldnt hear the actors.,8.我回过头去怒视着那一男一女I turned around . I looked at the man and woman angrily. 9 他们却毫不理会 .(pay no attention)They didnt pay any attention.They paid no attention.10 最后,我忍不住了,又一次回过头去。In the end, I couldnt bear it. I turned round again,10 生气的说: 我一个字也听不见I couldnt hear one word. I said an

7、grily例:我谁也不认识。 I dont know anyone. 11.不关你的事.那男的毫不客气地说,“这是私人间的谈话!” It is none of your business! The young man said rudely, this is a private conversation.,They were talking loudly. 主+不及物动词 I got very angry. 主+系动词+表语 I could not hear the actors. 主+及物动词+宾语I turned round. 主+不及物动词 I looked at the man and

8、 the woman angrily.主+不及物动词 They did not pay any attention. 主+及物动词+宾语 In the end, I could not bear it. 主+及物动词+宾语,I turned round again. 主+不及物动词 I cant hear a word! 主+及物动词+宾语 I said angrily. 主+不及物动词 Its none of your business, 主+系动词+表语 the young man said rudely. 主+不及物动词This is a private conversation! 主+

9、系动词+表语,课后见真晓 Homework,1 用课文中单词和词组各说一句话。 2 翻译短文:我有一位私人教师。她经常打探我的隐私。昨天我们上了一堂英语课。我接了一个私人电话。我和朋友聊了一些很有趣的东西,聊得很开心。老师怒视着我。她听见我们在聊什么。我大声说:不关你的事!这是私人的谈话。后来她很无语,并且再也受不了我,最后便气冲冲地回家了。,译文,I have a private teacher. She always asks about my privacy. Yesterday we were having an English class. I had a private call. My friend and I talked something interesting. We talked happily. The teacher looked at me angrily. She heard us. I said loudly: It is none of your business. This is a private conversation. In the end , she couldnt say a word. She couldnt bear me. In the end, she went home angrily.,



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