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1、,Protozoa introduction,To be defined as unicellular animals; The single cell relatively has complex metabolic activities such as digestion, reproduction, respiration, excretion, etc. 10,000 species of parasitic protozoa. Important human parasitic protozoa: Malaria parasites ,Leishmania , Entamoeba h

2、istolytica , Trichomonas vaginalis , Trypanosoma and Toxoplasma gondii,Protozoa:,Morphology,1、diversity: round,ellipse, pear shape, irregular,2、Size:very small Range in size from 2 to more than 200m,1. Plasma membrane: 2. Cytoplasm 3. Nuclei,Structure,1. Plasma membrane: 2. Cytoplasm 3. Nuclei,1. Pl

3、asma membrane:,a unit membrane,Structure,1. Plasma membrane: 2. Cytoplasm 3. Nuclei,2. Cytoplasm,ectoplasm: the outer transparent layer.function: protection, locomotion, sensation. 2) endoplasm: the inner granular layer, containing vacuoles and organelles.function: metabolism ,nutrition, reproductio

4、n. 3) organelles:,1. Plasma membrane: 2. Cytoplasm 3. Nuclei,2. Cytoplasm,3) organelles:A. membrane organelles: Mitochondria, Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi bodies,etc.B. locomotor organelles : pseudopodia, flagella, cilia.,Structure,1. Plasma membrane: 2. Cytoplasm 3. Nuclei,3. Nuclei,compact nucleus

5、:seldom 2) vesicular nucleus:common,Nuclear membrane A karyosome Chromatin granules,Structure,Physiology,Locomotion: Nutrition: Reproduction: Metabolism: Excretion:,Locomotion: Nutrition: Reproduction: Metabolism: Excretion:,Locomotion:1) flagella, 2) cilia, 3) pseudopodia, 4) and no specific locomo

6、tion organelles.,Trichomonas vaginalis,Physiology,Locomotion: Nutrition: Reproduction: Metabolism: Excretion:,Locomotion:1) flagella, 2) cilia, 3) pseudopodia, 4) and no specific locomotion organelles.,Balantidium coli,Physiology,Locomotion: Nutrition: Reproduction: Metabolism: Excretion:,Locomotion

7、:1) flagella, 2) cilia, 3) pseudopodia, 4) and no specific locomotion organelles.,Entamoeba histolytica,Physiology,Locomotion: Nutrition: Reproduction: Metabolism: Excretion:,Locomotion:1) flagella, 2) cilia, 3) pseudopodia, 4) and no specific locomotion organelles.,plasmodium,Physiology,Locomotion:

8、 Nutrition: Reproduction: Metabolism: Excretion:,2. Nutrition1) permeation: by diffusion or by active transport 2) pinocytosis and phagocytosis:,Physiology,Locomotion: Nutrition: Reproduction: Metabolism: Excretion:,3. Reproduction1) asexual reproduction2) sexual reproduction,Physiology,Physiology,L

9、ocomotion: Nutrition: Reproduction: Metabolism: Excretion:,3. Reproduction1) asexual reproduction binary fission: multiple fission: budding reproduction:,Physiology,Locomotion: Nutrition: Reproduction: Metabolism: Excretion:,3. Reproduction1) asexual reproduction2) sexual reproduction gametogony: co

10、njugation:,Classification of protozoa,Entamoeba histolytica,E. histolytica lives within the large intestine. Trophozoites can invade the colonic epithelium and produce ulcers and dysentery. This invasive disease can become progressively worse and lead to extraintestinal amebiasis.,Malaria,Schistosom

11、iasis,Amoebiasis,Prevalence of amoebiasis,400 million,200 million,50 million,Morphology1.Trophozoite,pseudopodium,nucleus,erythrocyte,Chromatic granules,karyosome,Achromatic fibrils,Trophozoite picture by scanning electron microscope,2.Cyst,Stained by Iron hematoxylin,chromatoid body,glycogen vacuol

12、e,2.Cyst,Stained by Iodine,Mature cysts,trophozoites,trophozoites,cyst,Life cycle,Be ingested,Be passed in the formed stool,In the lower small intestine, excystation,In the lower colon,Invade the colonic wall,trophozoites,trophozoites,trophozoites,Be passed in the dysenteric feces,Go into the circul

13、atory system, and spread to liver, lung, brain, etc,trophozoites,trophozoites,Summary of life cycle,Infective stage: mature cyst. Infection occurs by the ingestion of cysts in contaminated water, food, or by the fecal-oral route (hands or fomites). Cysts are seen in the formed stool. Trophozoites ar

14、e seen in the dysenteric feces and liver, lung, brain, etc,Pathogenesis and Manifestation,.10% infected with E. histolytica will develop invasive amebiasis.,?,Factors that determine invasion of amebas: 1. Parasite factors A The number of amebas ingested. B The pathogenic capacity of the parasite str

15、ain 2. Host factors 3. Bacteria factors,Possible pathogenic mechanism,Possible pathogenic mechanism,parasite factors 1 resistance to host response (eg, complement resistance), to resistance to complement mediated lysis to degrade secretory IgA to suppress T-cell responses to kill neutrophils and oth

16、er immune effector cells in a contact dependent manner. (lysis of neutrophils could release toxic products which contribute to the destruction of host tissue),Possible pathogenic mechanism,Adherence properties mediated by surface lectin known as Gal / Gal NAC(半乳糖/乙酰氨基半乳糖凝集素) 3 Cytolytic properties (adherence + amoebapore) 4 Secrete cytotoxins (cysteine proteinases) and kill target cell in the intestinal mucosa,parasite factors:,Host factors,


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