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1、British Foreign Relationship with China,杨柳 曾真 庄晓琳,Part One-Overview,From 18 Century to 19 Century From WW1 to WW2 After the WW2 Conclusion,Two,Three,Four,Five,One,From 18 Century to 19 Century,One,Two,Three,Four,Five,During the 18 century,England Had finished the first Industrial Revolution and beca

2、me an advanced country. In desperate need of enlarging its market and exploring the mystical East world.,China The emperor was Qianlong. The whole country was rich and powerful but also insular.,From 18 Century to 19 Century,One,Two,Three,Four,Five,1793, George McCartney & Qianlong,The first time th

3、at western countries sent an envoy to China,From 18 Century to 19 Century,One,Two,Three,Four,Five,Sir McCartney asked for,七个请求1.要求签订正式条约:开放宁波、舟山、天津、广州之中一地或数地为贸易口岸2.允许英国商人比照俄国之例在北京设一仓库以收贮发卖货物,在北京设立常设使馆3.允许英国在舟山附近一岛屿修建设施,作存货及商人居住4.允许选择广州城附近一处地方作英商居留地,并允许澳门英商自由出入广东5.允许英国商船出入广州与澳门水道并能减免货物课税6.允许广东及其他贸易港公

4、表税率,不得随意乱收杂费7.允许英国圣公会教士到中国传教,From 18 Century to 19 Century,One,Two,Three,Four,Five,In order to sell more things to China,Opium,From 18 Century to 19 Century,One,Two,Three,Four,Five,The British government, though not denying Chinas right to control imports, objected to this seizure and used its newly

5、 developed military power to enforce violent redress. 英国方面经常称第一次鸦片战争为第一次中英战争(或“通商战争”),From 18 Century to 19 Century,One,Two,Three,Four,Five,Sino-British Opium War,The First Anglo-Chinese War,From 18 Century to 19 Century,One,Two,Three,Four,Five,The success of the First Opium War allowed the British

6、to resume the opium trade with China. It also paved the way for opening of the lucrative Chinese market to other commerce and the opening of Chinese society to missionary endeavors.,From 18 Century to 19 Century,One,Two,Three,Four,Five,In 1842, the Treaty of Nankingthe first of what the Chinese late

7、r called the unequal treatiesgranted an indemnity to Britain, the opening of five treaty ports, and the cession ofHong Kong Island, thereby ending the trade monopoly of the Canton System.,From WW1 to WW2,One,Two,Three,Four,Five,Appeasement Policy,From WW1 to WW2,One,Two,Three,Four,Five,British Appea

8、sement Policy towards Japans invasion to China,Japan started the invasion to China on 7th, July, 1937 In the official statement of UK, the British government said that it would not support China or impose sanctions towards Japan.,From WW1 to WW2,One,Two,Three,Four,Five,British Appeasement Policy tow

9、ards Japans invasion to China,Japan started the invasion to China on 7th, July, 1937 In the official statement of UK, the British government said that it would not support China or impose sanctions towards Japan.,From WW1 to WW2,One,Two,Three,Four,Five,In November, 1937, UK primer minister Neville C

10、hamberlain stated his opposition to the sanction towards Japan Later, UK gave some economic support to Japans invading China,From WW1 to WW2,One,Two,Three,Four,Five,The reasons for British Appeasement Policy,UK had formed an alliance with JapanIn January, 1902 Anglo-Japan Treaty of Alliance Relative

11、 decline of UKs military and economic power. It had lost its ability to insert much influence towards Japan Pacifism after the First World War,After the WW2,January 6, 1950 state the PRC government as the legitimate government 1954 Geneva Conference a diplomatic level of charg daffaires (代办级关系) Marc

12、h 13, 1973 ambassadorial level relation (大使级关系),One,Two,Three,Four,Five,The Diplomatic Relation Establishment of UK and PRC,After the WW2,One,Two,Three,Four,Five,1950: stated the PRC government as the legitimate government,UK: the first country which stated the PRC government as the legitimate gover

13、nment in western world,After the WW2,One,Two,Three,Four,Five,Economical interests in China British position in Hong Kong Soviet Union,After the WW2,One,Two,Three,Four,Five,1954 Geneva Conference : a diplomatic level of charg daffaires,After the WW2,One,Two,Three,Four,Five,March 13, 1973: ambassadori

14、al level relation,Joint Communiqu of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Peoples Republic of China,After the WW2,One,Two,Three,Four,Five,Edward Health-the Prime Minister of UK-the conservative party China was the important power in the Cold War against the Soviet Union,

15、and a huge potential market,After the WW2,One,Two,Three,Four,Five,Other western countries such as the US had established the diplomatic relationship with China China was seriously threatened by the Soviet Union at that time, searching for developing relationships with western countries,After the WW2

16、,One,Two,Three,Four,Five,英中贸易协会 http:/www.cbbc.org/,The trade relationship after the formal diplomatic relation was established,One,Two,Three,Four,Five,Conclusion,British relationship with China depends on its national interests and the twos strength. America, and Soviet Union played important roles when UK establishing the relationship with China. A win-win relation is more stable.,Quotations,1950年中英建交失败 http:/ 日内瓦会议 http:/ 背景 http:/ 中英建交谈判 http:/ 中英建交的曲折和原因 http:/ 中英贸易发展 http:/ http:/ 英中贸易协会 http:/www.cbbc.org/,


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