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1、Unit 14 Careers,Lesson 3 Nine To Five (1),十一学校高二英语教研组,Objectives To practise making inferences To develop strategies for working out meaning from context To practise making reported speech,New words,Inspect Pay off Glory Constantly Beneath,New words &Job Guessing,“My job is to inspect all streets in

2、 this district every day, I need to keep an eye on one or two thieves.”,This guy could be a policeman.,inspect: to look at something or someone carefully in order to discover information, especially about their quality or condition,All his hard work paid off in the end, he finally took a role in the

3、 movie. He could be an actor. pay off: the result of a set of actions, or an explanation at the end of something.,He celebrated in the glory of scoring three goals in the final 8 minutes.,He/She could be a football player.,glory:great honour and praise which you earn by doing something successfully.

4、,Hes constantly changing his language and writing style, and he believes this story will be the best-seller. He could be a writer. constantly:all the time or frequently,“When we got to the house, the fire was fierce and it was very dangerous, luckily we found the little baby beneath a big desk. She

5、was sleeping on the floor.” This guy could be a fire fighter. beneath:in or to a lower position than, under,Fast reading,What does Wang Junyan do?,She is the presenter for Universe TVs news programmes.,Scanning reading,Read the text to match the main ideas with paragraphs. Complete a chart.,Vocabula

6、ry exercises for reading comprehension,Read the article “The Road to Success”, then answer the questions below.,1. What did Wang Junyan do with her mother that taught her to be curious?,They would turn over stones and look at the little creatures.,Detailed reading,2. What made Wang Junyan realize th

7、e importance of being a journalist?,Her report on an illegal business.,3. What did Wang Junyan like most about being a reporter?,She found it interesting and challenging.,4. What does Wang Junyans story tell you about success?,Suggested answer: One should be curious, interested and paticient (never

8、give up) in what he does in order to succeed.,Post reading,A topic for discussing: What do you think about “the road to success”, besides what mentioned in the text, what else do you think are necessary to achieve ones success?(using the key words),Homework,Ex.4 on Page 37 Ex.1,2 on Page 70,Lesson 3

9、 Nine To Five (2) Reported Speech,Lead-in,Would you please find out the following sentences with the same meanings in the text?,Wang Junyan said that her mothers attitude towards life would never stop influencing her thoughts and actions. - “ Her attitude _.”,will never stop influencing my thoughts

10、and actions.,She told me that she met a lot of people and went to many different places. She was never bored with that job. -_,“I meet a lot of people and go to many different places. I am never bored with this job.”,Were going to study the Reported Speech.,Listening and Reported Speech,Listen to th

11、e interview, to fill in blanks(Direct Speech). Pair work: check answers. Read the report in Ex. 5 on page 27 to fill in Reported Speech and work out the rules on the students sheet.,Group discussion: exchange their answers. Readi Grammar Summary 4, page 92 and complete the form. Check answers in cla

12、ss.,Reported Speech Practice,Do Ex. 8 on page 27,Language in use,Task A:Let students represent the interview based on the passage in Ex. 5 on page 27 and the chart on students sheet.,Task B: Imagine you interview a famous person who does one of the jobs below. In your notebook, write five sentences

13、that this person says. Then write your interview as a report.(Ex.5, page 71),actor, novelist, footballer, rally driver, rock musician, TV presenter e.g., interview- I acted in my first film when I was twelve. report- She said that she had acted in her first film when she was twelve.,Homework Ex.on p

14、age 70,71,Thanks for your presence!,; http:/ AG亚游 lpt15hkn 很粗糙,像是急用刚打出来的,顶上的泥稀稀落落的往下掉,这条道不长,有五米左右,我走到了出口,却看到了让我永生难忘的场面。在一个堪比故宫的大殿的地方,里面挂满了被剥去皮的人,这些人被挂在顶上,地面全都是鲜血,一股血腥味扑面而来,地面雕刻着一朵巨大的曼陀罗花,血流到地面顺着雕刻的凹槽,一朵血红的曼陀罗显现出来,这凹槽极深,因为这里最起码有六七百人,这么多血,居然还没有溢出来,周围的墙上也刻着大小不同的曼陀罗花。屋顶镶嵌着大大小小的圆形石头,很光滑,看着这些剥去皮的人,有的还没有完全




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