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1、浙江理工大学经济管理学院本科毕业论文1外文翻译外文翻译 班级:08 工商管理 1 班 学号:D08560134 姓名: 原文原文 1 1Foreign Investment and Ethics: How to Contribute to Social Responsibility by Doing Business in Less-Developed Countries1.IntroductionGlobalization, foreign direct investment (FDI), and trade can potentially bring social, economic, a

2、nd business benefits to emerging market countries through inflow of capital, knowledge, and increased employment. However, the specific conditions and mechanisms for this to happen are complex, not well understood, and may depend upon an individual countrys situation. There is a broad stream of rese

3、arch which argues on the one hand that FDI effects can be unpredictable, unintended, and counterproductive (Nunnenkamp 2001; Yamin and Sinkovics 2009), or even threatening (Dixon et al. 1986; Mengistu 2009). Other authors show a very positive and engaged posture with development issues (Meyer 2004;

4、Ramamurti 2004). There is also an evidence of recent more realistic and critical assessment, probing more deeply into the external effects of international business (Ghauri and Yamin 2009). Much research focuses on economic development (for an overview see Moran et al. 2005), and only a few authors

5、deal with social development (Pratt 1991; Donaldson 2001; Kolk and van Tulder 2006; Jamali 2010). However, there are related ethical and social issues that are often crucial for multinational enterprise (MNE) strategies and long-term success. These include corruption, employment conditions, marketin

6、g practices, and effects on the natural environment (Donaldson 1989; Longworth 1998). The impact of such issues on host countries has been investigated by Glac (2004), Bennett (2002), and Wei (2000).2.Incentive and Advantage Based EthicsPre-modern philosophy considered (universal) standards as given

7、. We argue that a different approach which comes closer to relativism and even constructivism is needed in contemporary complex global business. Homann (2002) states that in the age of globalization, moral foundations 企业社会责任与消费者购买意愿关系研究基于在杭大学生的实证调查2should be based on advantages and incentives, and t

8、hat ethics is not about following rules, but about developing them, i.e. not about just following rules but setting the rules of the game. With so-called “incentive- and advantage based ethics” (Luetge 2005), the question is not whether altruism or other nonadvantage seeking behaviors are historic a

9、nachronisms nor if practice has proven that only self-interested behavior leads to beneficial economic result. There is a long traditionboth in public and academic discourseof discussing the tension-filled relationship between profit and morality under competitive market circumstances (Hemphill 2004

10、). Often, proof is sought by recurring to a list of moral concerns, which includes environmental pollution, global warming, child labor, human rights violations, the deterioration of social standards like job security, and the fight against corruption. In these instances, and in many more, what for

11、a long time has been looked at as clash between private interest and public interest, is now becoming a collaborative issue. Private business firms seem increasingly willing to take on the role of corporate citizens by embracing the rights and duties of political actors. They have engaged in rule-fi

12、nding discourses as well as rule-setting processes in which they actively cooperate with government actors and/or civil society organizations. But what are their motives and their incentives, and what is required to encourage the pursuit of ethical behavior? One answer lies with what Boatright (1999

13、) has called the “mistake” on which business ethics often rest. 3.Attracting and Conducting FDI: A Two-Way StreetThrough FDI, a company not only penetrates a host countrys market, it may also gain access to resources, economies of scale and scope in production, logistics, and marketing processes. Im

14、portant markets include supply chains, distribution networks, and end customers. Whether a firm chooses FDI rather than serving foreign markets through exporting, licensing, alliances, or other means is determined by three factors (Dunning and Lundan 2008). These include: a transferable competitive

15、advantage in the home-market, specific characteristics of the foreign market which allow the firm to exploit its competitive position in that market, and the firms ability to increase its competitive position by taking advantage of what the host country has to offer for controlling the entire value-

16、chain. All three conditions must be present or FDI may not take place (Dunning and Lundan 2008). The firm-specific advantages which constitute spillover effects of FDI (proliferation of technology, secondary employment, and enhancement of skills) are often what less-developed countries need for their growth and development. The host country and 浙江理工大学经济管理学院本科毕业论文3the investor may focus on the location-specific advantages as factors to entice higher levels of FDI inflows.When the thr



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